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How Inequality Was Created

oritteropo says...

Revolutions aren't usually about the poor, usually it's either the middle class overthrowing the upper class, or infighting amongst the upper class.

Both Gandhi and Robespierre started out as middle class lawyers for instance.

StukaFox said:

The fact the gutters aren't running with blood over this continues to amaze me.

Study Says Wealthy People Are Generally Assholes

VoodooV says...

To be fair, SOME people do work hard honestly to become rich. SOME people are merely lucky, right place right time. But as more and more people simply inherit their wealth, or get their wealth through dishonest means, it stacks the deck against the honest and the lucky to the point where hard work is the exception, not the rule. Which is where we're at now.

I also got a kick out of the difference in monopoly money, where the "rich" player got 2K and the "poor" person only got 1K. If you want to make that more realistic, the "rich" player should have received something like 50K or 100K.

If rich people merely had double what the average person had..and SOME perks, I doubt that people would be complaining as much. I think most people accept that there is always someone more well off. so the issue isn't envy as some of the pundits like to point out. The issue is not that they have more, but that they have EXPONENTIALLY more, and on top of that, they appear to be exempt from certain rules the rest of us have to follow. Justice seems to be in favor of a rich person and their expensive lawyers vs the poor person and their public defender.

We don't have lower/middle/upper class anymore, it's more like lower/middle/upper/very upper/extremely upper/obscenely upper where even the well off are paupers by comparison.

Gjd55 said:

They have it backwards. It is being an asshole, stealing candy, cheating at dice etc. type of behaviour that gets these people rich. They are not nasty because they're rich, they're rich because they can be nasty.

Bill Maher Discusses Boston Bombing and Islam

hpqp says...

@RedSky I would add that the Jewish laws of Leviticus, Deuteronomy etc. are the foundations for Sharia law, but that most Christians throughout history see Jesus as having repudiated Jewish law (this is of course a question of interpretation), causing it to have "lived on" almost exclusively in its Islamic form. I still hold that as far as fundamentals go, the Quran and life of Mohammed are somewhat more easily used as unequivocal justification for violence than the New Testament and Jesus. (I would reference gorillaman's comment, but... see below)

I'm glad you brought Indonesia into the picture, as it is a good example of my argument. It may be the most populated muslim country, but it has repeatedly refused to let its central gvt be encroached upon by Islam, i.e. to become an Islamic state or espouse Sharia (despite the pressure from noisy fundamentalists).
In the one part of the country where Sharia is allowed to be enforced, Aceh, you get the same amount of unethical conduct and discrimination/violence towards women, homosexuals, non-jilbab-wearers, "adulterers" etc as you'd expect in the meanest of the Islamic states. And where do they find those discriminatory laws and the "divine" authority to enforce them? The Quran of course.

@gorillaman You make a few salient points (about the life/example of M. and the fact that, unlike The Bible, the Quran is the work of one author, alive at the time of the religion's birth) but you lose all credibility by
a) using a homophobic slur as a pejorative in your first line and
b) making gross (and false) generalisations, notably the all-caps
"THIS IS WHAT ALL MUSLIMS BELIEVE" which is so easily demonstrably false (simply ask the nearest muslim). If it had read "this is what fundamentalist muslims believe" or even "this is what all muslims should believe if they want to honestly hold that the Quran is the perfect word of God" then you would be a bit closer to reality.
Finally, the hyperbole of your last paragraph does not help your credibility either. I am as antitheist as one can be, and the gross demonisation of religious believers (aka fellow human beings) as criminals and inhumane, ethic-less zombies not only made me shake my head sadly, it also reminded me of how religious extremists depict atheists.

@Babymech You do know that most of the Islamist terrorist attacks were perpetrated by middle-to-upper-class, well-to-do educated men, not poor and desperate Jean Valjeans, right?
The reason I pointed to your first comment as one of the "ignorant extremes" of attitude towards Islam and violence is that, the way I read it, it illustrated the common rebuttal that often comes from the far-left when a terrorist/mass-murderer is found out to be a Muslim extremist: "it must be other political/socio-economical factors, it can't be plain old religious fanaticism" or "it's our fault for waging war on them". While I agree that the US should never have gone a-warring in the ME, it's often a false equivalence and ignorant simplification to exclude or minimise the religious factor. In hindsight it was maybe rash of me to read that much into your comment, but I hope I have made clear what I meant.

As for Maher's stance that Islam is (in this point in history, as he stresses) worse than Christianity: for my opinion see above, and feel free to refute my "argumentum ad comparatio" to support your disagreement.

arekin (Member Profile)

arekin says...

