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The Truth About the Sri Lanka Attacks

newtboy says...

Learn to read, dumbass. I specifically labeled it Islamic terrorism....I just waited for some fact like a reasonable person.
Btw, the remnants of Daesh claim responsibility for any attack they can, and usually turn out to be uninvolved, just claiming credit is no indication of their involvement. Big surprise, they're liars.

Get you head out of you back side, comrade. The religion of Trump did start this round with more right wing terrorism, directly spurring the retaliation by Islamic terrorists...and you look away. Shameful, Felicia

bobknight33 said:

Get you head out of you back side. The religion of peace did this and you look away. Shameful.

IS claims Sri Lanka blasts, as government says probe making progress

The Truth About the Sri Lanka Attacks

bobknight33 says...

Get you head out of you back side. The religion of peace did this and you look away. Shameful.

IS claims Sri Lanka blasts, as government says probe making progress

newtboy said:

Of course, you never need background as long as you have an edited soundbite. It's certainly not because background information usually invalidates your position....couldn't be.

Calling out political enemies for not jumping onto the homophobic bus before the suspects were known is the problem. Now that they've been identified, maybe calling them out is appropriate....maybe not, but he's ranting about their first tweets, cherry picked to make his dumb "point".
It's almost like you all are ignorant of the fact that 1/2 the bombs weren't at Christian churches.

Taking note that right wing nationalistic terrorism is on the rise and a worse problem in America is identifying reality, which you have never seemed to have a grasp on.

Pretending Islamic terrorism is a bigger problem in the U.S. than right wing terrorism is a real problem.

Liars who produce partisan conspiracy theory propaganda and sell it to gullible ignoramuses like yourself, who then act on the misinformation, that is the problem that led you and many others out of reality.

Yes, they appear to be Islamic terrorism...but jumping to that conclusion based on nothing has led you astray before, blaming right wing terrorism on Muslims and never retracting the false accusations when facts come to light makes you the worst kind of liar.

Making the 1886 Coca Cola Recipe

AeroMechanical says...

It's a real shame about the coca leaves. Not a fan cocaine as a recreational drug in typical recreational quantities, but for the equivalent level of stimulant effect it's way better than caffeine. It's got all the benefits of caffeine without the unwanted side effects. It's not as long lasting, and you get the improvement in focus, energy and concentration without the lingering physical stimulation and mind-racing jittery stuff caffeine causes.


bremnet says...

In the spirit of pervasive negativity on the internet, "A good father would have gutted the croc to get the prize barra for Daniel. How shameful." (but really - "how the fuck does he keep the camera on the croc when being chased by something that will eat the both of them?" I don't know how fast or far a croc can run, but I'm willing to let someone else figure it out.)

w1ndex (Member Profile)

Earth at 2° hotter will be horrific. Now here’s 4° +

Stormsinger says...

The reason he doesn't feel ashamed has more to do with his character than with his understanding of science. He's made that clear years ago...he's incapable of feeling shame, empathy, or even something like common decency.

newtboy said:

Just going to search "climate change deniers" and post whatever stupidity you find on YouTube and call it "proof", eh? I know you didn't actually even watch these videos, much less examine their ridiculous claims, you didn't have time.

Too bad you don't understand science a whit, or you would be ashamed of yourself.

w1ndex (Member Profile)

Back in Black - Social Media Helps Measles Make a Comeback

newtboy says...

Still not far enough. Remember, some people are incapable of shame.

Imo, they should be removed from society, kept on a reservation where, in order to leave, you must complete the vaccine regimen.
Let them be as irresponsible with their own family as they please, just not the rest of us. Soon enough, the reservation will be hit with a plague and problem solved.
I can't fathom why they ever allowed non vaccinated kids in public school. I don't even think they allowed medical exemptions when I went, forget personal feelings.

"Your right to swing your first ends at my nose." Seems appropriate. They have no right to endanger the public.

