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The 1 Minute Painting - Amazing display of speed and skill.

NO on proposition H8

dbarry3 says...


I apologize for misinterpreting your statement. Some of the language seems aggressive/violent. But if you intend your message to be non-violent, so be it.

I have been disturbed by the reports of vandalism against people's private property that are displaying "yes on 8" signs. Such vandalism has included spray painting garage doors, cars, and breaking car windows. I simply cannot reconcile the seemingly opposing sides of (1) urging tolerance for one side yet at the same time (2) violently disallowing any voice of opposition.

The issue is up for vote and both sides must be allowed to present their arguments for or against prop 8, and then whatever happens the voice of the people must be respected.

What the hell is going on here? (Blog Entry by NetRunner)

Krupo says...

So in case you didn't hear, my car was vandalized during CANADA'S federal election - it happend two weeks ago. I forgive everyone who doesn't know about our election - it had one of Canada's lowest voter turnouts and was completely pointless (almost no change in who's in charge).

Everyone who supported my candidate's party was targetted - 30 cars in Toronto were attacked - we were identified by our lawns signs.

In addition to having "L's" CARVED into my paint, they CUT MY BRAKE LINES

They also went after our phone and cable lines and spray painted peoples' houses. Ironically many of my friend said, 'wow, this is like something I would expect in the US, not here."

I offer my sympathy to this poor guy for getting his car damaged. At least there was no risk of crashing his car into people/other stuff though.

The police are investigating what happened in Toronto. I was furious and shocked. And it cost me money too of course which is a GIANT friggin' pain. Hopefully the political party will pay me back the non-insurance-reimbursed portion of my costs. Fingers crossed.

What the hell is going on here? (Blog Entry by NetRunner)

RNC protesters breaking stuff and general mayhem

MarineGunrock says...

These people are exactly the reason police are raiding houses in St Paul. They don't want people that are equipping themselves to be able to case harm to people and private property.

To all the dumb motherfuckers in this video:

What the fuck do your acts of vandalism do to further your cause? Knocking down newspaper stands owned by people that have nothing to do with anything your protesting? Spray painting a charter bus? Slashing the tires on a car?

Grow the fuck up and get a job.

Flight or Invisibility? (Wings Talk Post)

Invasion USA - Chuck Norris v. Lynch

Jack Thompson is right! Gamers are violent!

SDGundamX says...

Can we get a *lies tag on this? There's no evidence this guy is a gamer. For all we know he was going to fence these on eBay to get money to support a drug habit.

But even assuming he is a gamer, there's no way you can make a claim for life imitating art here. He didn't flee the scene by car-jacking someone, he didn't sleep with a hooker and then kill her to get his money back, and last I checked pepper spray wasn't a weapon you could use in any GTA game(yes, I know you could use the spray paint as a weapon in San Andreas).

Once again the media chooses to sensationalize rather than just report the news. Heck this isn't even news. There must be dozens of shop-lifting arrests in the county every day. I don't see them reporting those.


Invoking *dead on videos (Sift Talk Post)

choggie says...

Better, let them all do it, but give un-starred sifters, a longer duration between allowed fixes-like the starred members get for promotes and saves. 7 days must pass for un-starred members, at least. 10 is better.

Oh, and WHAT, besides ignoring a user,(which I personally think is chicken-shit) who obviously is not here for the blog, other than to bring a bag of spray paint to comment with, can be done with those who don't post vids, but add their paltry 2 cents in the comments. After all-we post vids from other sites here, that's one of the ways to look into the window of the sifter's soul, w/o actually seeing their eyes, AND, a big reason we come here....I don't mind the quality comments without posting, too much, but fer crisskes mon, let's see a vidoe, besides the one that made you lose yer "P"!

Idiot chavs nearly kill themselves.....with deodorant.

joedirt says...

fake.. and questionable 'friend' submitted origins (90 views on newish YT acct)

Clearly spray painted plastic. It has that fake copper look.

Fruit Magic Tricks from Japan

Sci Fi Spray Paint

Selektaa says...

Not as far as I know. There's another video of an artist using spray paint to make a space scene, but its a different artist, different music, and IMO not nearly as compelling as this one.

Sci Fi Spray Paint

Sci Fi Spray Paint

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