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Zero Punctuation: Beatles Rock Band and Guitar Hero 5

Shepppard says...

I own the beatles rock band.

It's actually well worth it in my opinion. He does hit some points on the head, There's definitely a steep curve when it comes to dificulty in certain venues but that's because you're supposed to be playing songs they would have played in that stage of their career.

The first few venues are nothing special, its nice to see the set of Ed Sullivan or the Cavern, but where it REALLY starts to shine is the Abby Road studio. The backdrop is something you'd expect to see out of "Yellow Submarine" and most of the time they're in their Sergent Peppers clothing.

I personally love it.

one of my favourites can be seen here

Acura NSX Submarine

Navy I'm On A Boat

Navy I'm On A Boat

Navy I'm On A Boat

Acura NSX Submarine

Acura NSX Submarine

osama1234 says...

It may be rear wheel drive...
Not rear wheel drive, rear engine, as in the engine is in the back of the car, where the trunk would be. Might make a difference that you're not using your engine compartment as the bow of the ship.

I meant to say rear engine, but wrote rear wheel.

>> ^ReverendTed:
Something seemed off with the driver's side front wheelwell after exiting the puddle. Anybody else see that?
I do wonder what the situation was where someone who had spent that much on an Acura NSX would think it necessary to ford through water that deep.

Yeah, the plastic piece in in the wheelwell had come loose. I'm guessing the force of the water rushing through the front of the car and trying to come out of the area near the wheelwell dislodged the plastic piece usually meant to keep rain water out of the front of the car.

pierrekrahn (Member Profile)

Acura NSX Submarine

Acura NSX Submarine

Top 30 Failed Technology Predictions (Science Talk Post)

yourhydra says...

19. “I must confess that my imagination refuses to see any sort of submarine doing anything but suffocating its crew and floundering at sea.” — HG Wells, British novelist, in 1901.

Jealous of Jules Verne much? (who in my opinion is a much better writer...and was very ahead of his time in predicting numerous of technological advancements)

NicoleBee (Member Profile)

my15minutes says...

In reply to this comment by NicoleBee:
> I've seen this sort of thing happening with sci-fi robes in other media before (generally executed much better), and thought I'd take a stab at it.
hope you got a chuckle at my use of art critic vernacular. i was trying to work in the terms mise en scene and negative space, but decided it was already silly enough as is.

> Thank you for the kind words!
yw! enjoyed watching you finish up the yellow submarine before, as well.

> If I could do it again I'd make ponce a little stockier. Maybe for his diamond
yes, yes. by then he will have grown fat and complacent. then we will strike, and release the flying monkey army. all in good time.

In reply to more silliness by m15

NicoleBee (Member Profile)

Happy Diamond to Me... (Happy Talk Post)

Giant Octopus attacks Submarine

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