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England's Robert Green fails to block a shot

harry says...

It's the fucking vuvuzela. South Africa pretends it's tradition, but it's apparently something that was ivented about 30 years ago, I guess by a marketing dude.

It's a monotonous buzzing that continues for the full 90 minutes. Some channels (like the BBC) appear to manage their sound levels reasonably, but the Dutch broadcasters have been unable to cope, and the commentators are frequently drowned out.

I don't like football as it is, but this makes it totally impossible to even watch it in the background. I'll just count the number of cheers and cries in the street when Oranje is on.

Gaza Flotilla Choir presents: We Con the World

Fade says...

Quite simply the most horrible thing I've seen in a long time.
I presume you agree with their sentiment QM.
I mean, 1 bullet to the chest and 4 to the skull sure sounds like self defense to me.

I will upvote because I feel this does need to be seen.

"We must pretend that in Gaza there's crisis hunger and plague." Honestly this is like saying South Africa never had a race problem.

Horrible Histories - History of the British Empire

mentality says...

>> ^rychan:

>> ^littledragon_79:
Interesting to see all the imperial territories, many of which are still messed up...this is why I like to blame Britain for a lot of the crap in the world today. And unfortunately it seems empires that screw up the world have former colonies that screw up the world.
We learned it from watching you!

Well, to be fair, many ex-colonies are in fantastic shape. Canada, the U.S., New Zealand, Australia, Hong Kong, and Singapore all have very high standards of living. India and South Africa seem to be in reasonable shape, with respect to their neighbors, at least. I'm sure historians have done better comparisons of colonized versus un-colonized nations. I would bet that colonization is a long term win. I'm not saying that morally justifies it, though.

Yes, committing essentially genocide and replacing the native populations with your own does wonders for the economy. Colonization is definitely a long term win, just not for the people you colonize.

Horrible Histories - History of the British Empire

SDGundamX says...

I think it would be more accurate to say that those countries are doing well in spite of the colonization. Also, it depends who you're talking about in those countries... Native Americans in the U.S. and Canada, Maori in New Zealand, and Aborigines in Australia all had their cultures completely or nearly completely destroyed by colonization. A lot of those populations still live in poverty or are marginalized. I doubt they'd share your opinion about colonization's benefits.

>> ^rychan:

Well, to be fair, many ex-colonies are in fantastic shape. Canada, the U.S., New Zealand, Australia, Hong Kong, and Singapore all have very high standards of living. India and South Africa seem to be in reasonable shape, with respect to their neighbors, at least. I'm sure historians have done better comparisons of colonized versus un-colonized nations. I would bet that colonization is a long term win. I'm not saying that morally justifies it, though.

Horrible Histories - History of the British Empire

rychan says...

>> ^littledragon_79:

Interesting to see all the imperial territories, many of which are still messed up...this is why I like to blame Britain for a lot of the crap in the world today. And unfortunately it seems empires that screw up the world have former colonies that screw up the world.
We learned it from watching you!

Well, to be fair, many ex-colonies are in fantastic shape. Canada, the U.S., New Zealand, Australia, Hong Kong, and Singapore all have very high standards of living. India and South Africa seem to be in reasonable shape, with respect to their neighbors, at least. I'm sure historians have done better comparisons of colonized versus un-colonized nations. I would bet that colonization is a long term win. I'm not saying that morally justifies it, though.

TED Talk: Social Experiments to Fight Poverty

SpeveO says...

I usually love TED, but you can't have a substantial conversation about aid and its efficacy or lack thereof if you aren't willing to engage in serious and critical political discourse. Unfortunately TED has always been too politically correct for its own good, but when you look at their trailing list of corporate sponsors how can you be surprised.

Hmmm, lentils, bed nets, immunization . . . what about the context that all these aid measures take place in? Africa is not some generic entity to be pitied. As an 'African' a South African more specifically, I get seriously annoyed by the disingenuous way in which 'African' issues are constantly portrayed and inevitably lugged together. Just trying to get a basic inkling on the poverty and aid issues underpinned by the social, economic and political fabric that exists in South Africa alone would take an incredible amount of time and is VERY specific.

