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Zelensky Celebrates Signing Security Agreement With The US

newtboy says...

So moron, Russia just conceded defeat in the Black Sea and their entire naval fleet has left Crimea and has retreated to their farthest Eastern port in the Black Sea.
Ukraine doesn’t even have a navy.

Sorry comrade, Putin’s fascist war is losing….bigly.

bobknight33 said:

Christ your are stupid.

If Russia is Losing as you say, Why are they gaining territory and holding it?

You do know what a map is?

If Russia is losing as you say, Why hasn't Ukraine pushed back the Russians?

w1ndex (Member Profile)

w1ndex (Member Profile)

Zelensky Celebrates Signing Security Agreement With The US

newtboy says...

Once again, your grasp of the English language tends to point to who is really stupid here. “Your are stupid”? So close…keep trying, you’ll pass first grade English some day. 😂 😂 😂

They aren’t gaining territory…not for a while. You are over a year behind, and were never right on the facts.

Russia is trying to get Ukraine to agree to the current frontline as the permanent border…they wouldn’t be doing that if they were gaining ground. Ukraine says absolutely not…they wouldn’t be so quick to say no if they were losing territory still.

Russia has made no significant progress since last years Ukrainian counter offensive that granted wasn’t a total success but did drive Russia out of territory they had held…learn to read. Russia now holds approximately 20% of Ukraine, a serious shrinking from the maximum seized territory.
They are being pushed back or at worst held in place by a force that is essentially unarmed (after maggots blocked aid) and under 10% in numbers…and we just rearmed them.
Russia is losing territory they stole, slowly but they are losing. Their spring offensive was not very successful (but was costly) and when the squadrons of F-16s start flying and M1-Abrams start rolling they will be destroyed, they cannot defend against them.
They are now completely insecure in Crimea and may lose it, cannot sail the Black Sea fleet (they are hiding their best ships in Cuba!), and does not have an air force that can compete with F-16s. They are also enjoying attacks deep into the mother country with multiple groups of saboteurs in the country doing major damage daily.
The Russian people no longer support the war, and know the reasons for it were outright lies. The economy is non existent, banks closed, stock market offline, their sons are all dead, injured, in Ukraine, or on the run, their military is completely decimated, their oil infrastructure is being destroyed…and no one is coming to rebuild them , they will remain global pariahs for decades to come. North Korea is supplying their ammunition, and it’s so bad that it is more dangerous for the Russians than the Ukrainians. China and N Korea aren’t going to help rebuild the Russian economy, they can’t. Europe and the US are going to rebuild Ukraine. It will be the shining star of Eurasia.
Ukraine may expand into Russia soon. It’s incredibly likely they will take Crimea back.
Russia overplayed its hand and is so screwed it may actually fold as a country SOON, it has destroyed itself and now that we are actually backing Ukraine (not piecemeal drippings blocked by MAGA every time they can cause damage and help Russia) they have lost, they just won’t admit it yet (kinda like you)….who is surprised you believe they are “WINNING”? They’re “winning” about as much as the convicted felon and rapist has been since November 2020….which is not at all. The tiny temporary territory gains they’ve made this month were so costly they aren’t “wins”. If it costs you 20000 troops and 4 armored divisions to take a town that’s now rubble, and your enemy held you back for months and only lost 1000 troops…. you lost.

bobknight33 said:

Christ your are stupid.

If Russia is Losing as you say, Why are they gaining territory and holding it?

You do know what a map is?

If Russia is losing as you say, Why hasn't Ukraine pushed back the Russians?

Israeli Soldiers Use Food Aid As Trap To Murder Palestinians

newtboy says...

So again, that’s a “no”. You are not man enough to admit statements that are true. No surprise.

Instead you would prefer to make up some alternative facts that make you feel good.

Violent settlers (often Americans) forcing Palestinians off their land at gun point or just outright murdering them to steal their land increased exponentially during Trump’s tenure, as did IDF attacks on innocent civilians (often in support of the settlers, not counted in official IDF killings), they also increased the slow genocide of medical embargoes, intentional starvation, cutting off water and electricity, violent random attacks on mosques, all under Trump. They don’t count those as “IDF killings” either, but they are.

