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Wrestler interrupted by a fan

Duckman33 says...

>> ^Gallowflak:

Duckman, the main difference being that TV, movies, theatre and such all have a sense of verisimilitude, for the most part. Wrestling is just transparent.

Really? All movies, TV shows, and plays/theater have a sense of truth to them? I know quite a few people who would disagree with that statement. There's a LOT of extremely unbelievable crap in movies, theater, and on TV. "Reality" shows are on the top of my list of totally unbelievable, scripted bullshit that touts itself as "real". None-the-less, like WWE, those type of shows are still entertainment for those of us who watch them.

WWE doesn't claim to be anything other than entertainment. They know that I know, and you know, and everyone else that watches it, or doesn't for the most part knows it's fake. What gets me is people STILL to this day have to yell FAKE!!!!111 every time they see a wrestling clip. The simple question is, why state the obvious?

Followup - Hot Cheerleader Hoax: Disorder After Flu Shot?

Stormsinger says...

Let's see...two incredibly rare conditions, one after another. Or one delusion, hoax or lie, with another following in an attempt to cover for the first.

One simple question, which of those alternatives sound more likely?

<><> (Blog Entry by blankfist)

Glenn Beck v Sarah Palin - the choicest cut?

Enhanced South Tower Image W/Explanation

choggie says...

....and that was not a plane that hit the pentagon (show the films confiscated)..and the burning WTC 7 simply HAD to come down!!! After all, it was on fire...we always drop buildings into their own footprints that have been burning for over 5 hrs in the U.S....especially ones with so much cool government spook shit in them, and especially ones with the NY office of Emergency management, IRS, Secret Service, and SEC...

Yeah yeah yeah, "The heat from the uncontrolled fires caused steel floor beams and girders to thermally expand, leading to a chain of events that caused a key structural column to fail." blah blah blah....

Why then, did Larry Silverstein, owner of the WTC compound, in need of asbestos removal and major repairs say "we had to pull it" when asked about WTC 7? Answer-He got sloppy on the record.

Any one of the simple questions swept under the rug of time and apathy should be vigorously and publicly questioned.

redacted (Blog Entry by deathcow)

Farhad2000 says...

More complication and useless technology.

One person who understands human psychology layered through the airport would easily catch people, simple questions that can clllarify if someone is nervous or has something to hide. When I go through most Western airports I find the security teams behaving very blase, they dont actually ask questions to you and just look at the luggage but not in the eyes.

Look at how Israel does it.

Would you kiss me, if I had HIV?

finch451 says...

Here's my conflict, and forgive me if this sounds completely ignorant.

When I was in school, a presenter came into my health class acting all cocky and asked us how we could get HIV, going down a list. Sex? We all said yes. Sharing needles? Obviously, yes. High fiving? We scoffed and said no. Kissing? A good portion of the class said 'no' and he threw on his best 'GOTCHA!' face and asked us this simple question: "How many of you have ever had a canker sore or brushed your teeth and had your gums bleed a little?"

Nearly all of us agreed that we'd all had this, and it was possible to swap blood with a French kiss. In my mind, I'm totally accepting of people with HIV and AIDs. One of the regulars at my house has HIV and it's never presented a problem. We shake hands, share food and bathroom, etc. Him having HIV has never prevented us from having normal interaction with him, because it shouldn't.

I just wish people could give me a definitive answer on this before calling it 'stigma' and not 'caution'. The reason I don't kiss people with HIV or AIDs isn't because I'm afraid, it's because I'm uneducated (and the first one to admit it) and not dumb enough to make those decisions without safe research.

Someone please educate me.

kronosposeidon (Member Profile)

Lann says...

Thanks for the big ass reply...

I do miss the west and oddly enough the weather. Even if it changes from day to day, I sure could use some snow. I plan to make it up there this winter though to see family and enjoy some mountain riding.

In reply to this comment by kronosposeidon:
You're welcome.

The weather? Well we've had a some snow, both in October and this month, but none on the ground right now. We've had some unseasonably cold days, followed by unseasonably warm days. These past two weeks the temps are about normal - high in the 40s and low 50s and lows in the 20s and 30s.