Just learning about and trying to understand my own country has been consuming enough and truthfully I only have a basic handle on a few others like Cote D'ivoire, Liberia, Sierra Leone, Botswana and Nigeria. All have an incredibly diverse and complex set of problems and they will never be addressed by grouping them together as if inflicted with some kind of 'generalised poverty disorder' that you can throw a pill at.

Pointing to the success of small scale village based social programs as some kind of science based platform for understanding and eradicating poverty in Africa is, in my opinion, totally delusional. It wreaks of the ahistorical imperial anthropology of old.

If you are going to generalise and frame 'Africa's' problems, you have to have the courage to point fingers at some of the MANY corporations, banks, institutions and nations that so readily contribute towards the vast pools of misery found throughout this beautiful continent. Poverty is a complex bi-product of Africa's colonial history and the consequent exploitation and manipulation that has dogged the continent to this day. As long as the majority of the wealth of its nations is being siphoned off into foreign bank accounts there will be no solutions bearing any lasting impact.

Palin thinks climate change is "snake oil science stuff"

Wingoguy says...

I did. Take it up with Wikipedia.

>> ^pmkierst:

Although the first liquid fuelled rocket was launched by an american, it was invented by a Russian.
I'm not sure about "inventing" heart transplants, but the first one was performed by a South African in South Africa.
The CD is harder to tell, because it was based on prior technology, but it would be likely attributed to Philips (Netherlands) or Sony (Japan)
Those are just a few I decided to fact check.
America has produced lots of innovations, but it would be nice if people could do at least a cursory investigation before attributing everything to it.

Palin thinks climate change is "snake oil science stuff"

pmkierst says...

Although the first liquid fuelled rocket was launched by an american, it was invented by a Russian.

I'm not sure about "inventing" heart transplants, but the first one was performed by a South African in South Africa.

The CD is harder to tell, because it was based on prior technology, but it would be likely attributed to Philips (Netherlands) or Sony (Japan)

Those are just a few I decided to fact check.

America has produced lots of innovations, but it would be nice if people could do at least a cursory investigation before attributing everything to it.

New Celtic Channel! (Celtic Talk Post)

Fusionaut says...

>> ^laura:
^speaking of gaelic, can we add viddies like that, or w/ bagpipes if they might be scottish? oh my, everything is so complicated

Yes! This channel can contain anything like that. There are Celtic people all over the world, even in South America and South Africa (and lots and lots of bagpipes to go along with them So that means there's a lot of viddies that will fit quite nicely in here.

"Operation Exodus" - Official armed 'militias' in the South

Die Antwoord is a ninja. A terrible, terrible ninja.

Die Antwoord performing live in a taxi cab (next level sh*t)

Die Antwoord is a ninja. A terrible, terrible ninja.

How to Spot a Fake Rolex

A10anis says...

I have bought many fake Rolex. With a sweep hand and without. They served their purpose at a cost of around $50-100. when they stopped (after about a year), i threw them away. Thing is, nobody could tell that it was fake. If you dress/look the part, people assume you are wearing the genuine article. A good analogy would be the many woman i have known who wear copies of their jewellery and keep the genuine article in a safe. Once, in South Africa, a woman saw my watch and warned me about getting mugged. I told her it was fake and she said; "if they notice it's a fake, that will just make them mad." I took it off...Lol

asd (Blog Entry by campionidelmondo)

DrivelsAdvocate says...

>> ^campionidelmondo:
Charlize Theron seemed really disappointed when she announced France as the 4th team in South Africa's group. Hooray for Italy getting an "easy" group, just hope they don't underestimate their opponents.

She has good reason to be disappointed. As a South African, she wouldn't want a talented team like France in her nation's group. Plus, she was obviously a bit miffed at France's qualification at Eire's expense judging by the little stunt she pulled during the mock draw earlier in the week (apparently her boyfriend is from the Emerald Isle, so that might explain it).

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