The IDF has been committing a slow boil genocide for decades, under both parties, a genocide they accelerated under Trump’s regime in many ways, and again under Biden when they used their (intentional?) abject intelligence failure in Oct. as an excuse for escalating farther to such an extent its looking likely they allowed the attack for that very reason, an excuse for escalating the genocide. It’s become clear they caused many of the casualties on Oct 7 and made false rape claims that have been debunked, also to excuse their escalation.

Netanyahu is a far right wing “leader” Trump still today lovingly calls Bibi who would have been out of office without Trump’s help and quite recently Don has voiced his FULL support for any lengths Netanyahu wants to go including taking the entire Gaza Strip and expelling the residents (into the sea because no country will take them, knowing if they do Israel will use them having a country to take refuge in as a pretext to take the West Bank too)…and you want to pretend Biden who has called him a war criminal is MORE complicit than Trump who backed his every genocidal move. 😂

At least you are consistent in your fantasy world…you never leave. Too bad it cost you your balls, spine, mind, and soul. I hope you like it in there up your rectum. 😂

bobknight33 said:

IDF was not committing genocide under Trump.

Joe and IDF have the peddle mashed to the floor this go around.

Israeli Soldiers Use Food Aid As Trap To Murder Palestinians

newtboy says...

Don’t pretend Trump didn’t also fund and arm the IDF and support violent Israeli expansion.
So disgraced ex POTUS Don [is] also guilty of genocide.

Both are guilty of being complicit in genocide but to different extents.

Both will continue to support it, but Trump agrees with Netanyahu that Palestinians should be wiped off the face of the earth, driven into the sea and forgotten... Biden is (finally, but late) air dropping food to avoid another trap being set by the IDF to murder more starving children.

bobknight33 said:

IDF commits genocide and POTUS JOE supplies the munitions.

So POTUS JOE also guilty of genocide.

Blue Lagoon (Iceland)

newtboy says...

Um…it is NOT sea water…wtf!?
This is the outflow of Iceland’s largest power plant that runs on geothermal hot springs/steam.
It’s amazing, and so popular it can take months to get a reservation, and the line to get in without one can be hours and hours long….outside in Icelandic weather.
Sadly, it may be gone soon. Recent eruptions are very nearby and may have already damaged the pools and buildings, and it is forecast to be overrun by lava soon. If you never got to see this, you missed out on a huge bit of Icelandic culture.

Hawaii Seaglider Initiative Launch

newtboy says...

It’s a ground effect hydrofoil sea plane inter island electric ferry concept, so it’s near its limit in the video.
Ground effect refers to a flight characteristic noticed at low altitudes where the air below the wing compresses between the wing and ground, creating enormous lift with smaller wings or winglets. This makes them much more efficient, especially at lower speeds or with heavy loads.
The largest I know of is the Ecronoplan-

Here’s a bit more info

Many “birds” make use of this flight characteristic to save battery power during long term surveillance flights, especially just offshore.

BSR said:

Pretty cool! Is there a limit to how high it can climb? I like the wings. Kinda reminds me of the unreal "birds".

Palestinian UN Ambassador At UN

bcglorf says...

“ my solution would be every able bodied Jewish man and woman join the French (or Polish, Russian, British) army and fucking fight…”

I agree that’s the noble thing to do, but I can’t condemn the ones that choose to seek safety in numbers with Jewish Palestinians as exclusively invasion minded aggressors. My 6 million tag was maybe a bit sharp, but you also know that the Nazi’s took Paris and as much as it sucked to be French or European under Nazi occupation, you also know adding Jewish to that carried a lot of extra consequence and danger to your family.

My POV is agnostic of everything save Isreali people today having a right exist as a nation. Which at this point from my POV leaves 1947 as somewhat academic.

It’s your insistence that Jewish people, and the existence of Israel, have always fundamentally been invaders that I was objecting to as it is so intensely at odds with factual history.

