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dystopianfuturetoday (Member Profile)

No, Diego, No!

random ridiculous religious rubbish

arghness says...

>> ^thinker247:

If God doesn't exist, who wrote the Bible?

I'm pretty sure that this video was sifted in the past and that it was a parody.

I'm not sure about the "Normal people, a.k.a. non-atheists..." clip though. Not sure if I've seen that one.

George Carlin Doesn't vote

George Carlin Doesn't vote

Man Goes Full Ninja on Cops and Awesomeness Happens

peggedbea says...

28 years of experience. >> ^ForgedReality:

>> ^peggedbea:
congratulations on being a protofacist dick bag and thinking if your dick bag comment was not enjoyed, the other person must just not "get it".
also for the rest of you, oh hahaha, this mentally ill mans hypermanic dysphoric/psychotic episode is soooooo fucking funny! i bet his kids are just laughing their fucking ass off right now. other peoples person tragedies and fucking hysterical, but they're wasting too many resources. we really should shoot them all and be done with it. you fucking assholes.
>> ^ForgedReality:
>> ^thinker247:
Yeah, let's just kill all the mentally ill. It's not like they need our help. They're just living high off all the great care we already give them.>> ^ForgedReality:
Oh good! I'm glad to know my taxes are paying for his hospital stay. Just shoot him with fucking bullets. End the cycle. Good lord. Seriously, we're not harsh enough on criminals. At all.

Congratulations on missing the point entirely.

First of all, what makes you guys think he's got a mental disorder? For all you know, he just thinks he's a gangsta thug, stickin it to The Man. Although, temporary insanity will probably be his excuse and he'll get let off during his trial. Then he'll be free to just go off and do some other horrible shit to people. Some of those people cheering him on are probably his homies, knowing full well he's not insane.

ForgedReality (Member Profile)

peggedbea says...

28 years of experience.
In reply to this comment by ForgedReality:
>> ^peggedbea:

congratulations on being a protofacist dick bag and thinking if your dick bag comment was not enjoyed, the other person must just not "get it".
also for the rest of you, oh hahaha, this mentally ill mans hypermanic dysphoric/psychotic episode is soooooo fucking funny! i bet his kids are just laughing their fucking ass off right now. other peoples person tragedies and fucking hysterical, but they're wasting too many resources. we really should shoot them all and be done with it. you fucking assholes.
>> ^ForgedReality:
>> ^thinker247:
Yeah, let's just kill all the mentally ill. It's not like they need our help. They're just living high off all the great care we already give them.>> ^ForgedReality:
Oh good! I'm glad to know my taxes are paying for his hospital stay. Just shoot him with fucking bullets. End the cycle. Good lord. Seriously, we're not harsh enough on criminals. At all.

Congratulations on missing the point entirely.

First of all, what makes you guys think he's got a mental disorder? For all you know, he just thinks he's a gangsta thug, stickin it to The Man. Although, temporary insanity will probably be his excuse and he'll get let off during his trial. Then he'll be free to just go off and do some other horrible shit to people. Some of those people cheering him on are probably his homies, knowing full well he's not insane.

Man Goes Full Ninja on Cops and Awesomeness Happens

ForgedReality says...

>> ^peggedbea:

congratulations on being a protofacist dick bag and thinking if your dick bag comment was not enjoyed, the other person must just not "get it".
also for the rest of you, oh hahaha, this mentally ill mans hypermanic dysphoric/psychotic episode is soooooo fucking funny! i bet his kids are just laughing their fucking ass off right now. other peoples person tragedies and fucking hysterical, but they're wasting too many resources. we really should shoot them all and be done with it. you fucking assholes.
>> ^ForgedReality:
>> ^thinker247:
Yeah, let's just kill all the mentally ill. It's not like they need our help. They're just living high off all the great care we already give them.>> ^ForgedReality:
Oh good! I'm glad to know my taxes are paying for his hospital stay. Just shoot him with fucking bullets. End the cycle. Good lord. Seriously, we're not harsh enough on criminals. At all.

Congratulations on missing the point entirely.

First of all, what makes you guys think he's got a mental disorder? For all you know, he just thinks he's a gangsta thug, stickin it to The Man. Although, temporary insanity will probably be his excuse and he'll get let off during his trial. Then he'll be free to just go off and do some other horrible shit to people. Some of those people cheering him on are probably his homies, knowing full well he's not insane.

Man Goes Full Ninja on Cops and Awesomeness Happens

peggedbea says...

congratulations on being a protofacist dick bag and thinking if your dick bag comment was not enjoyed, the other person must just not "get it".

also for the rest of you, oh hahaha, this mentally ill mans hypermanic dysphoric/psychotic episode is soooooo fucking funny! i bet his kids are just laughing their fucking ass off right now. other peoples person tragedies are so fucking hysterical, but they're wasting too many resources. we really should shoot them all and be done with it. bunch of human refuse.

you fucking assholes.

>> ^ForgedReality:

>> ^thinker247:
Yeah, let's just kill all the mentally ill. It's not like they need our help. They're just living high off all the great care we already give them.>> ^ForgedReality:
Oh good! I'm glad to know my taxes are paying for his hospital stay. Just shoot him with fucking bullets. End the cycle. Good lord. Seriously, we're not harsh enough on criminals. At all.

Congratulations on missing the point entirely.

Man Goes Full Ninja on Cops and Awesomeness Happens

ForgedReality says...

>> ^thinker247:

Yeah, let's just kill all the mentally ill. It's not like they need our help. They're just living high off all the great care we already give them.>> ^ForgedReality:
Oh good! I'm glad to know my taxes are paying for his hospital stay. Just shoot him with fucking bullets. End the cycle. Good lord. Seriously, we're not harsh enough on criminals. At all.

Congratulations on missing the point entirely.

Battle for the Ten Commandments

Tom Waits: Cold cold ground - 1987

Family Feud: She Says 1st Thing That Comes To Mind

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'Family Fued, Steve Harvey, first, body part, bigger, boy, men' to 'Family Feud, Steve Harvey, first, body part, bigger, boy, men' - edited by thinker247

Presidential Seal Falls off Lecturn and Obama Has Nice Save

quantumushroom says...

So are you enjoying high unemployment, a looted Treasury run by a tax cheat, an arrogant Congress, weakened standing in the world and soon-to-be post-office-quality health care??

“The danger to America is not Barack Obama but a citizenry capable of entrusting a man like him with the Presidency. It will be far easier to limit and undo the follies of an Obama presidency than to restore the necessary common sense and good judgment to a depraved electorate willing to have such a man for their president.

The problem is much deeper and far more serious than Mr. Obama, who is a mere symptom of what ails America. Blaming the prince of the fools should not blind anyone to the vast confederacy of fools that made him their prince.

The Republic can survive a Barack Obama, who is, after all, merely a fool. It is less likely to survive a multitude of fools such as those who made him their president.”
-WISE author unknown

>> ^thinker247:

I would have voted for a Kenyan witch doctor if it meant that the Maverick and his Bumbling Sidekick wouldn't have brought their ridiculous views of the ®eal Ameri©a into the White House.

Stephen Fry on American College Football

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