Are you missing the west? That's my guess. You like the cold weather? I used to enjoy the cold winters, but not anymore. The wind blows like crazy here in Casper, and that makes the winter bitterly cold at times. Sometimes I think about moving to southern Arizona, but then I don't want to live in a desert. Phoenix - the nation's fifth largest city, in a freaking desert. With global warming I see ecological disaster on its horizon. But I suppose we're all screwed anyway.

So much for asking a simple question, eh?

In reply to this comment by Lann:
Thanks for the push!

BTW how has the weather been up in those parts?

In reply to this comment by kronosposeidon:
*downunder *quality

Lann (Member Profile)

kronosposeidon says...

You're welcome.

The weather? Well we've had a some snow, both in October and this month, but none on the ground right now. We've had some unseasonably cold days, followed by unseasonably warm days. These past two weeks the temps are about normal - high in the 40s and low 50s and lows in the 20s and 30s.

Are you missing the west? That's my guess. You like the cold weather? I used to enjoy the cold winters, but not anymore. The wind blows like crazy here in Casper, and that makes the winter bitterly cold at times. Sometimes I think about moving to southern Arizona, but then I don't want to live in a desert. Phoenix - the nation's fifth largest city, in a freaking desert. With global warming I see ecological disaster on its horizon. But I suppose we're all screwed anyway.

So much for asking a simple question, eh?

In reply to this comment by Lann:
Thanks for the push!

BTW how has the weather been up in those parts?

In reply to this comment by kronosposeidon:
*downunder *quality

Chris Matthews to Conservative Party: SPEAK ENGLISH

Stormsinger says...

Why is it being an ass to want a straight fucking answer to a simple question?

From my perspective, someone who refuses to state their goals in plain, understandable language is far more likely to be the ass.

Alan Grayson Schools Georgia Republican On The Constitution

Glenn Beck squirms away from explaining "White Culture"

ulysses1904 says...

Unbelievable. Can't answer a simple question, he dodges it like a bullfighter. And it's not just an innocent offhand remark he made about something trivial, and someone is making a big deal over nothing. He said the black President has a deep-seated hatred of white culture, that's pretty non-trivial. He can't even step up to the plate and say that it was an ill-advised remark that he didn't think through, and that he's sorry it came out that way. He doesn't dedicate one breath to explaining his bombshell remark. He just says "go to my website, it's all there" and then accuses Katie of playing games with him, like that's all there is to it.

And comes back with this pompous "for the FIRST TIME in HISTORY (you should check on it), someone can ask......blah blah blah". What the hell is he talking about? He's now a victim and being persecuted for "asking questions"?

I would have had my first iota of respect for this guy if he had said it was a dumb remark and he regrets it. But to not be able to explain it and to forge on ahead, as if being asked about it fits in with all the conspiracies he goes on about, he is beyond the pale.

It's like Michael Moore, when asked about to comment on statistics that contradict his glowing reports about waiting times in Canadian emergency rooms, he comes back with "well, I think a better question is how come Canadians live 3 years longer than us?" Just answer the freakin question.

Beck's Witch Hunt: The New McCarthyism

Penn Says: Agnostic vs. Atheist

acidSpine says...

>> ^Jesus_Freak:
Well, I thank God that I'm neither.
You scientists and philosophers seem to have things pretty well figured out. It's just that I've never received a satisfactory answer to what I believe is a very simple question.
Which scientific theory, current or to be concocted in the future, can explain any portion of creation without having to jump to supernatural origin? Big bang, string theory... Where did matter come from? What started time itself? Where did energy come from?

Yeah? And the bible spends so much time explaining the intricate workings of the universe, lol!

Penn Says: Agnostic vs. Atheist

Jesus_Freak says...

Well, I thank God that I'm neither.

You scientists and philosophers seem to have things pretty well figured out. It's just that I've never received a satisfactory answer to what I believe is a very simple question.

Which scientific theory, current or to be concocted in the future, can explain any portion of creation without having to jump to supernatural origin? Big bang, string theory... Where did matter come from? What started time itself? Where did energy come from?

I don't believe there will ever be a theory that can jump the tracks to answer those questions. That's the paradox you live in.

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