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Around Cape Horn (1929)

fuzzyundies says...

They went round the wrong way? Jeebus, Chile is a huge leeward shore to avoid... That bit about having to then fight the current to go 200 miles further west before you can turn north so that you have enough sea room not to get smashed onto the rocks of the Chilean coast when the weather turns rough... We had engines at least as a backup, but just in case of emergency. Plus we had weather radar and modern forecasts so we could plan a route to avoid the worst of what was to come. Respect.

I especially loved the part about how sailors on the upper yards like the royals or the masthead being "as close to heaven as a sailor ever gets".

Around Cape Horn (1929)

fuzzyundies says...

I've actually sailed around Cape Horn on a tall ship, and am a full member of the International Association of Cape Horners (IACH). She was SV Tenacious, and it was Auckland, NZ to Port Stanley, Falkland Islands. Thankfully, we timed it well and got VERY lucky with the weather and had a clear rounding. We did have a force 11 (just short of a category 1 hurricane) one memorable night somewhere east of Point Nemo, but for the most part it was a pretty smooth passage. Of course I got the tattoo (full rigged ship) on my right upper arm.

Kyle Rittenhouse Trial Week 1 Summary

JiggaJonson says...

Nah, he was illegally "defending" property that didn't belong to him (silly Wisconsin values human lives [even 'thugs'] more than used cars).

He was illegally practicing medicine by soliciting people and asking if they needed first aid. WI code allows for unlicensed medicine practice in an emergency ONLY (how do we know he was offering services absent an emergency? He was turned down repeatedly, aka there was no emergency where someone needed forst aid). Walking around offering first aid services is illegal without a license.

He illegally purchased a firearm through his uncle because he was under age.

He illegally was out past curfew for people 17 and under.

Gee, given all his lack of training and experience and maturity, I wonder why these things are illegal? Oh right, because someone so immature and ignorant of the law or disobedient of the law is more likely to be dangerous and kill someone when it's not warranted.


You can't escape the fact that WI law dictates that if he's already doing anything illegal he MUST exhaust all other reasonable options BEFORE using deadly force.

HE DID NOT DO SO. Someone fired a round in the air, someone lunged, and he killed em. Tangeal witnesses hear "he shot someone!" And give chase. He kills another. Why no empathy for the people who suspected he was a "thug" and tried to vigilante justice him?

It's really ugly to witness the duality of your flippant attitude towards people trying to legally claim asylum 'they broke the law' because they went to the wrong entry point because they speak fucking Portuguese and don't always know exactly where they are out in the Mexico desert.
Vs the bizarre justification you're trying to make for this kid who 'broke the law' in, I contend, a series of more serious laws that warrant criminal liability.

If this kid gets off I hope he moves to NC and you run into him once he gets his highway patrol car. You can have him.

I'll take the family in Afghanistan I'm trying to help who, you know, don't get off on killing people.

bobknight33 said:

He was put into harms way the the thugs.

You just upset because he defended himself.

Guess you wanted him to be beaten to a pulp.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...


Georgia is using RICO against the Trump election fraudsters and Trump personally!!! Holy sheep shit….I mean, a Newt can dream, but I never really thought anyone would use this totally appropriate application of organized crime statutes against him. OMFG, he’s so toast.
They know exactly how to destroy criminal syndicates like the Trump administration.

Ooo…ooo…AND he just lost another round of court trying to exert executive privilege he doesn’t have over documents that were not part of any presidential business. Due for release Friday, Thursday is a court holiday. If there’s no stay today, he’s done for.

Medicare Supplement or Medicare Advantage?Medicare Explained

Man Who Shot At Police In Self Defense Is Acquitted

bcglorf says...

Using an unmarked van, with the side door open to run around drive by shooting civilians with a shotgun and beanbag rounds...

Can anyone explain why this isn't immediately a firing for everyone involved? At the least you have to go up the chain enough to find whomever gave the order, then you need to fire them. Then you also need to take every officer willing to actually follow that order and fire them too.

In what world outside the cliched "in Soviet Russia", is using unmarked vans for drive by shootings something you want law enforcement doing to 'help'???

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Ruh -roe!

