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George Carlin - Please Wake Up America

Ryjkyj says...

Yeah you guys are right. People losing their pensions is paraniod. It doesn't happen. And social security will be working fine for the next fifty years. And all of you guys know a lot more than a man who's been on this earth for SEVENTY years now. Carlin is a public speaker and he doesn't really give a shit about anything. His ability to step away from and look deep into the world and how it works is what I admire him for.


Amazing NASA satellite video of Artic Ice Melt

nibiyabi says...

There are only eighty climatologists in the USA, and seventy-nine of them agree that the current warming trend is part of a completely natural cycle, i.e., it is out of our hands. What you linked to is a "scientific" report compiled by a bunch of politicians, not scientists. What I posted is backed by the climatologist community. I have the proof in a book I've read (endorsed by climatologists), but I've recently moved twice and it would be a real bitch to actually dig it up from the piles of crap. If you're interested, pick up the Politically Incorrect Guide to Global Warming and Environmentalism. In it, the very graphs I linked to are shown in their original form, where they originated from: scientific sources (rather than the political source you linked to). The recent warming trend is being used as a rather convenient political tool by left-leaning politicians to conjure up fear and force us to comply with wallet-restraining policies we never would under normal circumstances.

Choggie's Roast Thread (Parody Talk Post)

choggie says...

and zifnab.....I was worried I would have no dirt on you, and low-and-behold, the story of your parents attempt, to erase their genetic contribution to the planet entirely, by running naked into BC, away from "civilization", if you can call Canada in the sixties and seventies that....I can see you running around the living room (school bus), with your tally-whacker swinging back and forth, like a flesh-sickle pendulum, in front of a ripe plum. It is refreshing to know, that you had a solid reason for dropping out of school. The Internet. Now that you have a premier,tenured, chair-shaping position at university (hoser think-tank) the future is no doubt brighter, for your own kid, zinfab jr.

So dotdude......did this thing shape up like it should have?? Of course, ya performed lie a true coonass, tripping over craw-dad mounds to run away, as soon as the waterfront changed......Folk art is a big deal in LA, and galleries like the laundry mat , the dockside bar, and the bait shop, are all splattered with the, "thousand points of smudge", finger-paintings, DD has to offer, those true seekers, of the gifted and talented color, in the land of hand-made dikes,
drive-through likker stores, and Chocolate City Mayors. Any deceased family members returning with the spring floods next year????

raven (Member Profile)

Where in the World is Carmen Sift Diego?: Frappr Map (Sift Talk Post)

looris says...

aaah k.

Well, before USSR split up nobody called them *stans, but now, you can easily lose count. I've started calling them *stan and it's the first time someone tells me it's usual to do that, never heard anyone else calling them this way.

I know it may be considered sad, but I think it's normal when your country has little business with a region, not to know much about it. Especially if it's a relatively new region.

When I was a kid i LOVED geography (I like it still), especially flags, but we're talking about books written in late seventies or middle eighties

Firefox makes the YouTube ads go away (Sift Talk Post)

MINK says...


ads really are stooopid.

also i thought that the ads are only north america right now... i haven't seen any.

all i know is, if you put something between me and the content, i'm gone. there's other content. this is not tv, this is not the seventies, get with the program.

100 Gallons of gasoline and 100 gallons of propane (Boom)

choggie says...

Hey, sometimes....the planet belches, farts, and exudes more Co2 inna day than a thousand five hundred and seventy of those "poooofts'".......Warm this bitch!! It's cooling off....desert is cold at night, too.....

The Beatles - First Ed Sullivan Appearance

Rotty says...

Only to get better and better as time went on. The quality of (popular) music and the music industry has gotten so bad that I cannot listen to a radio anymore. The sixties and seventies were such incredible times...never to be repeated.

The Mullet Strategy (Sift Talk Post)

1970s Korean Curry Mix Commercial

This commercial will blow you away...

MINK says...

jimnms... by your reasoning, we should ban planes, because sometimes (very infrequently, but sometimes) they crash.

interesting how most of those disasters were in the seventies and eighties. Seems to be less disasters around now. Could it be that things are safer now?

