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Olive Juice - A Seductive Short Film by Filmmakers"Cousins"

David Bowie's Film Debut In 1967's 'The Image'

oohlalasassoon says...

According to its wiki page, "The film is one of the few short films ever to receive a certified 'X' Rating and it gained this rating due to its violent content."

That painting would sell for a bit nowadays I'd think.

Zero Punctuation: Half-Life

PalmliX says...

You make some interesting points probie! Half-life is my top game of all time too and I'm a bigtime Valve fanboy of course.

I basically agree with everything you said, the games have become more broad, L4D2 and Portal 2, while both excellent, were a little underwhelming... but I guess comparing them to the greatest game of all time is bound to lead to disappointment too...

For the most part though, I think that Valve's overall approach; releasing software for free, bridging the gap between developers and gamers with Steam, and their system of game development in general, is a great approach and it's one that's given me a lot of joy and fulfilment as a consumer.

I'm using their Source Filmmaker software right now to create a short film and all along the way Valve employee's been answering questions on forums, blogging about their favorite videos so far, releasing new content every week etc...

Sure they're just a company and ultimately they want our money but when I look at Valve compared to most other developers/publishers, it's like night and day. Valve releases DLC all the time, for free. Every time I play TF2 (which is now free too) there's always new maps and new weapons. L4D1 and 2 both got new campaigns, in fact another one JUST came out for L4D2, for free! Compare that with almost every other game company and they're charging you for DLC before the game is even out. Or they split their game into 3 separate games! *cough* Blizzard *cough*

I just think there's something they 'get' about where gaming and software is going in general and I for one hope they continue on this ride!

Yes I know I'm a huge fanboy...

>> ^probie:

Still my #1 game of all time. I've always been a fan of the Twilight Zone, Amazing Stories, Weird Tales, etc., so the idea of an every man unleashing who-knows-what-upon-the-world was really appealing. Not to mention the variety of guns, the variety and originality of the monsters, the way each section felt like a real place. [spoiler]You race to the surface dependent on being rescued only to be driven back down underground, realizing as you wander through areas of the facility that no one normally goes that you're now entirely self-reliant. Top that off with other little psychological tricks they used: passage of time (when you first run into the military it's sunny, the next time you hit the surface it's night time), mortality (getting caught and thrown to your doom in the trash compactor, knowing you're about to become a footnote, only to escape again). I still get tingles when I remember dropping down off the roof into that pit of water, hoisting myself up into the pipe and starting to scurry down it when, at the other end, I see a soldier pop open the door and throw in a satchel charge. (Read: OH SHIT!!! backpedal backpedal ) Hell, I'm pretty sure I even held my breath in real life when I dropped back into the water; that's how engrossing the experience was. [/spoiler]

Unfortunately, I think Valve took the idea of spit and polish to absurd levels in every game they've made since, with it culminating in Portal 2. I'm not talking about the story; that was great. I'm talking about the "Here, let us spoon feed you each level by pointing out that this is the only wall that you can put a portal on, oh good, you did it, see? Aren't you having fun?"-type gameplay. The only way they could have been more direct is by putting a giant, flashing sign that says "DO THIS NEXT". [spoiler]To be fair, I felt a small tinge of it again in Half-Life 2, when you reach the bridge and have to make your way across the under-belly of it. I think this was do to the fact that there was nothing there (ie. a convenient arrow sign) to indicate that's what you needed to do. I remember looking around, seeing the path leading down behind the house, following it with my eye to the bridge and thinking "Are you serious??" Sure enough, 2 minutes later I'm grasping on the rusted metal and cursing under my breath at the developers. [/spoiler]
Regardless, something has gotten lost in the translation since Half-Life. Gone is the wonder and sense of freedom I felt; now I feel that I'm only playing the game the way they require me to, and not on my own. They may have been directing me where to go in Half-Life, but they did it with such slyness that it never felt forced, or blatant.
Sadly, I think their cabal process has become a double-edged sword, allowing them to create some of the most memorable video games, but tailoring it to the lowest common denominator. (A great read if you have a minute or two.)
And on that note, I'm off to hunt down some really, really good weed that will make me forget about everything I liked about Half-Life 1. Just so I can replay it again.

Sight (A short futuristic film)

Reefie says...

I used to be addicted to MMOs, then I started treating life as one massive RPG. I'm glad I traded a virtual life for the real deal.

This short film takes it to a whole new level of scary though!

Dirty Laundry - Thomas Jane returns as "The Punisher"

Hive13 says...

>> ^jmd:

ehh, I'm gonna nit pick.
#1 I HATE the fake camera shake. We all know this shit is done on dollys and steady cam out the ass, then to make it look like..frankly I have no idea why they inject camera shake, I don't want to see how Michael j. Fox see's the movie. .
#2 this bad guy seems to make everyone his target.. even little kids.. so why is he still alive? He is CLEARLY dumber then a stump and is lowest on the totem pole, some other punk would have put a bullet in him long ago.
#3 Our hero guy strolls in and really does not care...yet has the means to kill every single one of them in less then 10 seconds and some how eventually finds the will too. God damn this is 5th grade writing.
#4 oh my god.. the special effects... is this supposed to be gritty real life.. or mortal freaking kombat? It looks like that 5th grader also had a say in where blood was placed... cause he said EVERYWHERE!

Well first of all this is an amateur fan film with no budget. Second of all, can't you just enjoy a good, over-the-top short film without dissecting it like a art-house film critic with a shitty blog?

Dirty Laundry - Thomas Jane returns as "The Punisher"

Ghost Recon Alpha Short Film

ant says...

>> ^Kalle:

Evil russians ...check
fat guy...check
black dude...check
robot killing machine...check
hero death...check
dudes with way to much equipment...check
Only thing missing is the lovestory..


Ghost Recon Alpha (woah!)


eric3579 (Member Profile)


Alexandra Pelosi interviews New York Welfare Queens

shuac says...

I like the last bit Maher said. Can you imagine someone from Fox news making a short film about their biased reporting? I can't imagine a universe wherein such a thing could ever happen.

Ruin - Post-Apocalyptic Short CGI Film

Sepacore says...

I want to see more!

Due to not specifying how much time after the Apocalypse this was occurring, the fact that we have the capability to kick one off right now, the speed of progression of scientific developments and the good atmosphere of the short film, the below list of potential conflicts are not necessarily conflicts and were happily disregarded upon noticing them.

Trees/foliage in the building.. could have been taking place 100 years after the Apocalypse, more than enough time for unrestricted plants to grow freely in any direction.

Fall from a 20+ story building doesn't crack open a strongbox, but a kick did.. genetic engineering, his kick could have had the little extra punch the box required.

Stupid guy driving into a tunnel without lights probably wouldn't be smart enough to keep himself alive in a variety of basic situations.. desperation + the cybernetic eyes Quantumushroom mentioned.

Driving just in front and into one of the lines of fire in an attempt to dodge the bullets.. maybe had to dodge a rock, or was high as a kite.

Accelerating without throttle.. may have redesigned the bike, living mostly on your own would require a range of skills, such as being your own mechanic, he didn't seem too worried about jumping off it and it being damaged.

Just make stuff up for the situation to work if you have to.. surely we've all had enough practice doing this with Hollywood.

"T Is For Toilet" - (Gory Horror Animated Short Film)

alien_concept (Member Profile)

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