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Black Man Gets Pulled Over For Doing 65 in a 70

newtboy says...

There's no such thing as a casual conversation with a racist pig. Only conversation designed to catch you in what they say is some admission or claim you slurred your words so they can violate you more.
Never answer questions. None. You have no obligation to help them investigate you, and that's what questions are. You have a constitutional right to remain silent, use it.

Another good cop? As good as they get now, only blatantly racist by his actions. There's no such thing as a good cop. They're a myth.
Note after seeing this video they aren't a bit convinced there's something wrong with him giving a written warning for not speeding and before they'll even consider looking at his actions they need an official complaint with his name, address, place of work, car model and color, license, and any other identifying information attached....for ID purposes not retaliation. His entire department backs him in this harassment. I'll bet $20 if he went to the precinct to make an official complaint they'll first spend hours dismissively trying to talk him out of it before claiming they're out of forms, come back next week and try again.

A warning for 5 mph under the limit. Yeah....I'm sure he pulls over every little old white lady he sees driving and arrests them, they go 20+mph under 70. What utter bullshit.

These aren't police, not civil servants, and they aren't there to help or keep the peace, they're violent, power tripping thugs, racists, liars, and are all severely lead deficient. The last two weeks have proven it conclusively.

Perry, please make that official formal complaint, and please record that interaction in full. This was not a valid traffic stop, it was an abuse of power by a disrespectful racist asshole who wanted to harass a black man.


Let's talk about being armed and black

newtboy says...

Silly red neck...constitutional rights are reserved for whites in least in practice.

I have to disagree that getting instructions from the top and following them to a T makes them safe. How many get killed not even knowing a cop is around, how many times have we seen cops show up and instantly shout "gun" then empty their clips, only to find no gun?
I say keep your gun in your hand highly visible, tell them out loud you have it, and if the cop reaches for theirs, use it.
Don't ever fall for the bullshit "I'm taking your gun for your safety, OK?" unless you get to take their gun for their safety first. Their racist fear doesn't trump your rights.

Cops are a gang of terrified thugs, not a peacekeeping force by any stretch. How many videos in just the last two weeks of brutish bully cops beating and shooting peaceful men women and children, shooting them point blank in the face, violently dog piling them while they're standing still, unarmed, hands raised, peacefully being interviewed on live many of these attacks were stopped by "good cops". Statistically, none. How many were excused with lies by all cops on scene before they knew they were filmed? 99.99%. Where are these mythical creatures called "good cops" when they're so desperately needed to stop the evil ones? Typically, they're nowhere.

newtboy (Member Profile)

The Party of HATE

newtboy says...

Protesters and looters are separate groups.
Not one video shows what led to these attacks. Considering the source, that's not surprising, nor will it be surprising when they are shown in full and every "victim" either instigated the violence (like attacking a crowd with a sword) or the attackers were actually more right wing thugs posing as antifa/leftists to paint them as violent out of control monsters.
Stupid bitch...the one's arrested starting riots and with explosives were boogaloos...a Right wing, pro Trump group caught repeatedly now trying to start race riots dressed as antifa....and the FBI found no Antifa involvement in riots or vandalism in DC.

newtboy (Member Profile)

Trump Threatens to Deploy Military in Response to Protests

newtboy says...

You [redacted] lying waste of skin. That's an outright verifiable lie. The only thing you said that's true is Trump is snot....but that's insulting to snot.

The vandals and rioters have been filmed working with police who not only protected them as they vandalized businesses but directed them on exactly how and what to paint/break so it looks like protesters did it. In one video of many, the white masked vandal started smashing the sidewalk just feet in front of a large police line as they watched until protesters stopped him and shoved him forcefully into the police who only then finally arrested him....or at least pretended to. No word on who he is or with what group, but it's obvious that protesters are doing more to stop rioters than police/Trump's government. In another, a fat white woman is seen painting BLM and other slogans on a building while police watch, they then suggest she add "George Floyd", which she obediently does.

