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Global Warming: a hoax?

peretz says...

A single volcanic eruption emits more pollutants into the atmosphere than all of mankinds emissions since the industrial revolution. We should concentrate on outlawing volcanic eruptions first. I'm anti-eruption, and you should be too.

Global Warming 101

choggie says...

Gotta give it up to the methane camp-Keeping more cows than one needs causes noxious gas-to have to deal with locally and otherwise-So do people living in concentrated areas, starting fires, and pockets of methane in landfills. Forest fires from lightni9ng strikes, volcanic eruptions,(and steadiy fuming of the same) Gaia's seapage from under the ocean and into the air. Does not our effulgence pale in comparision? Show me some hard data which will unequivically smash seasoned common sense? Fer crissakes, even the tree huggers will agree, more carbon dioxide means more lush foliage!

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Beggar's Canyon