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Las Vegas Police Beating Caught On Tape

blankfist says...

>> ^cito:

we need more people rise up and capture these pigs and hang them from city street lights and video tape it to put on youtube. Make the cops scared of us for once.

No thanks. Violence will only justify their role.

Las Vegas Police Beating Caught On Tape

cito says...

we need more people rise up and capture these pigs and hang them from city street lights and video tape it to put on youtube. Make the cops scared of us for once.

rychan (Member Profile)

BoneRemake says...

I had not noticed the traffic lights, I will assume that is what is on the poles, as the cowering driver would be the ones in front not making a move to merge after so many large gaps. But obviously now they wouldnt do that if a street light was saying not to go.

People who cause accidents are many types of people, one of them I know is the type that do not feel comfortable in what they are doing and are unsure of how to properly act on the road, I.E new drivers, old drivers, female drivers,male drivers and clown cars.

In reply to this comment by rychan:
>> ^BoneRemake:

You can either fuck up a driving situation by being too much of an aggressive cock or you can fuck it up by being a little cowering bitch.
In this video we see both.

Which driver is cowering?

Germany's Downfall Will Be Facilitated By This Roundabout

poolcleaner says...

Geez, I thought we had poor city planning on the west coast in the United States. This is pretty bad.

Why create a tiny roundabout without massive YIELD notifications in the middle of a four lane intersection -- and with a crosswalk? It's a recipe for disaster. Just put up some stop signs/lights and turn it back into a normal intersection.

The only roundabouts that I know of that work (and even these have some problems) are larger, multi-laned roundabouts with a solid structure/island in the middle to prevent driving straight through it and other similar moving violations due to ignorance/impatience.

We have a decent number of larger roundabouts in California, mostly in south Orange County (as well as the Orange circle, which is more inland) and there's a couple in Long Beach. I've NEVER seen these types of problems. Reminds me of what happens when street lights go out due to a power outage.

Matthew Good Band- Everything is automatic

BoneRemake says...

>> ^kronosposeidon:

I found out about Matthew Good from MuchMusic (amazingly our local cable company had a Canadian channel in 1997.) I tried to order the Underdogs CD from and other online outlets in America, but none had it at the time so I finally had to order it from a retailer in the great white north. I believe that is the only parcel I have ever gotten from Canada. Most of my imports come from Sweden.

I found out about them from MM as well, Rick campanelli and racheal.. Master T, Suk yin or whatnot, It was from the Canadian music channel my mind started to twist and churn into a state where this music appealed to me. It REALLY meant a lot to me, this song especially ( I tear now I think about it ) I went for a walk with my Mega earphones and cd player back in the day while really high on mushrooms, beautiful experience which I never forget the blinding apocalypse which are high pressure sodium street lights.

I pretty well HAVE owned every , well I can not state that, I indeed have owned every output of the Matthew good man mind.

Booby-trapped bike teaches thief a lesson!

longde says...

The bike was there for at least an hour (by the movement of the shadow of the street light pole); so he didn't just walk in for a quick trip.

Knocking over a bike is not a crime. >> ^burdturgler:
Leaving your bike to go into a store isn't entrapment. Is it entrapment if I don't lock my car now? Was it entrapment that made the first scum bag knock the bike over and leave it there?

"Talking Tornado Sirens" - Seek Shelter Now

peggedbea says...

ALKDJFDLI! my house (in texas) is right underneath one of these. meaning the siren itself is attatched to the street light pole thats in my front yard. fucking corner lots. because i basically sleep right underneath the siren, the words coming out of it sound very distorted from inside my house.

i'm in fort worth, about 2 hours south of oklahoma, so there is a constant stream of tornados from march to june.

when i first bought my house, i had just left my exhusband, who had been off his meds too long and was often in trouble with the law because of it. i was also still using his last name, which sounds very similar to the word 'warning'. and the last 6 months of my marriage i lived in constant fear of the cops raiding my house. along with the fear of any other trouble or death he might get himself into.

so one spring day, a few weeks after i left him and moved in here, i was woken up from a dead nap and had no idea i was living underneath a siren. it sounded like a 10 cops in my front yard with bull horns yelling "holley warren, come outside immediately". given the circumstances i had just ran from, i wasn't in a good place mentally or logically, so i grabbed my kids from their beds and hid in the closet for 30 minutes, which incidentally, is a good place to hide in case of a tornado. but i was hiding from the cops, expecting them to bust down my front doors and haul me off to jail for being an accomplice to whatever shit he had pulled and take my kids away.

of course that didnt happen because the sirens were really saying "tornado warning, get inside immediately". i quit using the name "warren" after that. i also got some therapy.

Drax (Member Profile)

gwiz665 says...

Yeah, Event Horizon does the sci fi horror damn well. The problem with the way sunshine does it, is that it tries to be something different and then sorta falls back on blood and gore. That's sorta my main gripe with battlestar galactica, it tried really hard to be a story about people with realistic sci-fi, and then suddenly veers off and becomes something completely different.

Event Horizon is a sci-fi horror flick and it knows it. The same way Lost is supernatural, where it doesn't feel bad the way it does in BSG.