Watch what he personally directed the secret service and military police in DC to do to PEACEFUL PROTESTERS, not a vandal among them, full mounted attack using grenades (flashbangs can kill) rubber bullets, clubs, hooves, boots, and tear gas. Barr, at Trump's order, personally directed them to clear the way for terrified Trump to crawl out of his basement hidey hole just so he could go have a photo op at a closed church (and they are pissed at being a prop for his divisive political ploy), pretending he isn't hiding behind hundreds of armed guards even after removing all protesters from the area, and pretending he regularly goes inside, but we ALL know he doesn't unless the congregation is replaced with cameras and he's the only speaker, giving a sermon on how great he is, better than Jesus.

Trump personally, and his administration, have been clear, clamp down on protesters, dominate them, shoot and arrest them, treat them like the vandals , because it's in his interest to demonize the protesters. He's even toyed with having any that can be identified by any means deemed domestic terrorists and putting them in prison for 10 years. Absolutely zero distinction between the protesters and vandals (who so far those caught on video vandalizing have all been masked whites, likely Trumpsters trying to make the protests turn to riots and blame non whites and democrats for his divisive lack of leadership that has if not caused this situation, at the least exacerbated it exponentially).

Yet more brain numbing, verifiability wrong dumbassery by a Trumptard. Remember last month when your ilk invaded government buildings armed to the teeth? Trump stood with those rioters, even as they burn governors in effigy on the front porch of the governor's mansion, Trump calls THEM patriotic good people, and peaceful protesters in the streets, those are THUGS he wants shot. *facepalm the dumb is getting dumber daily.

bobknight33 said:

Clamping down on rioters is what a government does.

Trump is snot clamping down on protesters.

Yet more fake spin by a Liberal

Caught on video, people that's NOT black spray painting

newtboy says...

Those aren't protesters, they're the people trying to paint protesters as rioters and thugs.
Next time, citizens arrest them, it will do two things, expose who the instigators really are and separate the honest protesters from the small group of instigators in their midst.
When the instigators get turned over to police on camera, they'll stop instigating within hours, they really don't want their identities exposed.

Police fire (paintball?) at residents on their front porch

newtboy says...

Shoot back with black tallons. Where are all Trump's "ready to go" 2A people? Certainly they would stand against this tyrannical thuggery....unless they're really all babies cowering behind and threatening with their guns but only when only they have guns to threaten with. No. Couldn't be.

Fucking violent thugs shooting people peacefully sitting on their porch.
They have zero authority to make you be INSIDE, only on your property.
This is not policing.

Shoot those thugs in the head like Trump said to. Presidential order through Twitter, shoot the THUGS. Burn their hideouts too...police stations. They aren't policing, so they don't deserve them.

I won't piss on a cop if they're on fire, or use my breaks if they're in front of my moving vehicle. By far, they're the most violent gang in America.

@bobknight33, does giving someone a nice ride on the clock excuse this? Or illegally arresting the press? Or repeatedly unannounced, shooting people dead in their homes, or repeatedly suffocating people in public using banned control methods, and how about lying about all of it until civilian video goes public?
Edit: You patriots aren't doing a thing to stop this tyrannical clampdown, gangs of THUGS shooting peaceful citizens on their porch backed by tanks, I guess all that "our guns protect us from a tyrannical government takeover" is definitely bullshit, we're sending those thugs to your house next to collect your guns, you don't need them anymore since you're all snowflakes.

Grandma steps in front of police guns to protect grandson .

newtboy says...

And why did 6+ cops need to draw and aim their guns at an unarmed man with his hands high for running a stop sign? Clear excessive force with no explanation besides racism.
*doublepromote another daily reminder that cops are a racist gang of violent power tripping thugs that will toss your grandma to the ground if she talks back.

News crew arrested on air in while covering riots

newtboy says...

The media being targeted by the government is step one towards totalitarian despotism.
Stand up. This is democracy itself under siege. If you take it sitting down or as just a spectator, you deserve the authoritarian dictatorship you'll wake up in tomorrow. If you live in Philadelphia, you have a duty to stand against tyranny. Get out there.

The president said we should shoot the THUGS in Philadelphia....they're easy to identify, they're wearing all blue with helmets. Aim for the armpits or crotch.

Note, no reason was ever given for the arrests (making this a kidnapping) and the governor had to get involved, they have been released now with his apology.

