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25% of South African men are rapists

longde says...

When whites ruled south africa, crime againsts whites, particularly crime perpetrated by non-whites, was controlled. Not so for crimes against blacks. Many white on black offenses may not have even been considered crimes.

For instance, how many whites were sent to prison for raping black women under white rule? How many were arrested, even?

District 9 Trailer 2

steampunks says...

I hear the original had to do with the xenophobia happening in south africa currently. Now, 15+ years after apartheit, it's not black vs white, it's local vs foreigners .. the foreigners being , zimbabwean, nigerian, angolans etc. these are percieved as bringing more poverty to already poverty striken areas. so with the foreigners drugs and crime follow and so does fear and hatred towards them. I have a couple of zimbabweans employed and can tell you horror stories. the one guy during the violence couldn't reach his wife in a township. clever thing is they patrolled the "taxi" ranks , knowing there was no alternative means of getting into the township. it's like canned lion hunting they get delivered to you neatly wrapped in a box. (for those that don't know the taxi companies run rackets here, so they are normally involved in this sort of stuff)

District 9 Trailer 2

Deano says...

>> ^grahamslam:
>> ^Deano:
I assume it's a good thing that this doesn't appear to be attached to a major studio. Then I read that they are owned by Sony. So I don't know how big a release this will be. Normally you'd expect this to be set in the states and have some big names.

Peter Jackson isn't a big enough name for you? It feels more real to me that it is set in South Africa without the "big-name stars". I'm tired of seeing the same old movie plots with the same old the same old locations...

That's the thing - I wonder if this is going to be an uncompromised sci-fi gem without the usual Hollywood bollocks or if Jackson is there to ensure it's commercial enough. I hope he was there just to give it enough momentum to get it made.

Still I don't understand the fuss about Jackson. The LoTR films were enjoyable but I wouldn't want to see them again soon.

Let's hope that there's a cracking story to go with the visuals.

District 9 Trailer 2

grahamslam says...

>> ^Deano:
I assume it's a good thing that this doesn't appear to be attached to a major studio. Then I read that they are owned by Sony. So I don't know how big a release this will be. Normally you'd expect this to be set in the states and have some big names.

Peter Jackson isn't a big enough name for you? It feels more real to me that it is set in South Africa without the "big-name stars". I'm tired of seeing the same old movie plots with the same old the same old locations...

lesbians subjected to corrective rape

steampunks says...


longde , i agree.

we're not talking Nobel savage here. traditionalism means killing people in horrific manners and really generally acting absolutely horrific to people who aren't your kind.
the thing is , apartheit here had an interest in keeping people ignorant so a lot of "tribalism" made it very very far into the "modern" age. the daily "extreams" we go through are far bigger than in other places. superstitions and old ways of thinking in terms of how to enforce your position in society are taking over. traditionalism means things like , killings because or driven by superstitions or enforcing your dominance over other by _rape_ whether male or female...
your rights as a man! your duty as a man! you want to be a man don't you? remember how it felt when this happens to you or people you know? how perfectly acceptable. for me? i have no time to rape them. as if he knew he should have.

think about it.. by any standard westernised or not that is wrong. but the power stays with the masses , the ignorant masses .. we were promised freedom but all we got was the right to freedom. we simply didn't expect people didn't want to choose it because of all the responsibilities and needs.

so what we choose is the crazy but safe superstitions of the past.
i give you south africa. bleek but true.

if anyone wants to know more about specifics about examples etc. feel free to ask i'll try find you an article or two.

lesbians subjected to corrective rape

longde says...

Ah....."modern, westernised, african culture". That burst of fresh air that produced black people disappearing during apartheid, people tortured in tanks of sulphuric acid. School children being massacred, Steve Biko, Sharperville--really wanton killing. I am also reading a book about the great job the british colonial judicial system did in Kenya called, "History of the Hanged". Among the British civilizing accomplishments there was forcing thousands of Kikuyus into concentration camps. Thousand were massacred in Nyadzonia in Mozambique, Chimoio, Zambia, innocent refugees including women and children.

Yeah, western values practiced in Africa can be called anything but brutal and inhumane. Not to mention rape. The right of a white man to rape a non-white was as sacrosanct as you say it is in "traditionalist" cultures. A good portion of the mixed population is testament to this indulgence.

It seems to me that if we want to reduce crime as well as the violent and inhumane attitudes in South Africa, western culture is the last place Africans should look.

