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This Week

newtboy says...

Trump probably told you that lie to make his abject failure that's going to kill at least 100000 Americans that need not have died look better, it's simply not what scientists/doctors said.

We were told there could eventually be 1-2 million deaths over the course of the pandemic if we did absolutely nothing. Trump wants you to make that the measure of success, one less death than doing nothing = great leadership. *facepalm

Trump said the 15 cases were all we would ever see, and it would just go away by April. Trust him. Ok...100 cases, it's not as bad as the flu, trust him. Ok, 1000 cases, it's fine, trust him. I mean 10000, 25000, 40000, 50000, 75000, 80000, 100000 and rising faster, but he's got this, it's under control, go back to work and shopping, trust him.

Epidemiologists said there would likely be 100000-250000 deaths (based on when we all started social distancing), 90% of which would have been avoided if Trump hadn't stalled so long on federal guidelines and actions and acted just two weeks earlier.

Sounds like an unmitigated failure requiring we lock him up for at least 25000 times longer than Hillary deserved.

bobknight33 said:

We were told that there will be 1 to 2 million deaths over next few months if we dong flatten the curve. Steps taken by POTUS admin and and states and now we are looking at 90,000 deaths.

Sounds like a God Damn success.

MEGA 2020

Coronavirus:The Lost 6 Weeks America Wasted

vil says...

A good medium works for all viruses, when Trump was the virus, the media helped spread it.

Now fear of Covid is the virus, the media helps spread it.

There is not a lack of information about cancer. Its just not news.

People die for various reasons but that is not a valid excuse for killing people. Everyone dies eventually and no one wants to die sooner just for economic reasons. Bad sci-fi that is.

Proposing to kill 1 in 5 grandparents because they were sick anyway (and throw in a few random young people, mostly doctors and medical personel for good measure) to help the economy is very Ayn Randish but I bet on humanity as always. Even the chinese eventually decided to fight the virus rather than "keep the economy open" and just let some people die.

Trump's Covid 19 Plan, Get Cancer Then Poison Yourself

newtboy says...

Only a fool believes he didn't really believe it would work and that he just had a genius idea nobody thought of, just like his other idea, massive doses of uv. Nobody knew that wouldn't work, nobody. *facepalm
He's now claiming it was sarcasm since someone apparently told him how stupid he is, but that's obvious bullshit, he meant every word. No wink, no smirk, no "just kidding", he was dead serious.
Edit: now he's claiming it was a genius practical joke on the press not revealed for 18+ hours, putting his worshipers lives at risk to trigger the fake media....uh....yeah, that's much better.
Technically he didn't actually say people should inject it, he said doctors, actual real medical doctors this time, should test direct injection....but when he says that his moronic cultists just do it because he knows more than doctors....they didn't get their hydroxychloroquine through a doctor for the most part, they went black market because reputable doctors wouldn't prescribe it. They took it because Trump said it was perfect, a miracle cure with no downside. Turns out it may double the likelihood of death along with multiple life altering side effects.
Wait and see, people will do it. Probably drinking bleach or rubbing alcohol, but some morons will inject it. Trumpsters are not rational. Just look at homeless cocaine dad here, or you thinking he's convincing in any way. Remember, some Trumpster idiots took fish tank chloroquine because he said "chloroquine good". You think more morons won't inject rubbing alcohol because Trump said "injecting disinfectants good"?!

The president absolutely suggested it might be a way to fight the virus. That's exactly what he did. This whole video was a lame frantic attempt to deny it, then he played the audio that proves he did.

bobknight33 said:

Only fools think Trump suggest injecting disinfectants like bleach and rubbing alcohol might be a good treatment to kill Covid,

Shit load of Fools on the sift.

Coronavirus V: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO)

mram says...

"Try it! What have you got to lose?" says the non-doctor.

Life. That's what I've got to lose. Wow, to not understand side effects. It's not like he's peddling a miracle cure "water" which is pretty well tested to not cause death in humans.

60 Minutes Accepts Trump Team's Challenge

Drachen_Jager jokingly says...

Hey, great idea!

