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Choose Your Letters Carefully - Countdown Mishap

Ron Mueck - Hyperrealist Sculptor (How He Does It)

Bjork - Cocoon

bamdrew says...

damn, berticus. flying in the face of conformity with the 'no-extra-info' tags and description.

Directed by Academy Award Winning costume designer Eiko Ishioka, Bjork is actually wearing a very tight sculpted body-suit.

Henry Rollins Interview With Two Iraq War Veterans

rougy says...

Henry Rollins is a damn good man.

I've met a few pro-war soldiers, and I'm very sorry to say that there is nothing about them that I respect, nor could I respect more than a well-trained dog.

A pro-war soldier is little more than a well-tuned machine.

Even if you take the most grandiose accomplishments of these wars, they are little more significant and far less beautiful than flowers sculpted of mud when compared to the human misery that the USA has caused, is causing, and will continue to cause for years to come.

Deep Fried Candy Bar

MINK says...

ketchup is sugar, red colour, gunk, and one tomato per 1000 bottles.
tomato sauce is normally just fucking ketchup unless you are in a fancy restaurant.

look, in england, if you ask for fries you sound like an idiot. the only place it is used is in a burger king or whatever, because if you say "chips" then they look at you funny and say "certainly sir, one regular FRIES" because they have like an implant in their brain which checks they are using the correct trademarks for stuff.
And you wouldn't say "chips" because they are going to give you FRIES which are NOT CHIPS.

If you are in a restaurant, you might see french fries on the menu, that means thin fries that look like mcdonalds but taste more like potato.

If you are in a restaurant and you order chips, they will probably not be soggy, they should be crispy and THICK like your thumb.

If you buy frozen chips and cook them in the oven at home they will be SHIT. Full stop / period.

But the best is if you go to a CHIP shop which do actually change the oil and get chips wrapped in paper and wait until they go soggy.

The thin slices of fried potato in a plastic/foil bag are called CRISPS not CHIPS. you know why? because they are crisp, and they are not chip shaped.

A chip is chunky, like a sculptor knocks chips of stone off a sculpture. Why you use the word "chips" for totally flat round SLICES of potato is a total fucking mystery to me. I don't know how your sculptors sculpt over there. And look at a computer chip one day. Is it a round slice? No it is a chunk like a british chip kind of shape.

so NOW whut?

Quick Science Sift #12: Supersaturated CH3COONa Fun!

Chocolate Jesus Makes Catholics CRAZY

spoco2 says...

"ugh... inane concept art... what a thing to bother getting worked up over."

Two points made, both valid to a point.

Inane concept art : in your opinion. I personally find it to be a very nicely sculpted piece of work. The fact that it's made of chocolate is slightly irrelivant, I mean it isn't, but as has been said, if it were made of any 'normal' sculpting substance (say, marble, wood etc.) then they would be hard pressed to get riled up over it. It's no different than a billion other christ sculptures. Sure it shows his penis, but really, whoop de frigging do.

'What a thing to bother getting worked up over': Absolutely. Who the frig cares, I mean in the larger scheme of things it matters not a jot. This guy and his nutjob followers NEED to get riled up over these things because that's ALL they exist to do, just to get pissed off over stupid things, that's what idiots pay them to do.

Takeo Okamoto - Ice Sculpture

James Roe says...

from youtube

"Takeo Okamoto, an established sushi chef in his native Japan discovered his calling for ice sculpture and moved to the iciest place he could think of, Alaska. Winner of several international awards, including a Silver Medal in the 1998 Olympics, Takeo now runs Okamoto Studio with his son Shintaro in New York City.
We were introduced to them through Jeremy Mangan, an artist whose coffee paintings we admired. When we spoke with Jeremy he mentioned that he also sculpts ice—he's in fact Okamoto's principal carver—the result of Jeremy and Shintaro having met in an art class at Hunter College.
We decided right away to make a video of the studio and, after some deliberation, we realized CH mascots Otis and Logan would make the perfect subjects for a video and a great feature at our 50th Episode party. Guests were treated to the breathtaking sculptures of the Sealyham Terriers themselves and to raw footage from the video of them being made"

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