Not really here to boost my stats. I've been here a while and only posted the video I did to get the "p" off my name. When I joined years ago I vowed I would only post a video if i though it was the of high enough quality. The few i have deemed good enough would have been dupes, so I haven't posted. I wont compromise those standards to make myself look better.

As for some of the other stat boosting you suggested, If I have free time I might, but I don't consider it a high priority.

As for your hatred for the government, I find it to blind hatred, completely unfocused. You are looking for problems to bitch about rather than addressing the problems that exist. I personally think that the current administration should do more to balance wage inequality, do more to protect the middle class from upper class and business abuses. I don't think the government is "out to get us" because the government serves the interests of businesses to often and they need consumers to continue giving them money.

chingalera said:

How about offering up some entertainment or information here on the Videosift that would boost your stats, even make more comments, hell, fix some dead videos, involve yourself in the online community in more ways than simply commenting?? Just a suggestion offered to alleviate the consternation you harbor :0

I hate my government and the hydras that have grown from that head in desperate need of a shave-Is that a problem??

Seth McFarlane Ridicules James Bond In His 1st Oscars Promo

FlowersInHisHair says...

But you see, this is the thing you learn about James Bond. Vesper Lynd gets it - he's a common thug in a Savile Row suit. Ordering such a malapropos beverage as a shaken vodka martini is one of the ways Fleming let his readership know what sort of chap Bond is - either studiously disdainful of what his upper-class schoolmates might have considered correct, or clueless.

Young man shot after GPS error

Jerykk says...

You can do your own research if you really want to find the answer. From the research I've done, I've already established that the availability of guns does not guarantee a significant reduction in violent crime. If that were the case, DC's violent crime rate would be significantly lower than it is because they have very strict gun laws. I've also established that a ban on assault rifles would not have a significant impact on gun-related crime because the vast majority of gun-related crime is committed using pistols, not fully-automatic weapons. I've also established that the majority of guns used in gun-related crimes are obtained illegally, either stolen or obtained through unofficial means. The facts simply don't support the idea that banning assault rifles (or even all guns) would significantly reduce violent crime.

The current fixation on gun control is a purely reactionary response to recent shooting sprees (which comprise a negligible percentage of all gun violence). The only reason people care now is because these shooting sprees generally take place in middle and upper-class areas. Nobody cares when people get killed in poor areas, where the bulk of violent crime occurs.

I'm in no way a gun nut (I don't own nor plan to ever own any guns) but I'm not going to let my opinion of guns get in the way of facts. People who blindly believe that banning guns will solve all problems are just as bad as the NRA. Do your own research and don't ignore facts that contradict your own position. The FBI website is a great place to start, as they provide annual statistics on all crime in the U.S. and they don't have any reason to skew the numbers.

Stormsinger said:

It probably wouldn't be as difficult to answer if the gun lobby hadn't shut down research into that very question, would it?

I think that alone is grounds to assume the answer is not one they'd like...-they- certainly think so. My belief is that the NRA should be allowed ZERO input on this issue...they should be considered to have forfeited their say, due to decades of acting with a lack of good faith.

Jon Stewart on Gun Control

dhdigital says...

really disappointed in stewart. I think we should take care of people. Upper class is doing better, middle class is getting smaller, poor is being taxed more. Most people do not under stand what a semi-automatic gun qualify as.

Hey America! If you really want to "save" lives how about getting the fat asses off the couch. 20 kids dead... it is terrible, but how about texting drivers, super-size meals, buckets of movie size sodas?

I can't wait for the next bandwagon to jump on.

Tax the Rich: An animated fairy tale

VoodooV says...

Poor Bob, punching stuff into google doesn't qualify as "research"

But let's give you the benefit of the doubt. Hrm, I wonder why THE BOTTOM 50 pay so little. Hrm...maybe it's because they're in THE BOTTOM 50 and don't have as much to give?


If only we had a strong middle class to even things out a bit. Congratulations Bob, you're demonstrating the point of the video. The Rich get taxed more, because they can afford it. When you have such a large disparity in incomes such as we have now. flat taxes don't fucking work dumbass. It would be nice if they did, but reality just doesn't work that way.

The bottom 50 pay little or no tax because there is really no point in taxing them more. a higher percentage of a small amount is still a small amount silly. Meanwhile you have the top 1 percent. You can take over 90 percent of their entire wealth and they'd still be extremely wealthy. No one's even asking for that much in taxes. The amount extra they are being asked to pay is paltry. They spend many multiple times more than that on political campaigns so they can continue to keep their taxes low. Imagine if that money actually did something more than just buy fucking ugly billboards and lawn signs and commercials.

