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Bird vs. Laser Pointer

Bird vs. Laser Pointer

Christopher Hitchens on why he works against Religions

shinyblurry says...

I did refute your glossed over them and called me names, then followed up with more ridicule. You already abandoned the debate in your last reply. I'll further refine what I said.

1. Why does God punish people for the sins of Adam and Eve:

He gives you the same opportunity as Adam and Eve, with the same consequences.

2. Reiteration of question 1, with false correlation. Why are all crimes equated?

Again, you have the same opportunity and the same choices. All crimes fall under the umbrella of sin. They are all equated because all sin leads to death.

3. God coerces you

God created you for the purpose of knowing Him, and the reality of planet Earth is that what you do in this life determines what happens in your eternal future. It's not coercion to inform you of the reality of the situation, and to let you know the consequences of either choice.

4. Already covered, and no you don't have a free pass.

5. Again, I don't believe everyone is predestined, although some people like His prophets were.

>> ^hpqp:
"There is no saying God the Don will let you live another day, so I wouldn't recommend pushing your luck."
It's great how you continually illustrate my points. Pity you had to follow up with the childish mirror-response of "no, YOU'RE not making sense!", instead of trying to refute the arguments I proposed. Oh wait, you can't without hurtling yourself against the hard wall of the internal illogic of your belief system.
Look who's running now.
>> ^shinyblurry:
There is no saying God will let you live another day, so I wouldn't recommend pushing your luck.

Japan You So Crazy!

TheSluiceGate says...

Translation from

Every day, with you – POP!~
Every day, as a couple – POP!~
Aa! The evening sun won’t seem like it’s setting if it’s looked at upside-down - POP!~
Every day, for some reason or another – POP!~
Every day, with a motorcyle – POP!~
Aa! The foreboding smell of rain!
I have an umbrella that’s full of holes! POP!~


If I open the bottles of beer – POP!~
From here it’s jumping – POP!~

[Indistinguishable drunken(?) noises] POP! POP! POP!~

RU – JI – KA – WO – KA – YU – RI - NA
[not sure of meaning, or even sounds themselves]

Aaaa! POP! POP! POP!~

Aa! I shake hands with the guy I hate
Aa! Today also I’m doing my best!


The Great Wall of Vulva

hpqp says...

If so, I would argue that he is a mega-ineffective perv. Talk about Rube-Golberging your way to a lady's fanny!

>> ^deathcow:

maybe he's just a mega perv hiding under an umbrella of artistic righteousness

The Great Wall of Vulva

Stephen Fry on God & Gods

shinyblurry says...

I really don't care about semantics..I do care when people use them to frame their debates when they don't really honestly represent what they believe. You're either open to the idea of God existing or you're not..and if you are open to it then dont say someone else is wrong, and if you're not open just admit it..this view has nothing to do with which God it is..just the very fact the Universe was intelligently created. If you're open to it, I don't think you are really an atheist in any sense of the word. This new atheism tries to combine agnosticism and atheism into one thing, but as a former agnostic I know there are clearly defined boundries. I'll have to review our conversation to see where we left off but I doubt it was stalled over semantics.

>> ^xxovercastxx:
>> ^shinyblurry:
Just as the definition of atheism is simple: a disbelief or denial of a god(s)

1. to have no belief in; refuse or reject belief in
Again, the dictionary, at least some of them, allow both "there is no god" and "I lack a belief in god" to fit under the umbrella of atheism. Your quoted definition above does as well, whether you intended it to or not.
During our previous discussion we also could not come to agreement on terms. I opted to throw them out and tell you specifically what I thought and believed so that we could continue the discussion without getting hung up on semantics. Yet you tried to bring it back to those terms a few times.
The terms are not what's important to the discussion and it makes you seem like a dishonest debater when you do that.

Stephen Fry on God & Gods

xxovercastxx says...

