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The result of our obsession with plastic

newtboy says...

*doublepromote exposing how humans have spoiled one of the most remote and beautiful places on earth. Notice how hard it is to differentiate between plastic bags and jellyfish. That's why most sea turtles have a stomach full of plastic bags.
As a species, we should really *fear the implications of the ocean food web collapsing but, clearly, arguing about politics, guns, welfare, collusion, trade wars, and pussy grabbing comes well ahead of actually working towards planetary survival on most people's agendas.

Jeopardy! First Tiebreaker Ever After 37 seasons

ulysses1904 says...

My mom was a contestant on the original Jeopardy in 1967. She wasn't the winner but back then everyone got to keep their winnings, she won $160. And the home game version of Jeopardy, a set of encyclopedias and Turtle Wax or Rice a Roni or something like that.

Live Views of Starman

Rat taking a shower

bjornenlinda (Member Profile)

siftbot says...

Your video, Mini Turtle, has made it into the Top 15 New Videos listing. Congratulations on your achievement. For your contribution you have been awarded 1 Power Point.

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bjornenlinda (Member Profile)

gamera 1016 trailer-king of all turtle kaiju

Senate GOP Tries to Rush Its Cruel Trumpcare Bill

Just WTF

"I like Turtles"

Flying Baby Turtles

newtboy says...

Disappointing, I was hoping for a young Gamera.

Please don't "help" turtles this way. You are more likely to hurt them and kill others still buried than you are to help, and in most cases it's highly illegal to touch them at all without (impossible to get) permits.

Leave them alone, they know what to do.

Dog Feels Petting Instead of Abuse For The First Time

JiggaJonson says...

Dogs = good
Trying to make me eat hummus instead of butter? = bad?

Idk, I don't think the two are as related as you imply. Either way, animals kill each other in nature all the time. You think if I didn't throw a lobster into a pot of water it'd die of old age? He'd probably get ripped apart slowly by a sea turtle.

^see how that doesn't sound like a conversation about abusing dogs anymore?

Post script: for the record, I believe the most humane way to kill a lobster is by driving a knife through the head quickly, NOT throwing it into the pot of water alive. I'm not for animals suffering, but I like eating meat and butter. The artery clogging is the animals paying me back. So it's all even.

Turtle Vs Cow...Ninja Turtle?

12 Days of Xmas - A tale of avian misery, and Xmas HORROR

newtboy says...

Bitch...he's just waiting for a thank you....since you never show appreciation for the hard to find gifts (ever look for a 1/2 bird, 1/2 turtle?), he's assuming it wasn't enough to earn some gratitude, so he upped his game.....again and again.
She screwed up on night one, when he expected pear compote on roasted partrige breast, a thank you, and maybe a handie.
Now she's alone, homeless, and owes her soul to her landlord for destroying his property, all due to a complete lack of grattitude and not a smidgen of thought about how to properly use the gifts.

There are two types of people, those who can extrapolate from an incomplete data set...

blackfox42 (Member Profile)

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