We don't live in a world of 3 classes anymore. lower/middle/upper. It's more like lower/middle/upper/VERY upper/OBSCENELY upper.

When your upper class is poor compared to the obscenely wealthy. you've got a problem. Money must flow for an economy to work. Money doesn't flow when it's being hoarded at the top. Trickle down economics might actually work if money actually trickled down. Problem is, it doesn't. It stays at the top.

You really should have just watched the video bob, then I wouldn't have to repeat it for you. We all know you have comprehension problems, but still.

bobknight33 said:

The top 10% pay 70% of the tax. The bottom 50 pay 2%.

Yep the rich are really sticking it to the people.

TYT - Chris Wallace Nails Paul Ryan to the Wall

TheFreak says...

>> ^nanrod:

What I got out of that is that Romney/Ryan are proposing to increase the tax burden on the rich. The math is actually simple. There will be a revenue neutral 20 % across the board tax cut with neutrality achieved thru closing loopholes and the middle class will benefit from the cuts. If the overall package is revenue neutral and the middle class benefits then someone, presumably the upper classes must be paying more under this scenario. It's simple algebra.

LOL That was awesome.

You forgot your "sarcasm" tag though.

TYT - Chris Wallace Nails Paul Ryan to the Wall

nanrod says...

What I got out of that is that Romney/Ryan are proposing to increase the tax burden on the rich. The math is actually simple. There will be a revenue neutral 20 % across the board tax cut with neutrality achieved thru closing loopholes and the middle class will benefit from the cuts. If the overall package is revenue neutral and the middle class benefits then someone, presumably the upper classes must be paying more under this scenario. It's simple algebra.

Why Cops don't like Baggy Clothes

chilaxe says...

>> ^VoodooV:

>> ^chilaxe:
A clever person might be able to hide a weapon inside a uniform, but uniforms still serve their purpose if it's more difficult to do so and if data shows it occurs less frequently.
(But all smart kids should do the world a favor and drop out, take their high school equivalency, and go straight to community college / online classes.)

I am agreeing with you. I'm just ripping on the video because they're pretending that uniforms are this magic shield against firearms and basically trying to scare dumb white people.

As long as uniforms work (reduce the use of weapons), I don't see any reason to downplay the value of the video and uniforms. They're not claiming a 100% success rate.

Poor people deserve freedom from violence as much as middle & upper class people, who don't care as much because they don't send their kids to schools where this is a problem.

Racist Rant, Assault Caught On Tape -- TYT

Reefie says...

>> ^sixshot:

I propose an idea... create a humanity level scale... with appropriately named levels like "Scum", "Garbage", "Good", "Saint", and "God-like" if you will. Can you imagine where this guy would end up on such a scale?

I'd love to have this sliding scale in society instead of the current classes (working, middle and upper class), if your humanity level scale were a concept taught to people from a young age it would almost certainly be a positive influencer of peoples' behaviour

Arya Stark Does the Cinnamon Challenge

What to do when a girl won't give you her phone number

longde says...

About a month ago, a buddy and I were in Beijing going to a bar on a Saturday evening. In the subway station, we spotted a middle/upper class couple get into a heated argument. All of a sudden, the boyfriend (with significant height and weight advantage over the girl, a typical petite chinese girl) started violently laying hard punches on the girl. I mean, the type of punches you would only expect to lay on a guy. It was disgusting to watch.

My friend was so enraged, she started yelling at the guy and calling him trash. For a minute, I thought I was going to have to fight that night. But when she threatened to call the police, the couple left.

So yeah, I guess you have to watch what types of people/cultures you hang around. Even though this was a picturesque chinese couple; and the girl obviously knew the guy. And you have to watch what neighborhoods you walk through. Even though we were in a wealthy part of town.

Thanks for the lessons @chilaxe.

edit: If your friend comes to videosift to see your educational video, make sure she searches for "punch girl" and "cunt punch" so she can take notes on who to avoid.

"Three & A Half Days" - (Response To The "Occupy" Protests)

Yogi says...

>> ^zombieater:

So, basically his idea is that these people don't know actual work or hardship and that these poor humble corporations (as if they're actual people) are the saviors of our modern world. What bullshit.
Here is my response.
Even if you work one or two jobs, it wont make much of a difference because workers' wages are at an all time low and corporate profits are at an all time high. That destroys his "work hard and win" argument right there for the majority of Americans.
Since 1980, corporations have started to take their profits and reinvest them and buy out competition instead of increasing the pay for their workers (that's in the link too). Basically, screw over the working class and benefit the upper class.

Apparently in order to protest in this country we have to actually become a third world police state. I say we protest BEFORE that happens.

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