You gave a brief nod on not being a scholar of Palestinian history, but then proceed to just count all Jewish refugees as good as Zionist aggressors from day 1(or close enough), and the local Arab population as nothing but pure, kind caring victims of these invaders.

I will state again, that is ahistorical propaganda and NOT what actually happened. And for my POV, its enough generations back as to be Academic, but for your POV it is fundamental because without being able to writeoff Israel as invaders from day 1, nuance enters the calculus and suddenly the conflict is flooded with shades of grey because lots of parties all contribute to the bloodshed, and many with reasonable motivations from both sides yet too.

Please find me any reputable sources to refute the reality of 1920-1940s Palestine:
-Mass Jewish immigration fleeing European oppression raised tensions between Jewish and Arab Palestinians.(as one must expect)
-Arab palestinians were already chaffing and resisting British colonial rule(as one must expect)
-These tensions led conflict, initially more ‘civil’ with the Arab majority trying to refuse all business, sales and trade with all Jews.
-Escalation followed throughout that time, but in drips and drops and NOT a ‘surprise the Zionist army has arrived’! style of aggression

The violent escalation was a fight here, a beating there. Little individual fights, escalating into deaths. Retaliations slowly grew, with each side exchanging small escalations.

-the culmination of this was eventually all out civil war, and the Jewish side immediately accepting a UN mandated 2 state solution

-this culmination coinciding with the end of WW2 and revelations of the true extent of the holocaust can’t be ignored, it certainly shaped the Jewish mindset in the conflict.

-Their mindset was pretty clearly not inaccurate either, as the immediate response of all neighbouring Arab nations was a declaration of war on the new ‘state’, with bold claims of how quickly the Jews would be swept into the sea. The confidence was so high, a call was sent it for ALL Arab palestinians to abandon and flee the entire region of Palestine to better enable the complete cleansing of the land.

The above is all pretty much inarguably factual, and I’d bargain you could get an Arabic and Israeli scholar together to more or less agree on those facts which is saying alot.

Propaganda from both sides would like to declare that the Arabs harboured deep Nazi sympathies, and thus Israel was pure and true in all it did. Or from the other side, more or less your narrative of Zionist bad guys launching invasion from day 1(ish).

Both though are just sprinklings of half truths, with anti-British resentment naturally breeding some leanings towards the axis, and even genuine Nazi cleanse the Jews believers. And absolutely Zionists featured prominently within the Jewish population. Neither of those partial truths though make the propaganda of either side true, but instead just an incomplete and intentionally biased picture.

Again, please find me sources demonstrating I’m terribly wrong on all that, but the only ones I can find are clearly biased and the accurate accounts paint the picture above, the propaganda very, very clearly copies the real story more or less with just deletions of inconvenient bits

Watch Elon Musk's Rocket Explode After Launch

newtboy says...

Today it was revealed that Elon has cut/refused access to Starlink for Ukraine in the Black Sea in order to intentionally hobble their major counter offensive in the Black Sea and cripple their communication ability and suddenly Elon is calling for an immediate truce (ostensibly with both sides (Russia) retaining any territory taken previously)…so his plan is handing Russia 1/3 of Ukraine and allowing them to keep Ukrainian Crimea…and quick before Ukraine retakes their country.
He has previously said he would not do any such thing ever after offering Ukraine open access to Starlink, but suddenly changed course in the middle of a major military offensive by Ukraine he said would be like Pearl Harbor (meaning the Ukrainians caught a huge number of Russian ships in port vulnerable to attack and could turn the tide of war in one action), but Elon wanted to stop the Ukrainians from achieving such a significant victory so he cut their communications to help Russia! He has admitted this publicly, it’s not supposition.

I hope sanctions are forthcoming…major multiple business ending sanctions.

