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The Adventures of Tintin: The Secret of the Unicorn - Teaser

spoco2 says...

Does it not worry anyone else that they show NO lips moving AT ALL in this trailer?

It's pretty much always the thing they stuff up with semi-to-uber realistic CGI, it's certainly what sucked about CLU/young Flyn in Tron Legacy (still and awesome movie btw).

Have they done just as badly? Do the characters look crap when doing anything more than just moving around?

I sure hope not, as this has some awesome pedigree.

Jack Conte - Daft Punk - Inception Mashup

Jack Conte - Daft Punk - Inception Mashup

Monopoly - Trailer

What I Am Legend would have looked like with non-CG monsters

probie says...

My personal take: the problem with CGI and 3D anmiation (and it's only been exacerbated by the new trend in 3D moviemaking) is it gives the director too much control. Regarding camera placement, instead of employing traditional camera movement, now that in can be placed anywhere, it has been. We get these rollercoaster spins, pans, trucks and zooms that completely disorient the viewer. In "Tron Legacy", do I really need to see the light cycles in profile, hovering only 2 inches off the ground going 100mph to the right, only to vault over the bike and sweep around to the back of it to showcase another light cycle entering the fray? No. Just because you can place the camera inside someone's butt crack doesn't mean you should.

And with CGI, it gives the director too much leeway in exaggerating scale, movement and proportions. Perfect example: In Stephen Sommers remake of "The Mummy" Imhotep screams and his mouth artificially elongates. If you watch earlier in the film, it does so but only slightly, imparting a sense of the supernatural. But by the end of the film, his screams become so overly done, it comes across as comic and bufoonish, as if I was watching a Tex Avery cartoon. That's OK to do in Jim Carrey's "The Mask" because it calls for it. But not in "The Mummy", nor in "I Am Legend". The vampires in "I Am Legend" aren't threatening, they're evil monster meets Stretch Armstrong.

I like Aronofsky's approach to CGI: Use it as sparingly as you can, and only as a last resort.

Monopoly - Trailer

Stop Torrenting!

spoco2 says...

>> ^FlowersInHisHair:

>> ^spoco2:
>> ^FlowersInHisHair:
I'm surprised people still justify torrenting films because of ads and copyright notices and such at the beginning of DVDs. I forget all about them once the movie starts. Is it really that much of a problem for some people? It's such a trivial amount of time to wait compared to the length of the film.

I think it's more the fact that the studios keep putting crap on the product that they are trying desperately to tell us is better than the copies we download. They have to gall to say 'BUY THE DVD DAMMIT', and then you do and they make you sit through trailers and anti piracy (The irony is obviously lost on them) ads before you're allowed to watch the movie.
I truly, hand on heart, actually do torrent movies to see if they're worth buying. The number of films I've bought these days that I would never have had I not found out they were awesome via downloading them first is countless.
Also, I download them while I'm waiting for bloody Australia to get the release. Tron Legacy... still not out here on DVD/BluRay, but I've already downloaded a 720p beautiful copy so I could have a movie night with the kids watching it. Oh yes I will buy it when it comes out, and I went and saw a midnight screening, opening night, but seriously, why do we have to wait so much longer than the rest of the world to get it?

It's not ironic at all. If they didn't put the anti-piracy warnings on DVDs, where else would you ever see it (except at the cinema, where they're just as annoying)? The pirates, understandably, remove them. Where are they supposed to put it? Really, it's no inconvenience to me at all to see a 30-second anti-piracy ad when I've already set aside 2 hours to watch a movie anyway.
I've never been sold on the whole torrent-as-trialware thing. I just find it hard to believe that anyone who torrents a movie would later bother buying the DVD. Especially not if they've already downloaded a perfect 720p screener that they can keep on their hard drive!

Well, you may not be sold on the concept, but I certainly do it. I like having physical media... archaic I know, but there you go. I don't even use iTunes or other digital music download services because the few times I have I hate the feeling of only having some mp3s to show for it that I might delete... it just doesn't feel tangible to me.

Also, I love the special features on movies. I bought Star Wars Eps 1-3 purely for the special features (the movies are crap). Also, in the case of Tron with the 720p... well, I'll be buying the DVD/BluRay version so 1080p there. Also, the sound is better on the official releases.

So, believe it or not, but this is the way I work. It also comes down to me wanting to support the makers of films that I like, but not wanting to buy DVDs sight unseen.

Stop Torrenting!

dag says...

Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag. (show it anyway)

I tried watching a DVD last night for the first time in a while.

There were the usual warnings and about 10 minutes of lame trailers that I wasn't allowed to skip past. At some point I accidentally closed the player and restarted it, at which point all the warnings and previews started again. Got frustrated and opened it instead in VLC - which let get right to the movie, but the disk started skipping about 15 minutes in, didn't look scratched, but must had a small one. Gave up - went to bed.

