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South Park: Satan Explains The Darkness Of The Human Soul

The original Matthew McConaughey car commercial

Xaielao says...

I'm still puzzled how this guy went from the laughing stock as an actor to an Oscar winner and toast of Hollywood. Did he make a deal with Satan or something?

White House - U.N shelter attack totally unacceptable

newtboy says...

I'd down vote your comment if I could, fuck un-empathetic assholes that support more aggressive, expansionist, religious-based, terroristic, genocidal murder against defenseless imprisoned innocent civilians because they worship the wrong if there's actually a right god that makes it OK to be evil...well, on reflection there is Satan but he's it.

Mystic95Z said:

I'd down vote this if I could, fuck Hamas and all the other Muslim terrorists...

Last Week Tonight with John Oliver: Wealth Gap

chingalera says...

CEs' right-The illusion he described is the only tangible evidence that the shit you've heard at the last pep-rally has any meaning other than to enhance or lull you into a somnambulistic satisfaction of the slave-mentality of, 'rah-rah, American way.' This bergs' been sold on the block already and you have the privilege of witnessing the pangs of chaotic birth-spawn and participating in planet now. That you are satisfied with your plight is evidence of an effective, Satanic pogrom.

mtadd (Member Profile)

Chris de Burgh - A Spaceman Came Travelling

children shocked in swimming pool

lurgee (Member Profile)

John Oliver Leaves GM Dismembered in Satans Molten Rectum

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'John Oliver Leaves GM Dismembered in Satans Molten Rectum' to 'John Oliver, GM, Last Week Tonight' - edited by eric3579

lurgee (Member Profile)

John Oliver Leaves GM Dismembered in Satans Molten Rectum

Why Does 1% of History Have 99% of the Wealth?

A Baffling Balloon Behavior - Smarter Every Day

poolcleaner says...

I had to call my grandpa sir. I grew up most of my childhood hearing my father refer to him as sir, as well. However, he was not a very nice man, my grandpa. If my father didn't call him sir, I'm pretty certain he would get a beating... even as an adult. >.<
If only gramps had been a kinder man like the one in this video. Alas, now we pick up hitchhikers and murder them, using their faces for halloween masks. Hail satan! Down with the commies!

G-bar said:

A bit weird to hear them calling him sir

Top 10 Abba Songs

Baby Goat Attack!

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