Event Horizon's idea of hell reminds me a lot of Warhammer 40k, with living ships and chaos and so on.

In reply to this comment by Drax:
Event Horizon is pure badace. I saw it originally on a humongous screen with a bass system so loud the seats shook when the asteroid at the beginning passes in front of the camera.

The spinning shot of Daylight Station actually gave me a sense of vertigo.. then the scary parts eventually came.

Then I got to go home to my little cabin like home in an area that had no street lights, and my roommate was out of town.

Very few movies get under my skin, that one did.. big time. I cry a little inside whenever I hear a fellow geek bash that movie.

...oh and I love the little connections to Hellraiser.
"Hell is but a word.. the truth is much... much worse."

In reply to this comment by gwiz665:
I liked this movie apart from the last part, where it goes all slasher/horror, which is at odds with the rest of it, I think.

In related news, Event Horizon is the most awesomest spacy scifi slasher horror movie ever made! (Apart from alien.)

gwiz665 (Member Profile)

Drax says...

Event Horizon is pure badace. I saw it originally on a humongous screen with a bass system so loud the seats shook when the asteroid at the beginning passes in front of the camera.

The spinning shot of Daylight Station actually gave me a sense of vertigo.. then the scary parts eventually came.

Then I got to go home to my little cabin like home in an area that had no street lights, and my roommate was out of town.

Very few movies get under my skin, that one did.. big time. I cry a little inside whenever I hear a fellow geek bash that movie.

...oh and I love the little connections to Hellraiser.
"Hell is but a word.. the truth is much... much worse."

In reply to this comment by gwiz665:
I liked this movie apart from the last part, where it goes all slasher/horror, which is at odds with the rest of it, I think.

In related news, Event Horizon is the most awesomest spacy scifi slasher horror movie ever made! (Apart from alien.)

The Coup - Fat Cats and Bigga Fish

MrFisk says...

It's almost ten o clock see i got a ball of lifted property
so i slid my beenie hat on sloppily
and promenade out to take up a collection
i got game like i read the directions
i 'm wishing that i had an automobile
as i feel the cold wind rush past
but let me state that i am a hustler for real
so you know i got the stolen bus pass
just as the bus pulls up and i step to the rear
this ole lady look like she drank a forty of fear
i see my ole school partner said his brother got popped
pay my respects
can you ring the bell we came to my stop
the street light reflects off the piss on the ground
which reflects off the hamburger sign as it turns round
which reflects off the chrome of the bmw
which reflects off the fact that i am broke
now what the fuck is new
i need loot i sweat the motherfucka
in the tweed suit
and i'm on his ass quicker than a kick from a grease boot
eased up slow and discreet
could tell he was suspicious by the way he slid his feet
didn't wanna fuck up the come on
so i smiled with my eyes said hey how it's hanging guy
bumped into his shoulders but he passed with no reaction
damn this motherfucka had a hella of andrew jacksons
i'm a thief or pickpocket give a fuck what you call it
used to call em fat cats.
i just call them wallets getting federal aint just a klepto
master card or visa i'd gladly accept those
sneaky motherfucka with a scam know how to pull it
got a mirror in my pocket but that wont stop no bullets
story just begun but you already know
aint no need to get down shit i'm already low

My footsteps echo in the darkness
my teeth clenched tight like a fist in the cold sharp mist
i look down and i hear my somach growling
step to burger king to attack it like a shaolin
i never pay for shit that i can get by doing dirt
link up to the girl cashier and start to flirt
all up in her face and her breath was like murder
damn the shit i do for a free hamburger
(girl )"well you got my number you gonna call me tonite"
it depends is them burgers attached to a price
"sorry sorry"
im just kidding i'ma call you write you love letters
"it's all good"
thanks for the burgers emm hook me up with a dr pepper.
(girl)thats cool you want some ice
yeah and some fries will be hella nice
(girl) damn my managers coming play it off okay have a nice day
im up outta here anyway
i use peoples before they use me
cos you could get got by an uzi over an oz
thats what an og told me
gots to find someplace warm and cozy to eat the vittles that i just got
came to an underground parking lot
this place is good as any fuck its all good
walked in found a car hopped itself up on a hood
ate my burger threw back my cola
somebody said hey it was a rented pig i thought it was a roller
"want me to call the cops?"
i dont want them to see me
looked down and saw that i was sitting on a lamboughini
it was rollses ferraris and jags by the dozen
a building door opened
damn it was my cousin
getting offa work dressed up no lie
tux cummerband and a blackbow tie
i was like hey
"who is it"
"oh whats up man i just quit this company
they hella racist and the pay was too low "
i said arite what was up in there though
"a party with rich motherfuckas i dont know the situation
i know they got cabbage owning corporations
ibm chryslers and shit is what they seeing"
just then a light bulb went off in my head
they be thinking all black folks is resembling
gimme your tux and i'll do some pocket swindling
fit the change in the bathroom and i freeze off my nuts
lets take a short break
while i get into this tux
grunt zipp
alright i'm ready

