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CBS Embeds a Video Playing Ad in a Print Magazine

deputydog says...

From Wired...

In the latest example of finding media innovation where you’d least expect it, CBS is embedding a video player in a print ad in Entertainment Weekly that will serve up a buffet of its fall TV lineup.

The CBS foray into a print-digital alliance plays full-motion video at a crisp resolution. The ad, dubbed by CBS and partner Pepsi Max “the first-ever VIP (video-in-print) promotion,” works like one of those audio greeting cards. Opening the page activates the player, which is a quarter-inch–thick screen seen through a cutaway between two pages concealing the larger circuit board underneath.

The audio quality is equally good (extremely poor video shot by this reporter notwithstanding), but beware: There are no volume controls, and in a quiet environment, it’s quite loud. This is surely a intentional design feature, aimed at getting the attention of people nearby.

Unlike the wholly unsatisfying debut of the e-ink cover in Esquire magazine last year, this works.

The video-enhancement will appear in the September issue of Entertainment Weekly, but only in what sounds like a relatively small subset of the circulation: The promo itself will be in every copy, but the video portion only in some subscriptions delivered to New York and Los Angeles. It was released Tuesday to media outlets.

Upon getting to the ad, there is a 5-second delay before anything happens — there is enough on the page to probably hold the unassuming reader’s attention for that long, if nothing else the eerie stare from Neil Patrick Harris — and then a 5-second still promo before the promo for the player’s developer, Americhip.

Next up is a pre-roll featuring a bespoke setup by three characters from the network’s hit Big Bang Theory sitcom. ”I weep for civilization,” opines Emmy-nominated Jim Parsons (Sheldon Cooper) at the end of the clip, scripted to reveal that the über nerd was tricked into appearing in an ad in Entertainment Weekly rather than “the current edition of Physics Today.”

As impressive as this step is, the true marriage of print and digital multimedia still seems quite far off, and eons away from the streaming updates in the newspapers of Minority Report fame.

Still, it is boldish, baby steps like this that bring about dramatic shifts in media. That said, the logical extreme of the current wave of tech innovation heads more toward digital reproduction of a print experience, as the Kindle DX aspires to do for newspapers, rather than to ultrathin hardware pasted to paper.

In a more-limited context, is there much of a future for this branch?

It’s an expensive undertaking, but it does seem well suited for milestone events like a new TV season or as part of a marketing blitz for a certain genre of movie — think a Watchman trailer in Entertainment Weekly.

Part of the lure of this technology as an advertising mechanism is that it adds a “medium is the message” value and thus reaps free publicity from stories like this. But when the novelty wears off, and without serendipitous newsstand sales — which Entertainment Weekly will not benefit from this time around — there’s not nearly as much upside.

And therein lies the dilemma of even bothering to extend the digital experience into a bits medium: In the end, how many people will actually see this rather than just hear about it?

The future of hip hop?

KamikazeCricket says...

>> ^KnivesOut:
They're attempting, in a heavy-handed way, to illustrate the possible outcome of what they see as the current state of "blacksploitation" that corporate America is undertaking. Is it racist? Apparently not if it's social commentary. Are you black? If not, then I don't think you can say, one way or the other.
This should be an interesting comment thread.

Thank you Captain Obvious for that in-depth and insightful analyzation of the video's message. I don't think we could have figured out what this was about without your help! The description, nor the introduction to the video simply did not have ANY relevant information to what was going on here...

We are all in your debt

The future of hip hop?

KnivesOut says...

They're attempting, in a heavy-handed way, to illustrate the possible outcome of what they see as the current state of "blacksploitation" that corporate America is undertaking. Is it racist? Apparently not if it's social commentary. Are you black? If not, then I don't think you can say, one way or the other.

This should be an interesting comment thread.

<> (Blog Entry by blankfist)

New York City Cop |Kills| New York City Cop

longde says...


MAY 29, 2009, 1127 AM

The shooting death of NYC Officer Omar Edwards may be only hours old; however, the known facts thus far combined with the police experience possessed by members of the National Black Police Association (NBPA) reveal that the shooter, Officer Andrew Dutton, was reckless and shot without identifying himself as a policeman and worse, failing to give Officer Edwards a chance to drop his weapon. As has been the case in all shootings of black officers by white officers ---by example the shooting of Officer Ridley in Westchester and the shooting of Officer Young in Providence, the shooting officers recklessly mistake black officers to be criminals and then commence fire without warning. This shoot first and ask questions later behavior clashes with the caution and protocol that we as police officers are supposed to undertake when confronting individuals with guns. Furthermore, consider that coroner’s report shows that Edwards was shot in the back. Consider that Dutton’s weapon is limited to a three round burst. Six to seven rounds were fired. This means that Dutton pulled the trigger at least twice. By the end of the first burst—Dutton had to know he was aiming at a man’s back and wrongfully firing his weapon. Two other officers were with Dutton, yet Dutton was the only shooter. Lastly, after Dutton shot Edwards----Edwards was handcuffed and lay dying in his blood. The officers rendered no assistance to their dying black comrade. It was not until the paramedics arrived that Edwards was tended to. Without significant efforts by the New York City Police Department to cause officers to be more open minded, there will be many more black officers killed by fellow officers.

