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Barack Obama plays Modern Warfare 2

geo321 says...

Of course it's a a cpu soundboard.

em>>> ^handmethekeysyou:
Proof that even the highest ranking of politicians talks in sound bites in the television age.>> ^Unsung_Hero:
>> ^GeeSussFreeK:
I can't believe people talk to a sound board.

What sound board? Didn't you read the title... he's actually playing MW2! He just has a very limited vocabulary.

Barack Obama plays Modern Warfare 2

Fox News: Bobby Jindal Bombed

Christian Bale (Wtf Talk Post)

Ren and Stimpy torture WoW players

Ren and Stimpy torture WoW players

Duke Nukem tourtues WoW Players

Cafferty: Why Doesn't McCain want to debate?

davidraine says...

>> ^deathcow:
They could send a little java app soundboard in McCains place and it would lose nothing compared to sending the real guy. He has nothing but soundbites that his lobbyist puppeteers prepared him with. Real discussion would be impossible anyway?

I think you're onto something here. "If John McCain does not come to the debate, I will instead debate the ENTIRE REPUBLICAN PARTY through the use of this Republican congressman soundboard and mp3s from I will also use this Fisher Price See 'n Say to great comedic effect."

Cafferty: Why Doesn't McCain want to debate?

deathcow says...

They could send a little java app soundboard in McCains place and it would lose nothing compared to sending the real guy. He has nothing but soundbites that his lobbyist puppeteers prepared him with. Real discussion would be impossible anyway?

McCain thinks Spain is a neighbour of the U.S!

America Remembers 9/11 had bollocks to do with Iraq

Crank Calling Mitt Romney.

joedirt says...

So fake. Those idiot boys of his that are so chickenhawk they ride around in an RV for the last 8 months (go to Iraq Romney boys) and it took them this long to "discover" soundboards, and then put a "hip" interwebz video out there.


PBS NOW: Republicans illegal use of Voter Caging in 2004

C'mon don't bullshit me Kathy!

Boston - Peace of Mind (Live from 1979)

Spiff says...

I'm not entirely sure, but I think it was recorded with the stadium cameras and soundboard, which were not very high quality equipment. It was probably meant just for archival purposes rather than recreational reviewing. I have no idea what the significance of that code is, though.

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