Let's monitor everyone with cameras all the time and flag them for inappropriate social distancing (among other things). Those who earn demerits become ineligible for certain jobs and means of transportation, while those who report them can earn promotions.

Then let's jail doctors or anyone else who speak out against the failures of the government, weld bars over the doors of infected households so they can't get out, and force hard quarantines on areas experiencing an outbreak enforced by deadly measures.

I'm sure once it's all over, Trump would gladly give up his newfound absolute power over the citizenry of the United States.

greatgooglymoogly said:

So H1N1 could have "been the big one" yet there were no shutdowns or travel restrictions. They just got lucky that time. Supply stockpiles can only do so much, which is admittedly more than Trump did.

Maybe we can learn lessons from China. They managed to avoid large outbreaks in Beijing and Shanghai, seems like the virus went directly from Wuhan to the rest of the world.

Mordhaus (Member Profile)

Mordhaus says...

Update: I was very sick for about 10 days. May or may not have been CV19, but I won't know until we get antibody tests here. Wife got sick but not as bad. Doctor told us not to come in unless we couldn't breathe.

Once I started feeling better, things were crazy around Austin so I didn't get online. Was planning on posting soon, but I just broke my wrist/radius in fall yesterday. I can only type with my non dominant hand and controlling my mouse is nigh impossible. In a cast now for 3-4 weeks. I hope all of you are safe and well. See you soon I hope.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

More head up your ass denial from the right. Do your'll find that, unlike every other president ever, Trump continues to hide his assets and refuse to divest in non-American companies. His stock holdings in Sanofi, maker of the name brand, have been uncovered, but who knows how much of his holdings are still secret? No one since his financial ties are locked door secrets. What is clear is that multiple major donors have massive holdings in sanofi and other generic manufacturers, some ARE drug manufacturers, so he has good reason to sell it even if he didn't have the personal stake that he has....he gets millions in donations he can pilfer.

FYI, a near 100% of doctors disagree, there are zero studies and only some anecdotal evidence to support Trump's self serving snake oil claims, and tons of proof that it's dangerous, has side effects that can be permanently disabling or deadly and may be worse and more likely than average Covid19 symptoms, and has not proven to be effective against Covid19. Do your research. Drugs of last resort should not be used as preventative or unsupervised medicine, or be suggested by people who know nothing but stand to benefit financially.

It's bad because it causes;
Blistering, peeling, loosening of the skin
blurred vision or other vision changes
chest discomfort, pain, or tightness
cough or hoarseness
dark urine
decreased urination
defective color vision
difficulty breathing
difficulty seeing at night
dizziness or fainting
fast, pounding, uneven heartbeat
feeling that others are watching you or controlling your behavior
feeling that others can hear your thoughts
feeling, seeing, or hearing things that are not there
fever with or without chills
general feeling of tiredness or weakness
inability to move the eyes
increased blinking or spasms of the eyelid
joint or muscle pain
large, hive-like swelling on the face, eyelids, lips, tongue, throat, hands, legs, feet, and sex organs
loss of hearing
lower back or side pain
noisy breathing
painful or difficult urination
red irritated eyes
red skin lesions, often with a purple center
severe mood or mental changes
sore throat sores, ulcers, or white spots on the lips or in the mouth
sticking out of the tongue
stomach pain
swelling of the feet or lower legs
swollen or painful glands
trouble with breathing, speaking, or swallowing
uncontrolled twisting movements of the neck, trunk, arms, or legs
unusual behavior
unusual bleeding or bruising
unusual facial expressions
unusual tiredness or weakness
yellow eyes or skin
Heart failure
All with no evidence it helps with Covid19

bobknight33 said:

More Bullshit from the left.

How much in invested?. is it in a FUND? or STOCK?

Do you fucking research then bitch and moan.

FY trucking I hydroxychloroquine is promising and working to an extent. But since Trump spoke it it must be bad.

Why will you grow up?

1000's doctors agree hydroxychloroquine is best treatment

newtboy says...