Writer & Member: Christopher Cooper: 312 371 6752 (E-mail:;
Executive Director: Ronald Hampton, 202 744 2897 (
National Chairperson: John Hayes

Using nuclear explosions to propel spaceships: Project Orion

Raaagh says...

>> ^gtjwkq:
I think it's too early in human development to actually go to space. We did go to the Moon and back and sent a robot to Mars with taxpayer money.
Society needs to become a lot more productive, with cost saving technologies that will allow voluntary funding for projects of this magnitude. The space age will fail if it is pursued by governments agencies.
When we find good economic reason to go to space, it will naturally become a worthwhile endeavor for private citizens and companies to profitably undertake.
Right now, NASA is, mostly, a waste of money. That statement will make more sense when the economy collapses.

Nah, I disagree.

its been estimiated that for every dollar the US government put in, they got a return of seven with all the space race technology spin offs. Whats the chances within 3m of you right now there are objects which have some off this technology imbued?

Plus there is never a time to not think of space, IMHO. It lifts the considerations of each individual into the realm of infinity where wars, resource scrabling and politics shrink into insignifigance. Space and more importantly, the sparking of the WORLD's collective imagination and hence cohesion.

I think there is something fatalistic to turn your back on space.

Thank god there is a plethora of commercial investors (Branson most notably) with the money and the foresight, and most importantly - WILL to move the stars closer.

Using nuclear explosions to propel spaceships: Project Orion

gtjwkq says...

I think it's too early in human development to actually go to space. We did go to the Moon and back and sent a robot to Mars with taxpayer money.

Society needs to become a lot more productive, with cost saving technologies that will allow voluntary funding for projects of this magnitude. The space age will fail if it is pursued by governments agencies.

When we find good economic reason to go to space, it will naturally become a worthwhile endeavor for private citizens and companies to profitably undertake.

Right now, NASA is, mostly, a waste of money. That statement will make more sense when the economy collapses.

Edeot (Member Profile)

EDD says...

You are hilarious. I wish I could promote that comment to the front page.

Btw, this reminded me of a journey which I recently made blankfist, kronos and rottenseed undertake:

In reply to this comment by Edeot:
That's horrible! How could you say something like that?

In reply to this comment by dystopianfuturetoday:
My favorite hobby currently is murdering the retarded and then raping their corpses. I don't do it everyday, as sometimes I'm getting high on paint thinner and beating up random ladies at the old folks home. Sometimes I don't feel like I have time for myself.

Fox News Declares War on Canada

Memorare says...

The delusions of godhood have been going on for some 233 years now,
emblazoned on The Great Seal of the U.S.:

E pluribus unum "Out of Many, One"
Novus ordo seclorum "New Order of the Ages"
Annuit cœptis "He approves our undertakings"

That last "He" refers to God.

When will the rest of the world finally stand up to US tyranny.

Fox News Declares War on Canada

nomino says...

Check out this amazing comment I found on Reddit about this video

user GCRANSTON writes:
"See, this is why Fox News can't get a broadcast license in Canada.

I might also mention

1. War of 1812: Lit the White House on fire; American's commemorate this in their National Anthem

2. Vimy Ridge: First time Canadian Troops under Canadian command; advanced so fast troops were ordered to halt because supplies couldn't keep up. When asked how we took the untakeable position to quickly, Canadians respond with "No one told us it was impossible to do"

3. Passchedaele: Canadian troops inspire the original use of the term "Storm Troopers"

4. Dieppe: Canadian troops undertake practice invasion of the coast of France. Terrible loss of Canadian life. Lessons learned directly led to the successes at Normandy.

5. D-Day: Despite lessons learned from Dieppe, no beach head other than Juno - the Canadian Beach - was successful. American pilots actually bombed Canadian troops stating "no way are they that far inland; we're still stuck on the beaches!"

I'd go on but I'm just too furious with this lack of respect for my country. I will only say that Canada is in Afghanistan cleaning up America's mess, operating in the most dangerous part of the entire country. Maybe the reason Fox can't remember Canadians are in Afghanistan is that THEY WERE DOING SO BADLY THERE THEY HAD TO START ANOTHER WAR WITH IRAQ TO DRAW PEOPLE'S ATTENTION AWAY?!?

Fox News, I say to you with with deep sincerity: Go Fuck Yourself."

wow, couldn't've said it better

Gore refuses to debate about global warming

quantumushroom says...

Gore is a self-anointed figurehead in what I deem one of the biggest hoaxes perpetrated on the human race. He deserves to be targeted as he targets others. He was a "C" student who originally took environmental classes because they were easier. His crockumentary has been seen by many more people than have read Lomborg's tome, and "An Inconvenient Truth" has been soundly thrashed for numbers 1-6 listed (except perhaps for plagiarism).

