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How do you keep the ISS stable in orbit?

How do you keep the ISS stable in orbit?

Loop the Loop in a real car

rychan says...

Yeah, I'll call bullshit as well on "he couldn't have gone any faster". I bet he could have gone even 10MPH faster. At some point, it becomes difficult to control, but the g-forces aren't much of an issue because it's very brief.

I think that physicist nearly screwed them. What did he calculate, some minimum acceleration trajectory? Because the car was pretty much off the track at the top of the loop which is very dangerous. Maybe they should have paired that physicist with an engineer and made sure they were optimizing the right thing.

Wrecking ball accidentally takes out a van

EndAll says...

Wow I hope no one was fatally injured! That was messed up, the van did a barrel roll. I don't doubt there were some serious injuries.. and you would think that the crew working would have accounted for cars passing in the street and the trajectory of the wrecking-ball. Seems like there was some seriously poor planning.

Long Range Knife Throw of Doom

Long Range Knife Throw of Doom

Launching an anvil 200ft in the air with black powder

Impossible Basketball Shot With Baseball Bat

nach0s says...

>> ^Nithern:
Fake. A golf ball might be able to slice with enough wind. To do the same, with a basketball would require a category 5 hurricane. But, they did it once. They can do it again, right?

Shit, if you throw a cross court pass with a basketball it's trajectory will bend. I say real.

Actually, the above sentiment reminds me why I get strangely optimistic when I see kids actually PLAYING OUTSIDE. HOLY SHIT, RIGHT?

Impossible Basketball Shot With Baseball Bat

thehelix says...

>> ^silvercord:
I've watched it a bunch of times now and I think it's real; whipped that ball, put a little English on it, and whooosh!
I thought it was fake the first time I saw it because I never trust the videos where you lost sight of the ball. But now, as I watch the trajectory, it looks right to me.

Same. It's really easy to get english on a bball like that when you tag it with a bat and the way it left the screen is consistent with the way it came back on if you extrapolate the motion offscreen. But again, without seeing the ball the entire time, you never know...

Impossible Basketball Shot With Baseball Bat

rychan says...

It wouldn't be the hardest thing to fake, but I'm not going to jump on the "I can tell from some of the pixels" bandwagon. The trajectory does look odd, but I've noticed when watching golf the trajectories seem impossible as well. I think "Whoa he sliced that by a mile" and then it lands right on the green.

Impossible Basketball Shot With Baseball Bat

silvercord says...

I've watched it a bunch of times now and I think it's real; whipped that ball, put a little English on it, and whooosh!

I thought it was fake the first time I saw it because I never trust the videos where you lost sight of the ball. But now, as I watch the trajectory, it looks right to me.

Jim Breuer Flips Out During Pizza Hut Commercial

burdturgler says...

>> ^joedirt:
The guy was EXPECTING to go into the pool. Notice his body language anticipating and heading that direction, instead of trying to prevent it or keep your legs behind you if someone if going to push you.
Also look at the video cuts & edits. It is made to look like a handheld shot by someone behind the scenes, but the thing is all editted for impact and timing. Clearly viral with the fucking tag line repeated like four times.

Do you really need to frame by frame analyze it to understand it's viral? Let's check the trajectory angles and velocity of the "dive".
ffs .. I'm pretty sure they'd let Jim have a slice if he was hungry, lol.

Black Holes

botelho says...

Well, space-time coordinate of one of those space-time manifold charts (covering the space-time manifold) is one object that you certainly can "travel" back and forth(remember Godel formal PDE's solution for Einstein equation ). However , what realy counts and play the role of the Newtonian time in general Einstein relativity is the unique proper-time of a given event !(this can not be back!). Note that still remains a problem to "adjust" colectivelly the proper time of several geodesics associated to the motion of several particles moving in the back ground of a given relativistic gravitational field (The twin paradox has not been fully understood !).Let me explain better : In the Einstein framework , one gives a certain energy-momentum configuration (the "Sun") (mathematically a tensor of rank two in relation to the Local dipheomorffism space-time manifold group) in the (tensorial bundle) of space-time manifold :a object from the beginning possesing solely a differentiable topological structure and after that (and if compatible with the manifold topology-Chern /Gauss theorem constraint, Riemann completeness ,etc..), one determines the topologically compatible local metric structure of the smooth space-time by means of the famous Einstein Equations.If everything is smooth from a geometrical point of view , one starts the prediction of the "falling" bodies trajectories in this gravitational field throught the solution of the Boundary-Value Sturm liouville like problem associated to the geodesics non linear equations (you should know the beginning and the final point of the falling body trajectory into the space-time ,not the initial point and its "initial velocity" as in Newton Equation).Now one can make further steps on the Einstein program by exchanging the mater-energy Einstein's source by boundary ad-hoc conditions simulating point sources -delta sources-(not dipheomorffism covariant) ,like the Schwartz-Schild solution for Einsteinian particle motions around the Sun), and thus leading to a rich mathematical universe ( astronomical and astrophysical/cosmological observable ?)

Noir Desir - Le Vent Nous Portera

paul4dirt says...

I'm not scared of the road
We should see, must taste
From meander in the hollow of your breast
And there everything will be ok
The wind will carry us

Your message to Ursa Major
And the trajectory of your race
An instant of velvet
Even if it's not useful though
The wind will take it away
Everything will disappear but
The wind will carry us

The caress and the grapeshot
And that wound that tears us appart
The palace of everyday
From yesterday and tomorow
The wind will carry them

The genetic in shoulder-belt
Chromosom in the atmosphere
Taxis for galaxies
And my flying carpet says ?
The wind will take it away
Everything will disappear but
The wind will carry us

This perfume of our dead years
What can knock at your door
Infinity of destinies
We lay some but what do we retain?
The wind will take it away

During the tide rises
And everyone is doing its accounts
I take in the hollow of your shadow
Dusts of you
The wind will carry them
Everything will disappear but
The wind will carry us


Jumping the biggest waterslide on earth!

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Beggar's Canyon