If you still support Elon, you are the problem. He’s anti American and pro fascist.
Quit X, trade in your Tesla, and tell NASA to quit handing him billions in no bid, no competition, non performance based contracts using tax payer money for failures and global communication projects he capriciously withdraws from our allies when they’re needed most, and uses to prop up and control information for multiple fascist governments to the detriment of the populace but to the benefit of his pockets.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

First, nice paraphrasing what you say are gods perfect words. He would be pissed at you fudging them to protect Donny…if he existed. You fucked up big time. These are the commandments dummy….

#1. Thou shalt have no other gods before me.

#2. Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness of any thing that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth.
Thou shalt not bow down thyself to them, nor serve them: for I the LORD thy God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me;
And shewing mercy unto thousands of them that love me, and keep my commandments.

#3. Thou shalt not take the name of the LORD thy God in vain; for the LORD will not hold him guiltless that taketh his name in vain.

#4. Remember the sabbath day, to keep it holy.
Six days shalt thou labour, and do all thy work:
But the seventh day is the sabbath of the LORD thy God: in it thou shalt not do any work, thou, nor thy son, nor thy daughter, thy manservant, nor thy maidservant, nor thy cattle, nor thy stranger that is within thy gates:
For in six days the LORD made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that in them is, and rested the seventh day: wherefore the LORD blessed the sabbath day, and hallowed it. (That day was Saturday.)

#5. Honour thy father and thy mother: that thy days may be long upon the land which the LORD thy God giveth thee.

#6. Thou shalt not kill.

#7. Thou shalt not commit adultery.

#8. Thou shalt not steal.

#9. Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbour.

#10. Thou shalt not covet thy neighbour's house, thou shalt not covet thy neighbour's wife, nor his manservant, nor his maidservant, nor his ox, nor his ass, nor any thing that is thy neighbour's.

Now that he’s president and has murdered thousands, which of these has Trump not broken repeatedly?

1. He has always put himself before any god.
2. He made a gold idol of himself and displayed it for you to worship.
3. He has only ever misused the name of god. He wouldn’t know how to use it in any way besides as a sword or shield.
4. He fucks porn stars on the sabbath, and cheats at golf, and business…he’s never kept anything holy in his life, especially the sabbath.
5. He’s said some terrible things about his immigrant parents and by not fighting the charges but paying millions in fines has admitted they were racist bastards.
6. He killed hundreds as collateral damage from his intended targets for murder.
7. Adultery….he’s never been with any woman he didn’t cheat on, especially all those immigrants he married.
8. Theft…Convicted repeatedly of theft by fraud to the tune of hundreds of millions.
9. Has never given honest testimony or statements in his life, he’s incapable of honesty.
10. He covets everything he sees, especially his friend’s wives that he brags about trying to sleep with and their land he tries to steal.

What was your point? That rapist DJT is really the anti-Christ? 😂

Side note, his home in Florida is seeing a number of biblical plagues…disease like malaria and leprocy are becoming rampant (thanks to anti science health policies), the seas are boiling (over 101 degrees), and a plague of semi-aquatic reptiles are decimating wildlife (pythons), rivers are turning red (, livestock pestilence (…just need darkness (wait for the next hurricane). Sounds like any first born children should probably leave the state immediately! 😂

bobknight33 said:

You shall have no other Gods before me
You shall not make for yourselves an idol
You shall not misuse the name of the LORD your God
Remember the Sabbath day by keeping it holy
Honor your father and your mother
You shall not murder
You shall not commit adultery
You shall not steal
You shall not give false testimony
You shall not covet

newtboy (Member Profile)

Kayak Bitten By Tiger Shark

NATO Declares Nord Pipeline Ruptures Sabotage

newtboy says...

D’oh. Another idiotic baseless accusation falls apart when confronted with photographic evidence against the biased (and factually wrong, actually impossible) fantasy by Hersh you jumped on because it looked bad for Biden, not because it made sense or there was any actual evidence…enjoy the photographic evidence of secret Russian deep sea operations at the explosion site just 4 days before the sabotage.

Google it when you decide these sources are untrustworthy.

bobknight33 said:

America blew it up.

Joe did that.

Why the American Hellcat dominated the Japanese Zero

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