It's simply telling that Gore won't debate, when infinite resources are at his disposal for such an undertaking.

The greenvangelicals are beyond reason on the GW issue and the politicians love AGW because it gives them the omnipresence of God without placing any moral authority higher than their own. At last they have a way to link all their schemes in a unifying "circle of life".

The sun is responsible for heating up the earth as well as other planets which have no SUVs as of yet. Man tried to create his own paradise via 'Biosphere II' and nearly suffocated the inhabitants. If they can't mix the proper ratio of gases in a bubble, do you really think these international goofballs can "fine tune" a planet's weather?

Will Smith solves Rubik's Cube in under a minute

CrushBug says...

>> ^spoco2:
I ask, because it's no small thing to decide to do, and it's a huge investment in your time to undertake, so other than the most common reasons of religious differences or concerns about how their children would handle a school environment... I'm just at a loss as to what would make someone choose that path.

That's very interesting. We actually don't see it as a huge time investment. It certainly doesn't feel like it to us. Our daughter did grade 1 and that was a huge time commitment. I guess in some way, the school schedule and the structure did seem to fit the way she was learning. We always knew that homeschooling was an option and we decided to do it.

I also ask because I find that I can look back on my schooling and remember fondly many teachers, and how their differing outlooks on things have helped shaped me. I can also look back with interest at those teachers I did not like, but that in itself was helpful as it taught one to look critically at those in positions of authority, and also how to learn despite such people... which is a great skill to have for later study/work.

OK. I had good teachers and bad, but its not something that entered into our decision.

Will no one really come right out and say why they choose homeschooling? It is one of those areas where I fully support the ability to do it (it freaks me out that there are many places where it's illegal), but I am still yet to have someone make me see a reason that I could really identify with.

I guess that it was so simple and easy to choose that its not like it was an massively unbalanced choice. We chose homeschooling because we felt it fit our family's life. It certainly works for us and hasn't been a bother at all. Schooling pretty much goes on all year, all the time and allows us great freedom to travel and learn wherever we go.

(ie. I understand the religious/scared of bullying reasons, just think avoiding the school is the wrong solution)

And most homeschoolers agree. The people that homeschool for these reasons usually end up being the shut-in variety.

Will Smith solves Rubik's Cube in under a minute

spoco2 says...

^ You've given a lot of interesting information there, and I know that there is a lot of interaction between homeschoolers and the school system in many countries (Australia included, where I am). But other than 'because we want to' you don't give any reason.

I ask, because it's no small thing to decide to do, and it's a huge investment in your time to undertake, so other than the most common reasons of religious differences or concerns about how their children would handle a school environment... I'm just at a loss as to what would make someone choose that path.

I also ask because I find that I can look back on my schooling and remember fondly many teachers, and how their differing outlooks on things have helped shaped me. I can also look back with interest at those teachers I did not like, but that in itself was helpful as it taught one to look critically at those in positions of authority, and also how to learn despite such people... which is a great skill to have for later study/work.

Will no one really come right out and say why they choose homeschooling? It is one of those areas where I fully support the ability to do it (it freaks me out that there are many places where it's illegal), but I am still yet to have someone make me see a reason that I could really identify with.

(ie. I understand the religious/scared of bullying reasons, just think avoiding the school is the wrong solution)

Historical amnesia and Gaza

bcglorf says...

>> ^Kymbos:
If you want to explore the extent to which the United States supports Israel and makes their military activities possible, see this well referenced piece by Mearsheimer Walt.
There is no question that Israel could not undertake such actions without American financial and military aid. Where else would they get the money - export of desalination plants?

Open your eyes. From the link you provided:

Instead, the thrust of US policy in the region derives almost entirely from domestic politics, and especially the activities of the ‘Israel Lobby’. Other special-interest groups have managed to skew foreign policy, but no lobby has managed to divert it as far from what the national interest would suggest

For starters, any time you see something this identical to 'the secret jewish society' spoken of in 1940's Europe you need to be very cautious. Verify anything that group says with a third party somewhere before accepting it as fact.

But you also cited the link as demonstrating " There is no question that Israel could not undertake such actions without American financial and military aid. Where else would they get the money - export of desalination plants?" Which would seem to be saying you believe the article shows Israel wouldn't have the money for an operation like this without US aid, correct? But the review in the link you gave states "Israel is now a wealthy industrial state with a per capita income roughly equal to that of South Korea or Spain." Doesn't that mean your own source refutes your claim?

Historical amnesia and Gaza

kymbos says...

If you want to explore the extent to which the United States supports Israel and makes their military activities possible, see this well referenced piece by Mearsheimer Walt.

There is no question that Israel could not undertake such actions without American financial and military aid. Where else would they get the money - export of desalination plants?

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