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Are You F***ing Kidding Me?

laura says...

They say every one should have their heart broken, at least once. That that is how you grow emotionally. Well, I have been misused by many many many men, but nothing can compare to how you treated me.

At times it really felt as though the pain was here to stay. And though it's many years ago, I feel it to this day.

And now you wanna be my friend on facebook... Are you fuckin kidding me?

All the memories are flooding back to me now. All the ways you stole the light from my eyes.
I travelled so far just to get away from you! Till this mornings friend request surprise.

At times it really felt as though I'd never smile again. You narcissistic ass hole, oh you nasty nasty man.

And now you wanna be my friend on facebook... Are you fucking kidding?

I dont wanna know what kind of cocktail you are or which member of the beatles or which 1950's movie star. I dont give a toss if you're a ninja or a pirate, I'd suspect you'd be a pirate but i dont wanna verify it. and I dont give a shit what your stripper name is or if your Kitty had a litter..

Look, just follow me on twitter.

I dont care about your family tree and i certainly dont want you poking me!.. again.

And now you wanna be my friend on facebook... oh you fucking fucking fuck.
Click, ignore....

Are you fucking kidding me?!??!?!??

peggedbea says...

they say everyone should have their heartbroken
at least once
that is how you grow emotionally
well i have been misused by many many many men
but nothing can compare to how you treated me
at times it really felt as though the pain was here to stay
and though its many years ago, i feel it to this day
and nooooooooow you wanna be my friend on facebook.......

are you fucking kidding me?

all the memories are flooding back to me now
all the ways you stole the light from my eyes
i traveled so far just to get away from you
until this mornings friend request surprise!

at times it really felt as thought id never smile again
you narcissistic asshole, oh you nasty nasty man
and noooow you wanna be my friend on facebook...

are you fucking kidding?
i dont wanna know what kind of cocktail you are
or which member of the beatles or which 1950's movies star
i dont give a toss if youre a ninja or a pirate
i suspect you'd be a pirate but i dont wanna verify it
and i dont give a shit what your stripper name is
or if your kitty had a litter
look-just follow me on twitter
i dont care about your family tree and i certainly dont want you
poking me! (again)

and so you wanna be my friend on facebook...
oh you fucking fucking fuck

click... ignore

Gordon Brown Saves...What?! Play Him Off Keyboard Cat!

dannym3141 says...

Fucking labour and conservatives.. what's the phrase, giant douche or a shit sandwich? We'll need another couple of alternatives to cover all bases.

God i hate british politics. Biggest bunch of public schoolboys masonic handshaking each other up the echelons of the westminster clique i have ever had the misfortune to be governed by.

And when i say governed, i mean they have habitually and with regularity stolen from me, treated me like a blind fool, lied to me, and allowed my country to turn into a pile of shit.

I swear to god if i could find it i'd sift it. A video of some tory CUNT being the latest bastard to get caught stealing under the guise of 'expenses claim' to have his fucking moat cleaned, or a floating duck island put in his mini-lake.

His response to having been caught red handed? "It's jealousy. Nothing but jealous! I have an excedingly large house and these people are simply jealous."

When i saw that on the news, it brought my piss to a boil - i nearly ripped open my shirt hulk hogan style and turned my street into a crater.

Discussions from: "Police Brutality, Denmark" sift (Law Talk Post)

rougy says...

Fuck you, legacy.

When you have to treat everyone that you're supposed to protect as if they were your enemy then you can suck my fat dick.


I'm sorry about that.

I kind of know what you mean, when you were talking about the meatheads and such. I used to walk Colfax at night and I know you have to have a certain swagger in your step.

But if you can't tell good from bad, you're in the wrong biz. I'm one of the good ones, and if you're going to fuck around with me...then you really don't fucking get it.

There is a sensitivity and awareness that most cops sacrifice for...knuckle-dragging, flat-out mean stupidity.

I often wish I were a cop because it's funny how many times I have to deal with a real asshole - not a perceived asshole - and how there isn't a cop for miles around at the time.

America's pretty much fucked, anyway. We do everything about as stupidly as possible here, because that's the way it's always been done, and that's the only argument, too.

I don't give a shit any more. I, like thousands of others, won't even bother calling you bastards when we're in trouble. There's trouble with baggy pants and big mouths, and then there's trouble with shiny badges and batons. Take your pick. Thanks for nothing.