Trump’s all encompassing NDAs are invalid. As usual, he overreached, tried to control everything his subordinates said forever. It forced them to, using the judges words, “never say anything negative about Trump, his family, his businesses, or his administration for life”. The judge called it unenforceable, and since he made them all sign the same NDA, they’re all void. He can still sue any who talk, assuming he can find a lawyer dumb enough to work for him, but he’ll lose.

Expect tons of new revelations about how he operates, none good. Of course, he’ll attack any who does as a piece of shit, just like over half of his “best people” he had working for him….running the government while he watched tv. Crazy how many of them he now says are horrible, inept, self centered, disloyal morons who couldn’t do their jobs….almost like he’s projecting his estimation of himself on any ex employee.

Wasn’t his claim to fame that he hires only the best people? Doesn’t that make him an abject failure at the one thing he seemed to do well…hiring competent people to run his affairs?

Expect another round of massive lawsuits to come shortly, lawsuits he can’t defend against because no lawyer will go near him, they like to be paid for their work and Trump is famous for stiffing everyone but especially lawyers.

Edit: Also, he’s off the Forbes 400….not that he ever belonged there. They originally took his worthless word for how much he was worth….a number exponentially larger than the one he gave the IRS, btw. Now even he can’t lie enough to appear to be in the richest 400 people in America. Better, if he had divested from his properties instead of using his office to illicitly steer business to them (business that stopped after Jan 20 when there was no longer a reason for foreign powers to bribe him by, say, renting out floors in Trump tower that went unused for 4 years, or villas at his golf clubs)….if he had taken his money and invested in S&P 500 he would have made billions instead of losing billions. He’s a horrific businessman.

Why I Give Abortions

newtboy says...



What? That's insanity. Are you saying the baby is fully formed at the instant of conception!? The train is fully formed before it rounds the bend, the pre-baby isn't. If you remove the visual obstruction the train is complete and functions fine, but not the "baby".

If I use your non logic, if I invest in a stock, I'm instantly a millionaire because that stock might make me one in the future. How about a loan...I'm going to be good for it!

The train doesn't exist before it's built. The baby doesn't exist until it's born. If you hear a clank on the tracks, it doesn't mean the train is built.

Anyone saying there's a heart at 6 weeks is a liar. As you said, no heartbeat without a heart, so anyone claiming there's a heartbeat at 6 weeks is a liar. Obstetricians and gynecologists and their national organizations agree, no matter what your friends the ultrasound technicians think.

When they write they observed a heartbeat at 6 weeks (can't be heard until 12-22 weeks when chambers and valves are formed) , absolutely they are liars. I'll gladly tell any you wish, there's no heart, there's barely a tube. It's not a functional heart until it pumps, which it never does at 6 weeks, or even 10.

Drs who hear it on the Doppler are listening at >12 weeks along, so they're stretching the truth, but not totally lying. By then, most heart structures exist, but aren't ready to pump yet.

Like I said, you got it backwards, you see the twitch in a "tube" at +-6 weeks, you HEAR it after 12-22 weeks on Doppler. You should know that if you really had the experience you claim....but you don't, so.....

Want to try again, this time address the question, if you are so experienced, why don't you know you SEE a twitch 6-18 weeks before you HEAR a PULSE? Why do you think you HEAR it first?

I'm going to expect another day or two of silence, followed by claims you answered this already, followed by another non sequitur argument ignoring the question of WHY ARE YOU SO WRONG!?

bobknight33 said:

If I use you useless logic......
When I hear the train from from around the bend and still un seen you are implying that the train does not exist unless I see it.

The only liar is that 8 inches between you ears.

The 40 or so OBGYN sonographers that I service over 19 years are are correct. They hear the heart beat. Can't have it unless you have one.

When they write in their report that the heart beat has been observed ( by sound) are you calling them liars?

If so they you are implying that the DRs who read the report and look at the doppler and confirm the heartbeat and then tell the patient this news, are wrong also?

Like I've said before You way the fuck out of your league on this.

Destroying an anthill...with gas

StukaFox says...