This is not an atypical DVD watching scenario. They blow. >> ^FlowersInHisHair:

>> ^spoco2:
>> ^FlowersInHisHair:
I'm surprised people still justify torrenting films because of ads and copyright notices and such at the beginning of DVDs. I forget all about them once the movie starts. Is it really that much of a problem for some people? It's such a trivial amount of time to wait compared to the length of the film.

I think it's more the fact that the studios keep putting crap on the product that they are trying desperately to tell us is better than the copies we download. They have to gall to say 'BUY THE DVD DAMMIT', and then you do and they make you sit through trailers and anti piracy (The irony is obviously lost on them) ads before you're allowed to watch the movie.
I truly, hand on heart, actually do torrent movies to see if they're worth buying. The number of films I've bought these days that I would never have had I not found out they were awesome via downloading them first is countless.
Also, I download them while I'm waiting for bloody Australia to get the release. Tron Legacy... still not out here on DVD/BluRay, but I've already downloaded a 720p beautiful copy so I could have a movie night with the kids watching it. Oh yes I will buy it when it comes out, and I went and saw a midnight screening, opening night, but seriously, why do we have to wait so much longer than the rest of the world to get it?

It's not ironic at all. If they didn't put the anti-piracy warnings on DVDs, where else would you ever see it (except at the cinema, where they're just as annoying)? The pirates, understandably, remove them. Where are they supposed to put it? Really, it's no inconvenience to me at all to see a 30-second anti-piracy ad when I've already set aside 2 hours to watch a movie anyway.
I've never been sold on the whole torrent-as-trialware thing. I just find it hard to believe that anyone who torrents a movie would later bother buying the DVD. Especially not if they've already downloaded a perfect 720p screener that they can keep on their hard drive!

Stop Torrenting!

FlowersInHisHair says...

>> ^spoco2:

>> ^FlowersInHisHair:
I'm surprised people still justify torrenting films because of ads and copyright notices and such at the beginning of DVDs. I forget all about them once the movie starts. Is it really that much of a problem for some people? It's such a trivial amount of time to wait compared to the length of the film.

I think it's more the fact that the studios keep putting crap on the product that they are trying desperately to tell us is better than the copies we download. They have to gall to say 'BUY THE DVD DAMMIT', and then you do and they make you sit through trailers and anti piracy (The irony is obviously lost on them) ads before you're allowed to watch the movie.
I truly, hand on heart, actually do torrent movies to see if they're worth buying. The number of films I've bought these days that I would never have had I not found out they were awesome via downloading them first is countless.
Also, I download them while I'm waiting for bloody Australia to get the release. Tron Legacy... still not out here on DVD/BluRay, but I've already downloaded a 720p beautiful copy so I could have a movie night with the kids watching it. Oh yes I will buy it when it comes out, and I went and saw a midnight screening, opening night, but seriously, why do we have to wait so much longer than the rest of the world to get it?

It's not ironic at all. If they didn't put the anti-piracy warnings on DVDs, where else would you ever see it (except at the cinema, where they're just as annoying)? The pirates, understandably, remove them. Where are they supposed to put it? Really, it's no inconvenience to me at all to see a 30-second anti-piracy ad when I've already set aside 2 hours to watch a movie anyway.

I've never been sold on the whole torrent-as-trialware thing. I just find it hard to believe that anyone who torrents a movie would later bother buying the DVD. Especially not if they've already downloaded a perfect 720p screener that they can keep on their hard drive!

Stop Torrenting!

spoco2 says...

>> ^FlowersInHisHair:

I'm surprised people still justify torrenting films because of ads and copyright notices and such at the beginning of DVDs. I forget all about them once the movie starts. Is it really that much of a problem for some people? It's such a trivial amount of time to wait compared to the length of the film.

I think it's more the fact that the studios keep putting crap on the product that they are trying desperately to tell us is better than the copies we download. They have to gall to say 'BUY THE DVD DAMMIT', and then you do and they make you sit through trailers and anti piracy (The irony is obviously lost on them) ads before you're allowed to watch the movie.

I truly, hand on heart, actually do torrent movies to see if they're worth buying. The number of films I've bought these days that I would never have had I not found out they were awesome via downloading them first is countless.

Also, I download them while I'm waiting for bloody Australia to get the release. Tron Legacy... still not out here on DVD/BluRay, but I've already downloaded a 720p beautiful copy so I could have a movie night with the kids watching it. Oh yes I will buy it when it comes out, and I went and saw a midnight screening, opening night, but seriously, why do we have to wait so much longer than the rest of the world to get it?

Artful 'Tron:Legacy' Playboy Photoshoot (NSFW for nudity!)

Artful 'Tron:Legacy' Playboy Photoshoot (NSFW for nudity!)

Payback says...

>> ^jmd:

mmm.....body paint is so last decade. The new tron is all about the leather and rubber body suits... and no cheesy lighting tricks. The outfits actually had lights in them. Bring THAT to a tron porno shoot, not this cheap knock off stuff

I assume you can't paint worth a damn?

PlantLab Plant Production Unit, Grow stuff without the sun

blankfist (Member Profile)

Artful 'Tron:Legacy' Playboy Photoshoot (NSFW for nudity!)

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