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Judge Dredd drug den

Grimm (Member Profile)

Using Dominoes to Amplify Mechanical Advantage

Russian Man Somersaults After Hit By Car on the Highway

Russian Man Somersaults After Hit By Car on the Highway

critical_d says...

In the slow-mo replay, around the :20 mark, look carefully at the guy who gets hit. The image of him (and him only) appears to shift positions. Maybe it's just an optical illusion and I think too much.

>> ^Payback:

>> ^critical_d:
I dunno....something about this vid is tweaking my spidey sense. Fake?

If it was pointed at the scene in the first, unedited clip, I would agree, but it's obviously just another Russian-Cars-Now-Come-With-HD-Crash-Cams-Like-We-Have-Big-Subwoofers video.

Angry Scottish People

Giant stick insect emerges from Egg

Worst Soccer Goal Miss

davidraine says...

>> ^yellowc:

It's not impossible to miss but really, he shouldn't have.
What made him miss was pressure or lack of awareness of where exactly he was standing.

Or he could have not given up halfway through the play. In the slow-mo closeup you can see him hesitate after the ball bounces off the post -- He's so shocked that his shot didn't go in that he fails to block the rebound. Sure, heat of the moment blah blah blah, but if he had followed the ball until it had gone in instead of thinking he was done after he touched it, he still would have made that goal.

25 Ways to Wear a Scarf in 4.5 Minutes!

Tough Mudder - A Run Like No Other

garmachi says...

>> ^residue:

Agreed on the gimmicky, but could be fun. Amazing how "hardcore" something can look when you add fancy high-def slow-mo and pounding music.. I remember there be a similar race involving dressing like a viking and running a similar course. You got a free viking helmet at the end.. and beer. 12 miles with obstacles would be pretty grueling though. half-marathons without the obstacles are enough for me thanks

That was the Warrior Dash. Turn in your shoe chip for a free Coors Light at the end. The mud tasted better.

Tough Mudder - A Run Like No Other

residue says...

Agreed on the gimmicky, but could be fun. Amazing how "hardcore" something can look when you add fancy high-def slow-mo and pounding music.. I remember there be a similar race involving dressing like a viking and running a similar course. You got a free viking helmet at the end.. and beer. 12 miles with obstacles would be pretty grueling though. half-marathons without the obstacles are enough for me thanks

Daft Punk Dancing Tron Jelly

Stupid Cat Is Stupid

Stupid Cat Is Stupid

Kobe Bryant Uses the "Ball Tap" Defence

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