You want my support, but then you fucking treat me everyone else that you treat, because apparently you're too fucking stupid to tell one from the other.

Biz Markie - What Comes Around Goes Around

MrFisk says...

Sittin here reminiscin back to high school
When everytime I see you, girl, you know that I drool
Day-dreamin in class thinkin what would I say
When I saw you, but you never looked my way
It started freshman year and lasted straight to the 12th grade
I have to give it to you, though, you was top-shelf, babe
I asked myself time and time again: what was it
About me that made me treat me like a buzzard
I speak to you in the hall and you ignore me
You keep walkin and talkin like you never saw me
You didn't have to conversate with me, I can say that
It woulda made my day if you just had waved back
I used to buy you candy, lollypops and gum drops
I even pack a extra-sandwich in my lunch box
You're treatin me like dirt and everyone in the school knows
You call me out my name and crack jokes on my school clothes
If anyone could make you feel good, girl, I could
But you give me that look like you don't wanna be bothered
But that's okay, just keep on frontin, see
Cause one day I'ma make it, and you'll be wantin me
Been tryin hard ever since I graduated
To make it big, and yes, I finally made it
Been doin shows, videos and tv
Now everywhere you go everybody knows me
Now the tables have turned and now it's me you're hawkin
Now I turn up my nose, and keep on walkin
You see, ladies marvel me in clubs frequently
And you make it your duty to come and speak to me
Rememberin how she played me in the past
Yeah, we can talk, I'm in a rush, please make it fast
And we can start off with all the men you been with
And don't come poppin that just-a-friend bit
Remember how you used to diss me and play me out, how
Come you got so much stuff to talk about now?
The word's around town that you're on the money tip
But sorry, I can't do nothin for ya, honey dip
So pardon me as I make my way to the dancefloor
And over to the bar because that's what I came for
Cuties pamperin me with champagne and roses
As I think to myself: thank God for showbiz!
Everywhere I turn girlies throwin me rhythm
Drinkin and thinkin who will be my victim
Here comes that girl that used to diss me
She whispers in my ear could she come home with me
Yup, get your coat and we could shoot north
Took her to the crib, and cold knocked her boots off
After i got it, yo, I never did call back
Thinkin how she used to front like she was all that
It's a new game, and the odds are in my favor
She caught the vapors and nothin could save her

GITMO Guard "I Felt Ashamed Of What I Did"

highdileeho says...

i was put in a similar situation. I was stationed at two different Enemy prisoner of war camps, or E.P.W's in military jargon. I was apart of an engineering batalion, and it was our job to build and maintain these camps. I witnessed brutality on wide sliding scale. From food deprevation, to not giving the prisoners any shade all day in the summer desert. To acts of physical brutality, it was a kind of sport, likened to dog fighting. The prisoners were placed in an area that was enclosed by a circle on consentina wire...or razor wire i think is similar. Soldiers would stand around the outside of the wire and taunt, beat, and humiliate these guys. It was all in the name of a good laugh..and they did laugh. They would try to instigate fights among prisoners in the circle by handing out lunch rations...the trick was that there would always be one ration short. Like musical chairs. I saw the prisoners fight each other for food but it seemed like a show, they're wasn't any brutal animosity..It was done out of nessesity, like a father spanking a child, they're was an emotionasl control that the priosoners maintained. If a prisoner was known to be a fighter he would get special treatment. Sticks were thrown into the ring, in the hopes that a more violent bloodshed would ensue, thankfully it never happened, while I was there anyway. I watched through binoculars with my section sergent, and a few others in my platoon. My sergent would get the same thrill out of watching as the men standing outside the wire...Sad days. I never spoke out while there, because honestly I felt like the only one who was upset by it. There was a mob mentality, that if you expressed any remorse for the prisoners that you were weak, or a fag. And even if I did report the acts to anyone with brass, they would'nt do a damn thing about it...after all they didn't want to risk looking like a fag to their higher-ups. In my opinion most commisioned officers are most concerned with getting promoted, getting to that next level of achievement, and they would sacrafice anything to get there, so long as they looked good to the big brass. Yeah I definitly think selifish attitudes were overriding any desire to help those poor bastards. Unlike the guy on the tape, talking about those incidents to peers has the opposite affect. It's best for me to bury those feelings and memories. When I do, I feel a little more normal, but once I start telling the stories, and friends/girlfriends get an idea of what its like they treat me differently. I just want to be like everyone else is all. I don't want be president of any chapters, I don't want to give lectures at universities. And when people don't know about the incidents I went through I feel a little more like a normnal person. not someone who needs to be coddled, or pittied, or given special treatment. I think anyone who wants to know the truth about what's going on out there, just has to open a book, or read the paper. I commend this guy, he's doing something about it, good for him. But i very very rarely open myself up like that where friends and family might see it.

