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bizinichi (Member Profile)

gorgonheap (Member Profile)

Jerry Seinfeld's Brilliant Response to a Telemarketer

The Funniest Telemarketer Prank Ever

Tom Mabe - Cemetary Telemarketer Prank

The Telemarketer didn't have a script for this call!!!

lucky760 says...

The one you're talking about jimnms is Jim Florentine from his Terrorizing Telemarketers albums. Those are all awesome.

This one's funny, but the cackeling of the radio show or whoever's playing it is annoying. No laugh track necessary.

The Telemarketer didn't have a script for this call!!!

jimnms says...

That's a good one. I heard another one a while back, probably from the same guy. A telemarketer calls him to sell a coffin or a plot in a cemetary or something like that. He tells the telemarketer that he was just sitting there thinking of commiting suicide and was preying to god for a sign of what to do.

The Telemarketer didn't have a script for this call!!!

The Telemarketer didn't have a script for this call!!!

I've fallen ........ and I can't get up!!

Farhad2000 says...

Please don't vote this up to the front page. I don't like things making of senior citizens.

I once had a opportunity to run with a telemarketting crew that made hundreds of thousands per day just scamming old people with schemes like these, medicare, discount drugs and the like. The first day I was there I just couldn't take it and ended up walking out without notifying anyone.


pho3n1x says...

that's stupid. you can't just post a song with a gif and then call it a video... i can put up with something funny like a telemarketing call, but this is just retarded. sorry. i've posted a few stinkers, but this... wish i could negative vote.

Cancelling Your AOL Account....Not...That...Easy...

bamdrew says...

I know a girl employed as a telemarketer. Its a sh*t job, and this guy is as well trained as they get. Not his fault that AOL trains them to do all they can to disuade the account-cancelers.

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