Coal mines also collapsed but that didn't stop us building the industrial world. Now who's the enemy of progress?

Joni Mitchell When She Was Joni Anderson - 1965

Godless says...

In my very humble (and I mean humble) opinion, the best songwriter that ever lived. And the best thing to ever come out of Canada, although by the early seventies, she was as much Californian as she was Canadian. And Man! was she gorgeous back in those days. Truly a angel descended from the Christian's Paradise... if I believed in such things.

That song reminds me a lot of 'Morning Morgantown', from her 'Ladies of the Canyon' album...

Mainstream Media Silently Screams for New 9/11 Investigation

Par says...


Your last post is extremely disheartening for three prominent reasons:

1. It betrays even further your complete ignorance of even the most fundamental issues surrounding 9/11.
2. It demonstrates that you've been lied to by conspiracy theorists and have simply accepted those lies without question; with even a limited quantity of your own research, you would have disembogued yourself of some of these falsehoods.
3. It shows that you're willing to simply ignore evidence that refutes your theories.

I suspect the reason you find it unusual that none of the World Trade Center towers' cores survived is that you're not a structural engineer. To appeal to one's own personal and laymen's incredulity hardly makes for a compelling argument. Further, I'm not sure what basis you have for your claim that "none of the experts" can agree about the collapse of World Trade Center 7. The official report is still being drawn up, so we don't know whether there's a consensus.

Please realize that the official account of the fate of Flight 77 simply does not claim that the entire plane vaporized. I know that the conspiracy theorists have led you to believe that is does, but they have lied to you. There is overwhelming evidence that Flight 77 hit the Pentagon. This includes (but isn't limited to) dozens of pieces of eyewitness testimony, numberless pieces of recovered debris (including engine wreckage), recovered and functional flight data recorders and the DNA identification of all but one of the passengers. This is the third time that I've referred you to this evidence. You must be straightforwardly and intentionally ignoring it. The engines did leave a rather distinct mark -- they were instrumental in creating the seventy-five foot wide hole in the building. There is absolutely no evidence of a cruise missile. If an amateur pilot with little experience can recreate Hanjour's Pentagon strike in a professional simulator with a consistency level of three successes in three attempts, it's fairly clear that the manoeuvre was nothing like the complex array of aerobatics you've been to led believe it was. Hanjour was a commercially licensed and instrument rated pilot. The chief flight instructor at Hanjour's flight school doesn't seem to foster any of your doubts:

Despite Hanjour's poor reviews, he did have some ability as a pilot, said Bernard of Freeway Airport. "There's no doubt in my mind that once that [hijacked jet] got going, he could have pointed that plane at a building and hit it," he said.
There's no reason to think that the scattering of light debris is incompatible with Flight 93 having been intentionally crashed. If you were to dump a pile of papers and other light materials in the middle of a field, it might not come as an enormous surprise if sometime later they had been scattered -- especially if you'd dumped them there at over five-hundred miles per hour in what basically amounts to a relatively fragile pressurised tube. As I've already pointed out, the flight data recorders and the cockpit voice recorders were recovered. None of the resultant data supports the claim that the plane was shot down. It all supports the conclusion that the plane was intentionally crashed by the hijackers due to a passenger revolt.

Lastly, you seem to be equally ignorant as the nature of the Project for a New American Century Report. It says nothing about "wanting" a new Pearl Harbor. It has nothing to do with pretexts for war, the Patriot Act or, for that, with any civil matters. It pushes for increased military technology spending -- missile defence systems, etc. -- in order to preserve American military prominence.

Richard Alpert (Ram Dass) on LSD

persephone says...

Reading his latest book "Still Here", you get the impression that he doesn't need drugs to get to a place of spiritual awareness, that regular meditation practice is all he needs, now. He leaves out a few details, I guess.

I suppose marijuana is a safer option for him at this stage of his life, he's in his seventies, afterall and also a stroke survivor. If he hadn't dedicated so much of his life to programs like the Death and Dying project and the Hanuman foundation, his approach to spiritual awareness evolving from an expanded consciousness would ring kinda hollow.

Cat's Cradle - Navajo String Game

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