Fresh dressed like a million bucks
i be the flyiest muthafucka in an afro and a tux
my arm is at a right angle up silver tray in my hand
may i interest you in some caviar mam
my eyes shoots round the room there and here
noticing the diamonds in the chandelier
background barry manilow copacobana
and a strong ass scent of stoagies from havana
what no place where a brother might been
snobby ole ladies drinking champagne with rich white men
allrite then lets begin this
nights like this is good for business
five minutes in the mix noticed several diffrent cliques
talking giggling and shit
well one mother fucka gave me twits
and everbody else jacking it throttling
found out later you know coca cola bottling
talking to a black man who he's confused
we looking hella bourgie
ass all tight and seditty
recognzed him as the mayor of my city
who treats young black man like frank nitty
mr coke said to mr mayor "you know we got a process like ice t's hair
we put up the fund for your election campaign
and oh um waiter can you bring the champagne"
a real estate fronts as opportunities arousing
to make some condos out of low income housing
immediately we need some media heat
to say that gangs run the street and then we bring in the police fleet
harrasing me everbody till they look inebriated
when we bought the land motherfuckas will appreciate it
dont worry about the urban league or jesse jackson
my man that owns marlboros
donated a fat sum
thats when i step back some to contemplate what few know
sat down wrestle with my thoughts like a sumo
aint no one player that could beat this lunancy
aint no hustler on the street could do a whole community
this is how deep shit can get
it reads macaroni on my birth certificate
poontang is my middle name but i cant hang
i'm getting hustled
only knowing half the game
shit how the fuck do i get out of this place.

Not "Cool" Anymore - Yair Lapid (Worldaffairs Talk Post)

demon_ix says...

They don't have to create enthusiasm here. For a very long time before Cast Lead, the city of Sderot was taking 10+ rockets a day. The rockets (called Qassam) were basically a street light pole with some fuel and explosives. It's not a very powerful rocket, but it can't be targeted. That means that they can only pick a population center and launch. To the people living in Sderot, an alarm was sounding 10+ times a day that meant "Get to a bomb shelter within the next 20 seconds or you might die".

Israel is a tiny place. To get from the West Bank to one of our major cities (Haifa, Tel-Aviv, Jerusalem) will take about 1-3 hours, depending if the terrorist has someone picking him up, which they sometimes did. That's an extremely short time that the military has to react in, assuming they even know about it in advance.
So they go pro-active. They gather intelligence. They set up road blocks in obvious places where people can cross and build a wall where they can't monitor 24/7. It may seem offensive, but it's really about getting to it before there's nothing that can be done anymore.

The best example I can think of is the Karine A Intercept which also relates to why any army needs offensive units as well as defensive.
The purpose of an army is not to fight, it's not to destroy and it's not to decide it's own agenda. The army takes it's orders from non-military elected politicians and their entire purpose is to give those politicians options in any given situation.


Americans are always meddling in other governments, election processes and general public perception. Why can't you guys do that here? Start meddling! In the next election, make sure the left-wing peaceful candidate gets elected, and then things might start to change...

We do it all the time to you guys, according to about 20+ videos I've seen on the sift already

Blue Rodeo "English Bay"

calvados says...

You are so far away
On this cold empty night
As I lie in a hotel room
Looking at the street light
Outside my window
I listen to the rain
And the sounds of the passing cars
And the waves on English Bay

And I wonder if you think of me
As I dream of you
Do you hear the song
That I sing
In this hotel room
'Cause I see you in the stars above
And in every setting sun
And even though you're fifteen hundred miles away
I hear howling at the moon

And I hold you in my mind
And I start to float away
Yea the whole world seems very strange
In a pleasant kinda way

And as the morning sun comes up
And puts an end to this long night
More than anything I wish
You were here
Lying by my side
Holding me near
Listening to the rain
And the passing cars
And the waves on English Bay

The Weakerthans "Diagnosis"

calvados says...

The Weakerthans:Diagnosis
From LyricWiki
This song is performed by The Weakerthans.

I have a headache. I have a sore back. I have a letter I can't send. I have desire, it falters and falls down, it calls you up drunk at three or four a.m. to wonder when...wonderful. All the cheap tricks I tried too hard not to pull. Pulled along or pulled apart. The diagnosis of a foreign frame of heart. I have a story that I'd like to tell you, it's littered with settings and second takes. I have a feeling that hums with the street lights and hides under ice in always frozen lakes. My mistake to make you cringe. Another greeting like a broken creaky hinge to oil and push or pry apart. The diagnosis of a foreign frame of heart. Found a cure for being sure, and, sure as anything, I'll smile for my reckoning.

Not satisfied with your presents? Get a Treadmill Bike!

Raigen says...

Okay, I'm a long-time lurker now first-time poster. Why? Because watching this I nearly choked on my toast because this whole thing is filmed IN MY TOWN of Waterloo, Ontario. So it definitely needs a *Canada addition immediately.

If anything it's probably from students at WLU or UW Universities. I first picked up on it from them getting on a Grand River Transit bus in UpTown Waterloo showing our JazzFest banners on the street lights.

Suspension Bridge During an Earthquake

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