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Melbourne Siftup (with Dag): This Saturday! (Downunder Talk Post)

Melbourne Siftup (with Dag): This Saturday! (Downunder Talk Post)

Melbourne Siftup (with Dag): This Saturday! (Downunder Talk Post)

spoco2 says...

>> ^dag:

I'm there with bells on. Seriously I'm wearing bells.

Make you easy to spot, erm... hear then.

Although really, you're the only one from this group that any of us knows what they look like.

Unless of course I really do have a dog head, in which case you might now be reconsidering this Sift Up.

And I've made an executive decision about which bar we shall meet at, it shall be 20 Meyers Place, from the list given by @kymbos, because it is open at 4pm on Sat, and also because, well, I walk past it every day on my way to getting a coffee, it's right around the corner from work.

From there, the world of eats is our oyster, so we'll let that be a bit fluid... besides, we will have been able to have snacks while we drink at Meyer's Place anyway.

So, that's settled. I'll just go and update the initial post of this to reflect these revelations

Melbourne Siftup (with Dag): This Saturday! (Downunder Talk Post)

Shocking Police Behaviour OccupyMELBOURNE!

Melbourne Siftup (with Dag): This Saturday! (Downunder Talk Post)

Melbourne Siftup (with Dag): This Saturday! (Downunder Talk Post)

Melbourne Siftup (with Dag): This Saturday! (Downunder Talk Post)

Skewer Us with your Rapier Wit! Winners! (Sift Talk Post)

Melbourne Siftup (with Dag): This Saturday! (Downunder Talk Post)

spoco2 says...

>> ^Gallowflak:

Right as I'm leaving to move to NZ! Damn you!

Bugger indeed!

It's looking like it's going to be on Saturday the 12th of November, and with maybe some others coming, so looking good.

I'll try to *promote this up, but I don't think I've got enough power points

Burning Man Festival Webcast Live Stream to Black Rock City

Announcing Melbourne, Australia Siftup. With Dag attending. (Downunder Talk Post)

RedSky says...

I can be the counterbalance since I still pass for being in high school

Will try to make it down from Brisbane work permitting.>> ^spoco2:

@kymbos, looks very nice, and it's about a block and a half from where I'm currently sitting
I'm seeing a front-runner already, what with the family tie and everything Two different options too, in the upstairs area or the downstairs.
Now all we need is more Aussies to put their hands up that they'll be there. As it stands it's going to be 3 aging men looking uncomfortable amongst the trendy of Melbourne

Announcing Melbourne, Australia Siftup. With Dag attending. (Downunder Talk Post)

Announcing Melbourne, Australia Siftup. With Dag attending. (Downunder Talk Post)

BoneRemake says...

>> ^spoco2:

What's the restaurant @kymbos ?
And @dag, can you believe they actually have them in Australia! I couldn't believe anyone would eat that pretend Australian food when actually IN Australia! Having said that, when in San Pedro, I actually found the steak to be quite good at the O.S.

Hey, a flame is a flame, a chef is a chef. It does not matter where on the globe you are, heat,metal grille, its all just tools of the trade. Once you are in the trade that is.

Announcing Melbourne, Australia Siftup. With Dag attending. (Downunder Talk Post)

dag says...

Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag. (show it anyway)

I didn't realize that they actually had them here. It's like Taco Bell in Mexico. >> ^spoco2:

What's the restaurant @kymbos ?
And @dag, can you believe they actually have them in Australia! I couldn't believe anyone would eat that pretend Australian food when actually IN Australia! Having said that, when in San Pedro, I actually found the steak to be quite good at the O.S.

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