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The War is over between HD DVD and Blu-ray (Blog Entry by eric3579)

blankfist says...

Wait, wait, wait. Easy now. This isn't the VHS vs. Beta war. This is a different beast altogether. HDDVD is solid, and Blu-Ray has some catching up to do, but it's hype that's making Blu-Ray seem like the winner in this march of tech. Currently, there are only two Blu-Ray players that are worth your money. That's the PS3 and their really high end machine (not sure what the nomenclature is for this machine or machines). HDDVD also has its worthless 720 and 1080i players available for the common market just as Sony does, but their 1080p higher end machines are very affordable. And every HDDVD player has a great price point compared to Blu Ray.

When Sony released its Blu-Ray technology, they put way too much money into developing that blue ray laser and high capacity disc so they didn't spend money on the codec. When released to market, HDDVD had a high-def codec and Sony was using MPEG-2. Yes, MPEG-2. The same shit you have on your standard def DVDs. Ouch! That technology is what? 20 years old? Because of bad press, they had to switch to a better codec, so imagine the spendthrift involved with that! Now, imagine how much less money they had on making their system actually good. So, what's the problem now? Well, aside from the shitty systems available, they also have update problems. You see, all of Toshiba's systems are supposed to have Ethernet capabilities, so updating the firmware is a piece of cake. Sony systems? Nope. You better be prepared to shill out some major doe for that added feature. So, there is a high chance that SOME of the Blu Ray DVDs will NOT play on some Blu Ray DVD players because they're incapable of updating their firmware. Ain't that a bitch? I hope Sony figures this out, but chances are they won't, and even if they do, that's more of a crippling blow to their chances to "corner the market" than you think.

But, if you have a PS3, you're sitting pretty (from my insider news). It's a better purchase than a straight Blu-Ray DVD Player purchase. That's just silly, no?

That aside, HDDVD isn't just Toshiba. It's Microsoft, too. Microsoft created the programming infrastructure called iHD, which I've programmed in, so if you ever step out to Best Buy and purchase yourself a copy of Under Siege, Blazing Saddles or Lethal Weapon in HDDVD format, then you'll be buying my handy work. I've worked on other WB titles, but those are the titles I programmed myself. What are you waiting for, fellow Sifters. Buy my shit! I make NO money off of them!

Team America - Puke/Bar Sceen

emag says...

This scene kills me every time I see it. The music, the great puke job, the fact that someone went to this much trouble to make a puking of the all time greats like the fart scene in 'Blazing Saddles'.

emag (Member Profile)

emag says...

This scene kills me every time I see it. The music, the great puke job, the fact that someone went to this much trouble to make a puking of the all time greats like the fart scene in 'Blazing Saddles'.

Coal Black and de Sebben Dwarfs (1943) Banned Looney Toons

swampgirl says...

I'm inclined towards Dag's opinion here, but there is no denying that this is making fun of African Americans. Those were the times, and I find it interesting to see how things were during those years...good or bad. Personally I don't find this offensive because it's the past. This cartoon should be seen as that...the past. Look how far we've come.

I dislike censuring even if it's offensive, the votes would decide. But this community has limits that has been posted in the policy for all to read upon joining.

This isn't a free forum, there are * let's not be hypocritical, alright? Well..then according to policy, this can't be here.
edit: I have found a few examples of how we make exceptions depending on how racism is portrayed.

(someone needs to teach me how to make those nice, short, one word links )

Monty Python - Bicycle Repair Man

10-Year Olds Need Abortions Too - Debate

sometimes says...

why does anyone think that saddling someone with a $200,000+ debt due to an accident of biology is admirable?

we don't force people to buy homes, and yet raising a child can cost as much, if not more than some homes. I think it's revolting that anyone in this capitalist, "land of the free" country even considers it admirable to think that forcing a massive financial burden on someone is a good thing. Maybe if abortion is banned, we should make it like cars... you get insurance, you have an accident, the insurance company pays.

I think that nobody should have to be raised i a situation where their parents were unprepared, and uninterested in raising a child. Parents who care and who want children, tend to raise better children. How many problems in society would go away if nobody became a parent who didn't want to be a parent?

Blazing Saddles - Where Are The White Women At?

Bill Clinton in major showdown with Fox News anchor.INTENSE!

sometimes says...

did jack squat for national defense

I am so tired of this argument. the US spends utterly obscene ammounts of cash on the military. we spend more than the next 20 highest spending countries combined.

The US accounts for 47% of global military spending. how utterly wasteful.

Why do we need this? how is is that every other country on the planet can spend so much less on military than we do, and yet survive? why do we have to be saddled with such an insane burden?

here's a report written in 1999 on why we didn't really need the increase in military spending that Clinton authorized.

This "Strong National Defence" rhetoric serves one purpose: To increase defence industry shareholder value.

The sheriff is a N...

Devlin says...

Fantastic stuff. Gene Hackman helped make this comedy top notch. A shame that such movies now would be protested, boycotted, spammed about, run into the proverbial ground on the endless news cycles, and generally knocked for being things they aren't by small minded people who have nothing better to do. "Blazing Saddles" was perfect for it's time.

The sheriff is a N...

The sheriff is a N...

The sheriff is a N...

The sheriff is a N...

Jon Stewart Post 9-11 Monologue

Devlin says...

And that is the reason we win against these assholes who hit us. He got back in the saddle and did his part again. Like him or hate him: by God, he got back up. So did most of us, and those simple acts were all it took to show that we could come out on top. Thank you for this video.

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