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Monster Waves Ramming Huge Ships

spawnflagger says...

>> ^mxxcon:

Due to the ending of this clip I suspect that this might be a demo clip for some CGI production company...

The ending did feel out of place.
personally, I thought the satellite would reveal the Umbrella Corporation logo.

Do You Get Wetter Walking Or Running In The Rain?

Dexter's Justice

carneval says...

>> ^rychan:

This is so well done that when I first saw it I thought the music was composed to match the episode.
Also, I love the music "Justice - Peace" in the first two minutes. It's so industrial and shrill but it still so musical. Is there a name for this genre?

Do you mean "Stress," by any chance? That is the first song. It samples "Night on Disco Mountain" from Saturday Night Fever (which is why I like it so much, and the sample lends a lot of the shrill musical elements to the song). The overarching genre would be electro house.
Modern examples:

Looking into it a bit more, the album from which that track is taken is considered disco house or electroclash which fall under the electro house umbrella. If you are looking for the feel of this specific song, you might be out of luck - it's pretty unique (I am not aware of many similar tracks). But you may find something you like if you look around the previously mentioned genres!

Massive Underwater Nuclear Test

ReverendTed says...

Keep in mind how impressive (or terrifying) this is, and consider that UMBRELLA and WAHOO were "merely" 8 and 9 kiloton tests.
A couple of months later, TEAK demonstrated a 3.8 megaton yield.

Lann (Member Profile)

Lann (Member Profile)

Could The Sift utilize an Interview Channel? (User Poll by PlayhousePals)

Could The Sift utilize an Interview Channel? (User Poll by PlayhousePals)

The Truth about Atheism

VoodooV says...

>> ^xxovercastxx:

>> ^VoodooV:
as an agnostic I think one of the key things that atheists AND religious people alike need to get past is the possibility that maybe there is a god, but religion as we know it is just flat out wrong.
Maybe there is a god, but there is no religion. Maybe god doesn't care if you pray or don't pray. Maybe a god created us, but has since moved on and isn't watching us and otherwise doesn't give a damn about us anymore

This would qualify as Deism, FYI. You don't hear much about it these days but it was quite popular a couple hundred years ago. I think a lot of religious people actually fall under this umbrella now but may not be familiar with the term.

I'm not a deist, I'm just giving it as an example as atheists and religious people alike seem to fuse religion and god into one thing. They are two very separate things.

Question 1: Does a creator exist <yes/no/IDK>

Question 2: If a creator exists, what does it want? If anything.

The Truth about Atheism

xxovercastxx says...

>> ^VoodooV:

as an agnostic I think one of the key things that atheists AND religious people alike need to get past is the possibility that maybe there is a god, but religion as we know it is just flat out wrong.
Maybe there is a god, but there is no religion. Maybe god doesn't care if you pray or don't pray. Maybe a god created us, but has since moved on and isn't watching us and otherwise doesn't give a damn about us anymore

This would qualify as Deism, FYI. You don't hear much about it these days but it was quite popular a couple hundred years ago. I think a lot of religious people actually fall under this umbrella now but may not be familiar with the term.

The Umbrella Man

dannym3141 says...

>> ^dirkdeagler7:

>> ^dannym3141:
Firstly, i'm not happy with his or the writer in the story's understanding of the words "quantum" and "dimension". Especially the former. And secondly i'm questioning that any ..."quantum effect"... occured because he made a huge assumption that the umbrella man was involved. I can think of a billion reasons why it might have happened (however unlikely).
This is an interesting story so i have no idea why he started with the quantum spiel. Heartwarming story about a conspiracy theorist who was cured

The way i read it is, if you understand some about physics you may think you know the universe and it all makes sense. However if you start to look deeper and at the minor details of the universe, aka the quantum level, things start to become much less logical and intuitive. Therefore you must dig hard to find the true nature of things at this level, and often times the truth will be more strange or surprising than you ever imagined.
When people were first discovering that there was a charged particle orbiting a nucleus do you think they assumed it was actually a cloud or probability and not a constant circling point? Of course not that would seem absurd at first, much as it would be absurd to think that the umbrella man was a guy protesting actions by JFKs father!

That's a decent explanation of what he was trying to say, but i still think he said it poorly. A quantum dimension? A very small dimension? I hope it wasn't foolish to misunderstand.

I agree that it would be absurd to assume he was protesting JFK's father but that's not the point being made is it? I thought the point being made was that it was absurd to think anything other than him being there for 'shenanigans', which i think is bullcrap. I think it's an expected result to find he's there innocently.

The Umbrella Man

dirkdeagler7 says...

>> ^dannym3141:

Firstly, i'm not happy with his or the writer in the story's understanding of the words "quantum" and "dimension". Especially the former. And secondly i'm questioning that any ..."quantum effect"... occured because he made a huge assumption that the umbrella man was involved. I can think of a billion reasons why it might have happened (however unlikely).
This is an interesting story so i have no idea why he started with the quantum spiel. Heartwarming story about a conspiracy theorist who was cured

The way i read it is, if you understand some about physics you may think you know the universe and it all makes sense. However if you start to look deeper and at the minor details of the universe, aka the quantum level, things start to become much less logical and intuitive. Therefore you must dig hard to find the true nature of things at this level, and often times the truth will be more strange or surprising than you ever imagined.

When people were first discovering that there was a charged particle orbiting a nucleus do you think they assumed it was actually a cloud or probability and not a constant circling point? Of course not that would seem absurd at first, much as it would be absurd to think that the umbrella man was a guy protesting actions by JFKs father!

The Umbrella Man

dannym3141 says...

Firstly, i'm not happy with his or the writer in the story's understanding of the words "quantum" and "dimension". Especially the former. And secondly i'm questioning that any ..."quantum effect"... occured because he made a huge assumption that the umbrella man was involved. I can think of a billion reasons why it might have happened (however unlikely).

This is an interesting story so i have no idea why he started with the quantum spiel. Heartwarming story about a conspiracy theorist who was cured

The Umbrella Man

criticalthud says...

>> ^Yogi:

>> ^spoco2:
Exactly... this is why 99.9999999999999999999% of all conspiracy theories are absolute bunk.
All this shit that people think they 'know' about 9/11, and how it MUST have been thermite, MUST have been re-rigged to demolish.
They really need to get their heads around the fact that what they've come up with is something that is maybe, possible plausible but in NO WAY the most likely, the most reasonable, or even probable... they just come up with convoluted ways that things could conceivably occur and then decide that that MUST be fact.

Speaking of the Kennedy assassination there was no reason to kill him. None. People think it's because he was going to pull the troops out of Vietnam but he was never going to do that, they took one quote and turned it into a promise of his to pull them out like he was fighting more powerful interests. He was a bastard like all the other bastards. His historian even had to rewrite the books to make it look like he was a big pacifist.

there has been various speculation that Kennedy wanted to shut down the fed.
if true, i imagine that would have gotten him rather unliked by essentially the most powerful people in the world.

aurens (Member Profile)

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