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Cat Finds Balloon Caricature of Himself Offensive

Yogi says...

>> ^dag:

This is why cats are awesome. The take absolutely no shit. You have to admit that they are a bit more noble than dogs - who while loyal, are the eternal sidekicks.

Churchill said one time that cats look down at their owners. Well guess what I feed you and you exist at my pleasure, that's why I'd want a dog something that acts like they're grateful rather than something that would eat me if I died in my home.

Cat Finds Balloon Caricature of Himself Offensive

bareboards2 says...

Noble like Caligula.

Bloodthirsty beasts, say I.

>> ^dag:

This is why cats are awesome. The take absolutely no shit. You have to admit that they are a bit more noble than dogs - who while loyal, are the eternal sidekicks.

Cat Finds Balloon Caricature of Himself Offensive

dag says...

Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag. (show it anyway)

This is why cats are awesome. They take absolutely no shit. You have to admit that they are a bit more noble than dogs - who while loyal, are the eternal sidekicks.

Tintin movie: full trailer

Tintin movie: full trailer

Enzoblue says...

From someone whose never heard of Tintin without the Rin in front, this seems like a refreshingly classic old school adventure tale. Heroes, villans, sidekicks, chase scenes, narrow escapes, humorous quips - I say let's do this.

Who's going to hell?

rougy says...

>> ^arghness:

This actually happened to me. A work colleague from a previous employment gave me some literature from his Christian church.

I've been noticing a heightened aggressiveness on the part of Christians lately.

I found a board where one guy goes on and on about how horrible atheists are, then he'll turn right around and say he never said it...then he has this little Igor character of a sidekick that chimes in and tells him how right he is....

And I'm seeing more of it here at VS than I remember.

It almost feels as if the Christians have launched a secret attack on all the non-believers.

Zero Punctuation: Portal 2

NetRunner says...

I think the overarching problem is that they probably set an early goal of going for an E10 ESRB rating. That meant a kid-friendly plot, kid-friendly comedy, kid-friendly settings, and even kid-friendly antagonists (who are both sympathetic, and the main one apologizes at the end).

In the first game there was always a sense of foreboding lonliness, and a really creepy sense that whoever built Aperture Science really didn't give a shit about killing their test subjects.

In Portal 2, you've got a joke-cracking sidekick with you every step of the way, and the disregard for human life doesn't seem menacing and ominous, just ridiculous.

I loved playing Portal 2, and I enjoyed it with the new pure-comedy tone, but I did kinda miss that creepy ominous vibe from the first game.

Happy 5th Siftiversary (Sift Talk Post)

looris says...

Lol cool, I didn't know him!
>> ^dag:

There's always his estranged brother @graterbot - though they generally don't get along since the attempted coup d'sift.
Remember remember - the 1st of Aprilvember.
>> ^looris:
5 years?!
Whoa, gg.
We could celebrate giving a sidekick to siftbot: he's so alone being the only bot here!

Happy 5th Siftiversary (Sift Talk Post)

dag says...

Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag. (show it anyway)

There's always his estranged brother @graterbot - though they generally don't get along since the attempted coup d'sift.

Remember remember - the 1st of Aprilvember.

>> ^looris:

5 years?!
Whoa, gg.
We could celebrate giving a sidekick to siftbot: he's so alone being the only bot here!

Happy 5th Siftiversary (Sift Talk Post)

My Hero Craig Ferguson Screws with the CBS Censor

bareboards2 says...

Here's an example of the idiocy of the network censors....

Craig has a robot skeleton sidekick, which can move but has very limited range of motion. And it is pretty jerky movement. Geoff has an arm movement that bears a resemblance to what Craig calls "self massage." The censor allows it. When Craig imitated the movement of Geoff, early on, he was told by the censor that he couldn't.

Geoff has no skin or the necessary equipment (it is stuck in customs, is the running joke), so he can do it. Craig has skin, so he can't.

So I guess the haggis falls into the "has skin" category. Jeesh.

I tape his show and watch it religiously, can you tell?

I. Love. This. Man.

>> ^dag:

^yeah sorry about that. I still find it hard to believe that a censor would have a problem showing the national dish of Scotland on TV.

5 min TED: Robot Stand Up (with Minidress'd Sidekick)

alan grayson doing what he does best-exposing wingnuttery

Green lantern movie trailer

sixshot says...

yep, suit = meh. I thought it'd be more... like cloth... not shiny. The eye mask is terrible. Probably would have been better if it was, again, cloth or maybe makeup.

Promising, maybe. Has potential.... for epic fail. Alas, this looks like it'll score 2.7 to 5 out of 10.

And someone please tell me why oh why is there someone like a sidekick in there? Can't it be just... him... and his journey to find himself as a new GL?

Lastly, I'd rather watch the animated First Flight movie than this.

Presidential Seal Falls off Lecturn and Obama Has Nice Save

quantumushroom says...

So are you enjoying high unemployment, a looted Treasury run by a tax cheat, an arrogant Congress, weakened standing in the world and soon-to-be post-office-quality health care??

“The danger to America is not Barack Obama but a citizenry capable of entrusting a man like him with the Presidency. It will be far easier to limit and undo the follies of an Obama presidency than to restore the necessary common sense and good judgment to a depraved electorate willing to have such a man for their president.

The problem is much deeper and far more serious than Mr. Obama, who is a mere symptom of what ails America. Blaming the prince of the fools should not blind anyone to the vast confederacy of fools that made him their prince.

The Republic can survive a Barack Obama, who is, after all, merely a fool. It is less likely to survive a multitude of fools such as those who made him their president.”
-WISE author unknown

>> ^thinker247:

I would have voted for a Kenyan witch doctor if it meant that the Maverick and his Bumbling Sidekick wouldn't have brought their ridiculous views of the ®eal Ameri©a into the White House.

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