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John Oliver - Trump's Wiretapping Claim

newtboy says...

And they've had to publicly apologize to the Brits too.

What's ironic is, Trump is also accused of enlisting a foreign intelligence office to spy on and damage a political opponent, and there's a lot of evidence indicating that it really happened, coming not only directly from multiple sources in the intelligence community, (not conspiracy theory loving fake news talking heads with a clear bias) but also directly from Trump's mouth when he publicly asked the Russians to hack Clinton and release any emails they find....which they actually did in a clear attempt to help him get elected.

I think any nomination hearings need to be postponed until this investigation is complete, because if it does find what seems apparent, that Trump and his administration colluded with a hostile foreign power to rig our election, that makes them treasonous traitors, and we certainly don't want that kind of person installing Supreme Court judges (or any other nominees for permanent or important positions) that are working for our enemies. As long as there's serious question of Trump's Russian ties, it's possible treason to follow his lead in any way. If it finds collusion, anyone involved should probably be executed as traitors after conviction, with their assets seized.

Once that investigation is over...if it finds no's time to start a second investigation into his mental condition, as it seems he's developing dementia at a rapid pace, and that's a legal reason to remove him from office. He needs to prove he's not mentally impaired using accepted medical tests and standards...the long form tests.

Bill Maher - President Crazypants

entr0py says...

The tiny hands stuff has an interesting history though, I like spy magazine's original framing as "short -fingered vulgarian, Donald Trump". The sole reason this trolling has gone on for 30 years is he reacts to it in such amusingly childish ways.

MilkmanDan said:

I've said I don't like the "tiny hands" stuff before because it isn't in any way a legitimate or meaningful criticism. Trump does all kinds of legitimately crazy shit, and so much energy is spent on making fun of his hands?

...That being said, Maher brilliantly segued a sarcastic "tiny hands" jab into a very legitimate (and funny) jab in this one.

Alexa, are you connected to the CIA?

Fantomas says...

Reminds me of a joke I heard recently.

My wife asked why I carried a gun around the house. I said "Fear of CIA spies".
She laughed, I laughed, the Amazon echo laughed.

I shot the echo.

Hayden Says The CIA Is Not Spying On Us Through Our T.Vs

Drachen_Jager says...

He's only telling half the story.

Yes, American agencies won't spy on Americans without a warrant, BUT, all Western intelligence agencies have a nudge-nudge wink-wink relationship. "We won't spy on OUR citizens, so we'll just spy on yours, you spy on ours and we'll share intel at the end of the day."

It amounts to the same thing, just with a clever workaround to pretend to the public like you're not actually spying on them.

Gratefulmom (Member Profile)

Hayden Says The CIA Is Not Spying On Us Through Our T.Vs

eric3579 says...

I don't think people generally find it okay to be spied on by anyone. But if i had to choose...

For me personally i fear the government would gather/use particular types of info to possibly fuck my life up in one of many ways, and for one of many reasons. Google on the other hand may be interested to gather info to try and sell me some shit. I don't want either to get up in my business, but it's a no brainier which i fear more.

I've known to many people getting screwed by government agency, not so many by Amazon

artician said:

I will never understand why it's acceptable for unchecked third-party corporations to spy on you, but once the government does it, a slightly larger minority gets upset.

Hayden Says The CIA Is Not Spying On Us Through Our T.Vs

artician says...

Right. Here are some facts.

The CIA isn't spying on most of us through our TVs right now, though they do have the technology to do it and have developed it specifically for that purpose.

So have countless other entities (government and independent. You can download the tech yourself if you care to, or have the technical ability).

Samsung is spying on you through your Samsung TV's

Any consumer products with voice recognition could be considered to be spying on you, such as Google and Amazon "home assistants".

Technically, by now anything with an active microphone has the capability to do this. It should probably be considered worse that it's not the government, but completely unknown third-parties who supply the infrastructure to do this on a massive scale for the purposes of data mining for advertising.

I have personal experience with this technology and the industries that develop and distribute it. This isn't hearsay or conjecture. I will never understand why it's acceptable for unchecked third-party corporations to spy on you, but once the government does it, a slightly larger minority gets upset.