StukaFox said:

You're right: it doesn't achieve much because it doesn't go far enough. These people should be openly mocked, ridiculed and humiliated. Every time they open their stupid mouths, someone with a bullhorn should shriek, "That's interesting, BUT YOU'RE A FUCKING MOUTH-BREATHING, BOTTOM-FEEDING, DRIBBLING, DROOLING MORON!" three inches from their cow-like faces. They should get anonymous phone calls at 3:00am, "IDIOT, it's GET-A-FUCKING-EDUCATION-O'-CLOCK!". Gales of derisive laughter should greet their every utterance until they're so phobic of speaking again that they finally just shut the fuck up.

Maybe then, when the concept of "being ashamed of being stupid" is thoroughly drilled into their putty-like brain, we can be done with this anti-vaccine bullshit.

MAGA vs. @ AOC

Drachen_Jager says...

"Postal child"

Hmm, that's something a Russian with only moderate ESL training would say.

"There is always a bit of truth in comedy."

As was pointed out, this isn't comedy. Comedy has to at least try to be funny, this is why Conservatives can't do comedy, they're such pitiful, self-hating creatures they think insult=comedy. Also, factually incorrect. There are plenty of jokes (word play, for instance) that have nothing to do with reality.

We know you're not ashamed. You lack the level of self-awareness required to know shame.

bobknight33 said:

She is a wet dream for Republicans. She is the postal child of why not to be Democrat.

AOC is a dumb fck and all know it. AOC is a fool to her party and her party will axe her out next round of elections.

WRT to this infantile drivel comedy, there is always a little bit of truth in comedy.

I am not ashamed. Comedy is needed more than ever today.

MEGA 2020

Payback (Member Profile)

Sexual Assault of Men Played for Laughs

bcglorf says...


When you say:
...I'm against promoting the idea that torture works...

I can see where you are coming from on this. In the sense that it might then encourage people to accept using it, because it works.

My problem with that line of reasoning though is that torture actually is effective. The simplest proof being that we wouldn't have every single national intelligence agency using it(directly or indirectly by a less squeamish ally as we 'civilized' nations prefer to do it).

Your links to the ineffectiveness of torture only look at the narrowest possible goals from it. Somebody like Saddam Hussein usually didn't care about Jack Bauer style, minutes count specific intel. Getting the names of everyone you knew or 'conspired' with mattered, and torture IS effective at getting people to talk. The trouble your links note is that torture victims will say literally anything to get you to stop. When looking for information though, victims can't name real people unless they know them. Better still for guys like Saddam, if you get yourself 3 victims in the same movement, you can cross reference things and build a list of suspects. To more ethical nations like us that's unactionable intelligence, but if you don't care if you sweep up 5 innocents along with the 5 people that really were a threat to you, it still 'worked'.

Torture also is widely used simply as a tool to instill fear. When your citizens have seen the broken shells of people who's loyalty was deemed questionable, fear keeps them in step. It worked for Saddam until external forces stopped him, and it's helped keep 3 generations in power in North Korea.

Getting back closer to the video, things we don't like don't go away just because we refuse to talk about them. Rape, torture, and violence aren't like the boogeyman that will go away if we just stop talking and thinking about them so much. We need to accept that there are terrible things in our world that people do and benefit from doing them. These are things that people use to gain a feeling of power, or to truly gain real tangible power over other people.

Of course we have to discuss them responsibly, and the danger of shaming victims is an equally real thing to be aware of. At the same time though, humor is one of the ways of bridging the gap to people dealing with trauma, so jokes about things that cause trauma like rape, violence and torture have an honest place in making things better as well.

AOC Exposes The Dark Side - "Let's Play A Game"

newtboy says...

$3 billion? Aaaaaahahahaha! Says him?! Oh Bob, hang your head in shame.

Edit: How much has he and his family milked the presidency for so far? Hundreds of millions certainly when you include Ivanka's special trade deals, the apartments sold to foreign agents at 10-100 times market value, and the rental of his properties by the same and other foreign agents at above market value, the milking our treasury, requiring the secret service pay him to be allowed to guard him at his properties.....sweet zombie Jebus, no one has ever abused the office or any other like he has, with your full blessing. Don't feign indignation now at others.

Earned?! Aaaaaaahahahaha! He inherited it Bob....and stole it from rubes like you pretend to be.

Are you claiming McCain got his money in some untoward way, or just implying it because you have zero evidence of any such thing but want people to think you do? You, as a Trumpeteer, have some gall accusing others of making their money in some underhanded way, no matter what they might have done it pales in comparison to the known, admitted frauds and swindles your leader brags about with pride.