There are >10 million doctors worldwide. Thousands equates to .02% think it's the right treatment. That means ten million doctors worldwide disagree. The only medical studies done so far have shown it's not effective against covid19, but is deadly when taken with diabetes medications. The anecdotal evidence that it helps comes from places where it's used in conjunction with antibacterial or antiviral drugs, when used alone it's useless.
Jebus, @bobknight33, the dangerous stupidity is increasing with every post. Not one bit surprising, you get all your information from unethical, amoral propagandists like Trump , Faux, and OAN, all of which are verified constant liars whose listeners are less informed after listening....calling any actual verifiable information "fake news".
Your idiocy would be laughable if this wasn't life and death information.

A quick reminder of hydrooxychloroquine side effects-
Blistering, peeling, loosening of the skin
blurred vision or other vision changes
chest discomfort, pain, or tightness
cough or hoarseness
dark urine
decreased urination
defective color vision
difficulty breathing
difficulty seeing at night
dizziness or fainting
fast, pounding, uneven heartbeat
feeling that others are watching you or controlling your behavior
feeling that others can hear your thoughts
feeling, seeing, or hearing things that are not there
fever with or without chills
general feeling of tiredness or weakness
inability to move the eyes
increased blinking or spasms of the eyelid
joint or muscle pain
large, hive-like swelling on the face, eyelids, lips, tongue, throat, hands, legs, feet, and sex organs
loss of hearing
lower back or side pain
noisy breathing
painful or difficult urination
red irritated eyes
red skin lesions, often with a purple center
severe mood or mental changes
sore throat sores, ulcers, or white spots on the lips or in the mouth
sticking out of the tongue
stomach pain
swelling of the feet or lower legs
swollen or painful glands
trouble with breathing, speaking, or swallowing
uncontrolled twisting movements of the neck, trunk, arms, or legs
unusual behavior
unusual bleeding or bruising
unusual facial expressions
unusual tiredness or weakness
yellow eyes or skin

Edit:oh, now I get it. I've now read Giuliani told Trump this crap works, and of course trump trusts him over the medical community or scientific do .02% of doctors if this opinion piece isn't pure *lies like OAN trades in. Remember, they are essentially a subsidiary of Pravda. It will be interesting to find out how many people pushing the untested hydroxychloroquine recently invested in companies that make it.
Btw-Giuliani had his Twitter account suspended for lying and claiming hydro has 100% effectiveness at eradicating covid19 despite zero evidence to support that claim and tons to refute it.

Finally a Doctor on the News Talking Fucking Sense

lucky760 says...

Yeah, I did a double-take and for a moment expected as if it were just an in-person conversation for the doctor to say "Actually, in that case the wife was more affected," then figured he didn't because he might feel kind of weird stopping to correct the reporter on live TV.

In general, it is men who are more affected, so the reporter was making a valid point. I think he just misheard or misunderstood the doctor's example when the doctor said "worse shape" meaning physically, in general.

(Or it could be that he thought the doctor misspoke and referenced the husband and wife in reverse.)

Digitalfiend said:

At 2:13 the doctor states that the wife ended up on a ventilator but the husband, "who was in much worse shape than the wife", ended up fine. Given the context of the conversation at that point, where the doctor was saying they can't predict who the virus will seriously affect, I took his statement as: the husband was in much worse *physical* shape than the wife yet he wasn't affected by the virus as severely (if at all). Fast-forward to @2:40 and the reporter states the complete opposite, as though he wasn't even listening to the doctor, and goes on to ask why men are more affected than women. Weird...

Finally a Doctor on the News Talking Fucking Sense

Digitalfiend says...

At 2:13 the doctor states that the wife ended up on a ventilator but the husband, "who was in much worse shape than the wife", ended up fine. Given the context of the conversation at that point, where the doctor was saying they can't predict who the virus will seriously affect, I took his statement as: the husband was in much worse *physical* shape than the wife yet he wasn't affected by the virus as severely (if at all). Fast-forward to @2:40 and the reporter states the complete opposite, as though he wasn't even listening to the doctor, and goes on to ask why men are more affected than women. Weird...

lucky760 (Member Profile)

w1ndex (Member Profile)

w1ndex (Member Profile)

C-note (Member Profile)

Mordhaus (Member Profile)

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