CNN caught reporting fake news on russian hack

enoch says...

i agree that trump is dangerous.i am reading david cay johnstons "the making of donald trump"...and boy oh boy...

i viewed trump as a used car salesman,a circus barker but he is worse..far worse.

as for obama acting on russian interference,and the fact that nobody is pointing out the just depressing to me.

the ability for a president to do that never existed until GW and his merry band of neo-cons.

but thanks to addington and woo,the president has the power to do,what previously took approval from congress.

as i told newt,IF the russians DID hack and therefore influence our elections,then this would equate to two things:
1.this is an act of war.
2.the election would be considered compromised,and trumps presidency would be illegitimate.

i am confident that there was cyber-spying going on.all nations engage in this tactic,and as dore points out,we even spy on our allies.we can safely assume that along with the spying,there was hacking,again...all nation states participate in this tactic.

but as of now there is NO evidence that putin directed russian intelligence to hack the 2017 election in order to put in his muppet trump.

so until such time as they provide such evidence.
i will remain skeptical.
would not be the first time intelligence reports have been manipulated to politicize a cause.

see:korean war

shall i continue?

CNN caught reporting fake news on russian hack

enoch says...

jimmy dore is from the young turks.

while you may disagree with his delivery,you cannot deny that historically the intelligence community has been used as a battering ram to perpetrate some fucked up,and sometimes,illegal shit.

multiple intelligence agencies also swore that saddam hussein had WMD's and was collaborating with al qeada.

multiple intelligence agencies swore that the conflict in vietnam needed to be expanded,and use sect of defense robert mcnamara to sell it to president johnson.

mcnamara later recanted and displayed deep regret for the lies he sold not only the president,but the american people.colin powell ended up doing the very same thing,for the EXACT same reasons.

in my opinion,CNN has slowly become a propaganda arm for the it is NO surprise that they reference these "multiple intelligence sources" as a means to increase tensions between US and russia.

and while i am positive that russia,along with the US and pretty much every advanced nation on this planet engages in cyber spying,until i see actual PROOF that putin directed russian intelligence to actively hack our elections in order to put trump in power...i am going to remain skeptical.

because i have seen "multiple intelligence sources' as an excuse to engage in some pretty despicable activities by my government.

i live by a very simple axiom:
governments lie.

Worst Ninja Movie Ever?

moonsammy says...

I'm having fun envisioning other movies taking a cue from this one and having the characters' wardrobes state their role. Jurassic Park geneticists in lab coats with "Scientist" on them, Rocky wearing shorts that say "Boxer" across his ass, James Bond in his "Spy" suit...

CrushBug (Member Profile)

siftbot says...

Congratulations! Your comment on 'Spy Monkey' Mistaken For Dead Baby And Mourned By Troop has just received enough votes from the community to earn you 1 Power Point. Thank you for your quality contribution to VideoSift.

Gratefulmom (Member Profile)

Is There a Russian Coup Underway in America?

newtboy says...

There's more...coming soon to the interwebs, but jointly announced today by the CIA, DOJ, NSA, and the director of national intelligence. It's no longer innuendo and claims by people paid to make claims. We may never know most sources, because they are our spies and diplomats, but it seems they have evidentiary proof, not just likelihoods and claims.
Hide and watch. ;-)

eric3579 said:

Here's the public evidence Russia hacked the DNC – It's not enough

eric3579 (Member Profile)

Ghost in the Shell (2017) - Official Trailer

JustSaying says...

That's a fan theory that explains why James Bond isn't the same guy all the time (Connery, Brosnan, Moore etc.) and kept spying around from the late 60's until now. The idea is that 'James Bond' is a cover identity used by various Agents of MI-6. This would allow for a black Bond but it isn't canon at all. That's why the Craig Bonds rebooted the franchise to allow the reuse of characters (Blofeld) and storylines (Vesper Lind vs. Tracy Bond).
007 is James Bond. The Producers are very protective in regards to this. However, the other 00-agents are pretty much non-existant in the franchise. They showed up in 'From Russia With Love' in a short meeting scene (sans dialogue), 009 died in the first 5 minutes of Octopussy (sans dialogue). The notable exception is Alec Trevelyan played by Sean Bean (I think he was 006), the villian from 'GoldenEye'. You could ague that Javier Bradem's Silva from 'Skyfall' must've been a 00-Agent but it is AFAIK not confirmed. Oh, and another 00-Agent was mentioned in 'Spectre'.
The reason Bond was made a scott was because Fleming like Connery's portrayal so much even though he was against casting him in the beginning. Bond's heritage is a minor plot point (more of a trivia item actually) in 'OHMSS' and a major plot point in 'Skyfall' (the name of Bond's family home).
As I said, gender-swapping Bond is much easier.

00Scud00 said:

As I understand it, 007 is a designation and could be assigned to anyone.

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