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The WORST Thriller dance of all time

Dupes and blocks (Terrible Talk Post)

joedirt says...

What are you talking about? VS has more feature creep then a Thriller music video.

(But, it's not all bad because it's good for CMS development)

Has anyone ever counted the number of "tabs" this site has?

Sadako Comes For Ryuji - Ring (Japanese Version)

JAPR says...

American horror films have recently gone for shock value and cheap scares, whereas Asia has been consistently producing truly scary psychological thrillers.

Eagle Eye: dumbshit pie (spoilers ahead) (Blog Entry by dag)

Sarzy says...

It was definitely a "check your brain at the door" type of film, but I actually enjoyed it. I think the problem is that many people are critiquing it like it's a sci-fi film, which it really is not. It's just a thriller / action movie that happens to have a dumb sci-fi concept as its MacGuffin. I think the key to enjoying this movie is not to overthink it (or really, to think about it at all) -- just sit back and enjoy the ride. Don't get me wrong, it's far from a great film, but it's entertaining in its own way.

Also, I thought the State of the Union sequence was one of the better parts in the movie, but then I'm a pretty big Hitchcock fan and that scene was overtly Hitcockian (ie. very close to being outright theft).

Silent Hill - Nurses

blankfist says...

This is an underrated movie. Aside from the duly noted anticipation of a Thriller dance off, this is a creepy scene. And that's probably the most difficult thing a filmmaker can bring to a horror flick aside from an original scare. Great sift.

Silent Hill - Nurses

Michael Jackson--Thriller


dannym3141 (Member Profile)

blahpook says...

It's still worth a watch if corporate thrillers are your type of thing, or if you're a George Clooney fan (though his make-up artist needed to lay off the eyeliner in my opinion). That, by the way, was not a spoiler.

In reply to this comment by dannym3141:
i didn't watch the video because it mighta been spoiler, went straight to the fucking comments

In reply to this comment by blahpook:
I put a spoiler warning about his comment in my description, haha. I actually did like this movie even if it slowed in the middle just a bit...

In reply to this comment by dannym3141:
Actually, it is a bit shit to post a spoiler as the first comment.. the comment on the video got me interested (i'd never heard of the film) and then i went to find out the name of it and ended up reading a spoiler..

Whether you like the way budzos said it or not, it'd be nice if you put a big spoiler tag somewhere or something inventive

Lawnmower Man - Original Theatrical Trailer

budzos says...

Saw this in theatres opening weekend. Wasn't too bad for the time, but dated very quickly. Sort a dark and clumsy thriller version of Flowers for Algernon. I saw the sequel too, and to this day it might be the worst film I've ever bought a ticket for in theatres.

'Donkey Punch' trailer - Seriously - It's a real movie.

Shawshank in a Minute

Bored (Cinema Talk Post)

Deano says...

I recently bought The Game to watch again. That's an unusual thriller that kept me guessing and Michael Douglas is excellent.

Ichi the Killer - Theatrical trailer

When creature creating goes too far

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