The west institutionalized brutality against black people and de facto made rape against black women a right. Shaka didn't have anything on the British and the Dutch.

lesbians subjected to corrective rape

lesbians subjected to corrective rape

steampunks says...

hi, sorry about the tone of the previous comment , it just get's very very frustrating living in a place like this and being confronted with this thing while the majority of people keep quiet because you're not allowed to say anything about traditionalist culture ... seriously , we're heading into the stone age here and the majority accepts and almost worships it. ... -frustrated in south africa.

lesbians subjected to corrective rape

lesbians subjected to corrective rape

longde says...

Asmo, I reject your racist characterization of black South Africans. You sound just like the fools on the video talking about lesbians.

The problem I have with this video is the same I have with any that goes out and cherry picks responses. Four or five guys living in the most ignorant and destitute parts of South Africa are supposed to represent all the men.

Give me a break.

I have to say that I could go out to a pristine suburb of America, wait around after church services, and find 5 well-dressed white men who would tender the same sentiments about lesbians.

Has rape been eradicated in the West? If so, I must not have gotten the news. There is even a prevalent rape problem with the US military and contractors in Iraq; in fact, it is not rare to hear cases of our some of our male troops raping their female counterparts. Does this condemn the whole army or all male troops? Of course not. Does the high incidence of date rape condemn all american male college students. Again, of course not.

I condemn what happened to these women; I am wary of replacing one hate for another.

lesbians subjected to corrective rape

Asmo says...

>> ^longde:
Horrific act; but let's not demonize a whole country based on the acts of a very few.

You don't get it.

South Africa is composed of many tribes all of who were killing each other brutally before the white man arrived. Even during appartheid, the tribe vs tribe violence was still brutal and ongoing, that is how severe the hatred is. The concept of appartheid is horrible, certainly, and it's yet another black mark on humanity that it even happened. But brutallity is a way of life in South Africa regardless of the white mans involvement and since power was handed back, the people have certainly suffered for it. The safe areas during appartheid are no longer safe, the unsafe areas are constant war zones.

We aren't talking about a population brought low by the white man like the American Indian or the Australian Aboriginie, we are talking organised tribes who indulged in wanton brutallity for centuries. Where do you think most of the black slaves came from? Prisoners of war taken by other African tribes. Often raids were lead specifically to get slaves.

So yes, while this is brutal and horrific and I in no way condone this mistreatment of women, this is a part of the culture as much as eating and breathing. You can try to break the cycle but you (and the many thousands of others) would be fighting against millenia of momentum.

For more info have a read of:

Truly sad stuff. The worst part is short of escaping to another country, there really is no way to stop it in the short term.

lesbians subjected to corrective rape

lesbians subjected to corrective rape

BBC - The History of Transplant Surgery

mauz15 says...

Timeline of successful transplants

1905: First successful cornea transplant by Eduard Zirm[9]
1954: First successful kidney transplant by Joseph Murray (Boston, U.S.A.)
1966: First successful pancreas transplant by Richard Lillehei and William Kelly (Minnesota, U.S.A.)
1967: First successful liver transplant by Thomas Starzl (Denver, U.S.A.)
1967: First successful heart transplant by Christiaan Barnard (Cape Town, South Africa)
1981: First successful heart/lung transplant by Bruce Reitz (Stanford, U.S.A.)
1983: First successful lung lobe transplant by Joel Cooper (Toronto, Canada)
1986: First successful double-lung transplant (Ann Harrison) by Joel Cooper (Toronto, Canada)
1987: First successful whole lung transplant by Joel Cooper (St. Louis, U.S.A.)
1995: First successful laparoscopic live-donor nephrectomy by Lloyd Ratner and Louis Kavoussi (Baltimore, U.S.A.)
1998: First successful live-donor partial pancreas transplant by David Sutherland (Minnesota, U.S.A.)
1998: First successful hand transplant (France)
2005: First successful partial face transplant (France)
2006: First jaw transplant to combine donor jaw with bone marrow from the patient, by Eric M. Genden (Mount Sinai Hospital, New York)
2008: First successful complete full double arm transplant by Edgar Biemer, Christoph Höhnke and Manfred Stangl (Technical University of Munich, Germany)[citation needed]
2008: First baby born from transplanted ovary.
2008: First transplant of a human windpipe using a patient’s own stem cells.

Homeless "Cave" Uncovered In Los Angeles

geo321 says...

If I was homeless I would create a comfort zone/ shanty/ home... in a place that I would not be anyone shaking me down. This is the mindset of close to a billion people on the planet. Just about every North American state/province has cut back on social housing over the last two decades. This is the result... not to mention mental health cuts across the board. Smashing shanty towns like they do in South Africa and calling it a solution without seeing the larger picture of society is a failure.
Nevermind. I'm going to go back under my bridge like a troll.

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