Siftquisition of Member UsesProzac (Siftquisition by burdturgler)

deedub81 says...

Banning her for 2 weeks is like a slap on the wrist. She deserves that and more, in my opinion. She's treated me the same at times (using personal attacks rather than sticking to the issues being debated). I even attempted to extend an olive branch to her on a certain social networking site and she used it as an opportunity to insult me even more personally. No biggie for me, I just ignored her... until now.

I don't have a lot in common with many people on the sift, but I appreciate everyone's opinions and civility. That's why I stick around.

In my experience UP is vulgar, offensive, and generally an all-around negative user. It should be very obvious to everyone that her motives for posting comments directed toward thepinky (and others) are malicious, mean-spirited, and spiteful ON PURPOSE. This is not an isolated instance of a lost temper.

In any case, I think she needs more prozac.

I agree that it's her right to disagree (and even get a little nasty at times), but if she hasn't yet crossed the line I'd like to know where it is. At what point has it gone to far?

>> ^gwiz665:

When asked for comment thepinky said: "I don't know anything about that... but I do love little kittens"


"Questions Every Intelligent Atheist Must Answer"

gwiz665 says...

The requirement for "Intuitive answers" is just foolish and obviously anti-reason.

1) "Darwinism makes chance a creative force in the universe"
Darwinism b.k.a. Evolution by Natural Selection does indeed use random mutations as an element, but Natural Selection is in fact opposite to chance. It explains the variety of the species perfectly.

2) "Why is there something instead of nothing?"

It's not certain that it really did spring into existence at any point in time. We don't have evidence of that. We have no evidence "pre Big Bang" as far as I know.

And the universe is certainly not fixed in any way. It is constantly changing. Most of the Earth is uninhabitable and an even larger percentage of the known universe is uninhabitable. We have the sheer luck that the climate, temperature and atmosphere of Earth was ideal for life when it started. The reason the Earth seems so "ideal" now, is that we evolved with the earth, not that the earth was designed with us in mind.

Moral order is learned from parents.

3) "Where do you get your morals from?"

Parents, social environment and intellectually motivated. I think that murder is wrong, because I don't want people to murder me at some point. If I treat people nice, they treat me nice. If I write someone a sonnet I fully expect to take advantage of that later... hmm, I got sidetracked there.

It is not a problem for Atheism, because morals are not that important. It is a problem for Christians, because they want morals to be divine and they are not.

4) "How did morals evolve?"
Like we evolved. Memetics, genetics, different parts same principle.

"There is something within us that understands the goal of evolution [*sigh*] that instructs us to do the best to ensure our survival"

Buzzz, you lose. Natural Selection does not care what you do. If you do the wrong thing you'll not procreate or procreate less and thus slowly be thinned from the species. Natural Selection is not to be seen from a personal perspective but a global one. There are many, many, many wrong moves that the species have gone, but they have not been viable directions and have died out, so to speak. There is no distinct goal of evolution, just a direction.

5) Ugh, just to stupid. Creationism, yay. God blew me into existence. Buzz, you lose again, dingbat.

Palin Critiques The State of Journalism

Who's playing Left 4 Dead? (Videogames Talk Post)

Zonbie just got his 250th brain star!!! Meow Brains??? (Horrorshow Talk Post)

Orgy - Blue Monday

Oklahoma State Rep. Goes On Anti-Gay Tirade

Mamma Mia Coming to the Big Screen (Blog Entry by lucky760)

dotdude says...

I saw it when it played at the The Saenger Theatre in New Orleans. An aunt of mine treated me, my sister and her gentleman friend. My sister and I enjoyed the show. Of course we already liked ABBA music. My aunt and her friend hated it.

It was interesting to see a how plot could be constructed using ABBA songs.

Watsu Massage

Thylan says...

Thats interesting. My aunt loves to get massages and such, and wanted to treat me to one on our last holiday, but it was still too soon post op for that to be ok. It's a very nice idea.

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