>> ^shinyblurry:

Just as the definition of atheism is simple: a disbelief or denial of a god(s)

1. to have no belief in; refuse or reject belief in

Again, the dictionary, at least some of them, allow both "there is no god" and "I lack a belief in god" to fit under the umbrella of atheism. Your quoted definition above does as well, whether you intended it to or not.

During our previous discussion we also could not come to agreement on terms. I opted to throw them out and tell you specifically what I thought and believed so that we could continue the discussion without getting hung up on semantics. Yet you tried to bring it back to those terms a few times.

The terms are not what's important to the discussion and it makes you seem like a dishonest debater when you do that.

Christopher Hitchens on the ropes vs William Lane Craig

shinyblurry says...

hehe. I'll submit to you that a spiritual atheist, especially one that prays, is internally inconsistant.

>> ^MaxWilder:
>> ^shinyblurry:
And it looks like some atheists just aren't as religious and dogmatic as you are..take for example this statistic from the 2008 Pew survey:
According to one underreported 2008 U.S. Pew Forum on Religion & Public Life survey, 21 per cent of atheists expressed at least some certainty of belief in God or universal spirit, and 10 per cent admitted to praying on a weekly basis.
Nor should we be surprised to learn that more “than 20 per cent of atheist scientists consider themselves to be ‘spiritual,’ according to a Rice University study.” From the Religion News Service: “The findings, to be published in the June issue of the journal Sociology of Religion, are based on in-depth interviews with 275 natural and social scientists from 21 of the nation’s top research universities.”
Seems that yours is the world view that isn't quite matching up to reality..

Hello! McFly! This is what I have been trying to tell you! Atheist doesn't mean "closed to the possibility". It means "not convinced". It's a large umbrella that covers many different levels of skepticism. And it is certainly not a concept that can be proven or disproven!

Christopher Hitchens on the ropes vs William Lane Craig

MaxWilder says...

>> ^shinyblurry:

And it looks like some atheists just aren't as religious and dogmatic as you are..take for example this statistic from the 2008 Pew survey:
According to one underreported 2008 U.S. Pew Forum on Religion & Public Life survey, 21 per cent of atheists expressed at least some certainty of belief in God or universal spirit, and 10 per cent admitted to praying on a weekly basis.
Nor should we be surprised to learn that more “than 20 per cent of atheist scientists consider themselves to be ‘spiritual,’ according to a Rice University study.” From the Religion News Service: “The findings, to be published in the June issue of the journal Sociology of Religion, are based on in-depth interviews with 275 natural and social scientists from 21 of the nation’s top research universities.”
Seems that yours is the world view that isn't quite matching up to reality..

Hello! McFly! This is what I have been trying to tell you! Atheist doesn't mean "closed to the possibility". It means "not convinced". It's a large umbrella that covers many different levels of skepticism. And it is certainly not a concept that can be proven or disproven!

Girl throwing live puppies in river

BoneRemake says...


>> ^RhesusMonk:

That's why this shouldn't be up here,instead the video of me twirling an umbrella in a silver catsuit with "dick" written on my forehead would of been a more appropriate choice. If I want this kind of thing, I know where to go. This is not the quality I'm here for.
>> ^BoneRemake:
It's one of the sickest vids on the net.

Aren't Atheists just as dogmatic as born again Christians?

VoodooV says...

That's half the problem with discussing this crap. Many people can't agree on the definitions. It's hard enough debating this shit even when you can agree on definitions.

I'm pretty sure there are a group of atheists out there that want to lump everyone under the Atheist umbrella, just for the sake of providing a united front and swelling the numbers so that they can have a better shot at challenging Deists

But it's the same damned thing with Christianity too. Everyone believes slightly differently, from the abortion doctor killers to the people who only go to church as a means of socializing/networking. But they all get to be called Christians.

Slow Loris with a Cocktail Umbrella

GDGD (Member Profile)

Slow Loris with a Cocktail Umbrella

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