Bob, Trump's administration's leaders have been found guilty on 24 counts so far in under 2 years with 89 charges SO FAR.....and many more removed in disgrace for abusing their offices for personal enrichment..... that's far more corrupt than Nixon after the break in and cover-up. There has never been another administration 1/4 as swampy as Trump's. NEVER.

Trump himself is an admitted and convicted fraud who stole money from the ignorant poor with his fake schools....and charities....and businesses....and every contract he's ever been involved with.
He's called the swamp thing for a reason.

bobknight33 said:

Trumps net worth 3 Billion . At least he earned his $.

U.S. congressional salary is 174k today

McCain, In 2016, the senator was worth $14.8 million.
Pelosi , Net Worth: -$58.7 million to $72.1 million
Ried net worth is between 3 and 10 million dollars.
This does not take into account the back door funding that enrich family members.

Most political figures have all lined their pockets over the years. It is call a swamp for a reason.

AOC Exposes The Dark Side - "Let's Play A Game"

enoch says...

while I am absolutely delighted to watch both the democratic and republican parties LOSE their minds over AOC,and watch them bumble and stumble all over themselves to discredit this 29yr old Latina spitfire.

the political establishment continues to miss the plot,because they live in their own tiny,elitist bubbles.

every time they attempt to marginalize her,attack her outright,shame her,belittle her...
her numbers go up.
the republicans try to attack her by exposing her ideas as laughable,but what they are really doing is campaigning for her.
she literally gets more popular every time FOX news has ben shapiro on to "expose" AOC as the "loony left".

and the democrats may actually be MORE afraid of AOC than the republicans!
they are trying to primary her out of her seat,which he has only been in a few weeks.
which has seen AOC's war chest boom with private,small amount,donations.

they (meaning the establishment,corporate lackeys in congress) along with their corporate media stooges.

are doing their best to paint AOC as a "kook" as a "crazy" as somehow not being an actual representative of what normal folk want in a representative.

just like they did with nader,paul,sanders..

but it looks like the American people are finally on to the games of the kleptocrats.

and AOC has become the youngest and most popular congresswoman..ever.

because AOC Is not a kook,or a crazy.

she is whip smart and politically savvy.

and in five minutes she lays out the ease of corruption in our government.

suck a dick trumpters!


Teenager Tries To Steal Booze

newtboy says...

Find this kid and brutally shame him into surrendering himself. I hope his school identifies him and expels him.
This is why citizens arrest allows you to do whatever is necessary to keep criminals in place, someone should have knocked his ass out. If it cost him a few teeth, good.
This wasn't the first time he did this, judging from his actions and attitude. Because people are afraid to stop criminals, fearing liability, he's going to do it again until he robs the wrong place and gets shot in the head.


newtboy says...

1) Yes they are...they are his and his group's interpretations of other people's studies (unsupported interpretations the studies authors almost always disagree with)...I just saw a video of him shouting it at people on the street. His, and his cohorts that also lie about health issues to convert the gullible to their cause.
You see, it's exactly as I warned long ago, when you use statements from known liars to back up proven lies, no one trusts what you claim or those you reference to corroborate you at all anymore.

2) If they aren't his claims, then why post a video of him with a crowd shouting them....why mention him and his dishonest groups at all? Edit: oops, forgot you didn't post this one, but you do post him all the time.

3) Nope. Not trolling. Contradicting knowingly false statements....with scientific evidence and math on my side. I understand you are trying to insult, guilt, and shame people away from examining and debunking your claims, for myself, that only makes me want to examine more closely to see how deep the misunderstanding and misstatement of facts goes, exposing it so it doesn't spread.

Have you dropped the insane claim that risk increases 18% for every single slice of bacon consumed? (Yes, that's what you claimed) You stopped defending it, so i think so, but you never admit your misstatements, so who knows?

Interesting you ignored the second paragraph completely, since it proves your miraculous cancer claims are fantasy.

transmorpher said:

They aren't his claims though. That's what I'm trying to get you to understand.

You guys have to be trolling me, because I know you are smarter than this.

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