Police Who Murder Man In Public On Camera Fired

newtboy says...

Yep, all that evil media's fault for reporting facts and exposing murderers, not the racist murdering cops, not the racist hyper divisive president that makes every single thing that happens a divisive issue. God Damn you get dumber every day, you ignorant welfare queen.

You mean IS it justifiable? Absolutely.

What happened was wrong, and the norm. Usually it only ends in hospitalization, permanent injury, and unjustified incarceration with zero consequences for the criminal cops thanks to their gang culture they call the blue wall of silence.

Cop(s) should be punished by law, but without looting and additional unrest, they never are. Without the media exposing them, they never are.

Trump told them to do this, "don't be so nice", he said, "don't protect their head, smash them on the car", he said. I'm on your side, go forth and conquer, he said (not in those exact words). I think you've forgotten you are on the criminal murdering cop gang side. Trump calls these protesters "THUGS", not "good people" like he says about NAZIS who riot and murder citizens. Trump sent in the national guard not to keep the peace, but to shoot the thugs.

Umbrella man, who single handedly turned the peaceful protests into rioting, is white, and sure appears to be a police officer.

bobknight33 said:

Agreed. This is because the SJM media need to stoke the flames of division and discontent.

Does all the looting and additional killing justifiable?

What happened was wrong. The cop should be punished by the law.

Congress Votes to Limit Trump's War Powers After Iran Lies

Payback says...

I hate to say this, but Trump is responsible for Flight 752. It would have never happened without his bullshit attack.

Someone with a clue or an active brain cell would have known trigger fingers would be made itchy. That's why civilized governments declare wars. It allows the rest of the world to decide if they actually want to be in the area or not.

All rhetoric aside, Trump is officially a thug.

Cop Tells Man To Slap Him Then Assaults And Arrests Him

lucky760 says...


Hopefully charges were dropped on the old dude since his palm didn't even make contact with the officer and he wasn't even slapping, just slowly moving toward that thug.

Mob Punishes Stranger For Not Relinquishing His Phone

newtboy says...

Lol. Way to remove "like", why change your M.O. of misrepresenting what's actually been said.

Read the comments there and then tell me I'm wrong....please.

Why did you think it is worth posting? Is this other one just as deserving of views and informative about the groups involved?
I'm guessing you think not, because it shows armed white thugs (Trump's good people) attacking a black man and not black thugs attacking a white man.

How did you run across it? Recommended by YouTube? Those recommendations are derived from your viewing history, and you have a long, well documented history of posting racist positions and videos.

That doesn't necessarily make you a racist, but it does make you a supporter of racists and disseminator of their propaganda, which is unbelievably odd if you aren't one.

bobknight33 said:

" only racists view the "active self protection" channel."

Newt your such a load.

Antifa Surrounds Man & Daughter During Portland

newtboy says...

Oh. I see now. This is Andy Gno trying the same thing he couldn't sell on his own, but this time putting "children" in danger to try to sell his lies.
Footage of Gno planning the violence to provoke a response they could film at the rally where he claimed to have been attacked has surfaced, so he had to produce another video to sell his fake narrative....this time the morons brought their kids (edit: turns out she's 24 and a well known provocateur, not a little girl, just a small woman they tried to play off as a young girl) to their attempted riot and armed them with pepper spray, only to abandon them when the inevitable shit hit the fan.

Andy Gno is not one bit credible, he's been repeatedly caught making up his stories and lying about facts, @bobknight33, just like 99.9% of your sources of misinformation.

Also note, your heroes here, Bianca and John Turano (alt right violent activists who posted their hope Bianca would be beaten before the event), are trying (and weakly failing) to smash random business windows as they who are the thugs?

Funny enough, video of the pair angrily accusing 5 year old girls of being terrorists because they're Muslims has surfaced, so in reality they , two adults, are the ones who attacked children that day.

Not worth channel reassignment, but this isn't news, education, or learning. It's debunked propaganda from a disgraced fraudster, miseducation, and as usual you bought it hook line and sinker and tried to resell it.

Sad you feel compelled to continuously spread obvious lies. Reality must be incredibly painful and frightening for you.

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