I have a friend who is a Beavis-and-Butthead level pyro. He loves blowing things up, and he feels that little things like forewarning may spoil the surprise. He has many claims to fame, but this is among the most notorious:

In the mid-90s, at the place we've been camping for 30+ years, he poured an entire can of Red Dot Smokeless gunpowder down an anthill, then lit it. This was cool for all of about three seconds when it hissed and sputtered like a little volcano. It was far less cool when the gunpowder-packed anthill suddenly went off like Mt. St. Helens. Dirt and REALLY fucking pissed off biting ants blasted high in the air before raining down on the heads of the unwitting spectators, and promptly taking their revenge.

There's nothing quite like being showered with burned, angry biting ants to round out a weekend. Jeff thought this was funny as Hell, because he'd scampered out of range when he realized things were going to go very wrong -- things ALWAYS went very wrong -- and had taken shelter upwind. Later, as in 4:00am the next morning, he set off a stick of dynamite in a creek for an encore, also without warning. And after the booming echoes settled down, the only sound for miles around was this maniacal, hysterical laughter echoing in the impenetrable dark.

To this day, if he starts laughing, I RUN.

My condolences on your loss(es), Ant.

The History of Portal

vil says...

I have probably mentioned this, but IMHO portal was invented by Terry Pratchett.

Discworld, Book 22, The Last Continent (1998)

The wizards looked at the gently rippling surface. There should have been several feet of solid wood sticking out of it.
“Well, well, well,” said the Archchancellor, going back in out of the cold air. “Do you know, I’ve never actually seen one of these?”
“Anyone remember Archchancellor Bewdley’s boots?” said the Senior Wrangler, helping himself to some cold mutton from the trolley. “He made a mistake and got one of the things opened up in the left boot. Very tricky. You can’t go walking around with one foot in another dimension.”
“Well, no…” said Ridcully, staring at the tropical scene and tapping his chin thoughtfully with the seashell.
“Can’t see what you’re treading in, for one thing,” said the Senior Wrangler.
“One opened up in one of the cellars once, all by itself,” said the Dean. “Just a round black hole. Anything you put in it just disappeared. So old Archchancellor Weatherwax had a privy built over it.”
“Very sensible idea,” said Ridcully, still looking thoughtful.
“We thought so too, until we found the other one that had opened in the attic. Turned out to be the other side of the same hole. I’m sure I don’t need to draw you a picture.”
“I’ve never heard of these!” said Ponder Stibbons. “The possibilities are amazing!”
“Everyone says that when they first hear about them,” said the Senior Wrangler. “But when you’ve been a wizard as long as I have, my boy, you’ll learn that as soon as you find anything that offers amazing possibilities for the improvement of the human condition it’s best to put the lid back on and pretend it never happened.”
“But if you could get one to open above another you could drop something through the bottom hole and it’d come out of the top hole and fall through the bottom hole again…It’d reach meteoritic speed and the amount of power you could generate would be—”
“That’s pretty much what happened between the attic and the cellar,” said the Dean, taking a cold chicken leg. “Thank goodness for air friction, that’s all I’ll say.”
Ponder waved his hand gingerly through the window and felt the sun’s heat.
“And no one’s ever studied them?” he said.

Taliban flaunt weapons, dollars after US flees

newtboy says...

Better a useful tool than a useless fool....fool. (and every sentence needs a verb, Bob. When you can't even write in what you claim is your native language, you might refrain from insulting those who can. This is why graduating the 8th grade isn't enough education. It makes you an ignorant idiot no reasonable person will listen to.)

First, Open the Books is not a trustworthy or unbiased source of information. was founded in 2011 (to try to embarrass Obama) by its chief executive officer Adam Andrzejewski, an Illinois entrepreneur and past Republican candidate for governor, with former United States Republican Senator Dr. Tom Coburn as the honorary chairman. It's highly partisan and biased.

Most of those vehicles and weapons we did leave/are leaving, like the cash, were in the hands of the Afghanis when Trump sounded retreat last spring. To "secure/remove/destroy" them we either have to stay and support the government (too late, would have needed to start before releasing the Taliban's army last March), or go to war with the Afghan government and seize it by force, they wouldn't just hand it back...duh.
We aren't "leaving them behind", we gave them to the government that Trump abandoned last spring when he released 5000 hard core Taliban fighters from prison (more than the original Daesh) with no conditions (and without consulting with the Afghan government) and allowed them free reign to destroy the Afghan government while we sat by, not even really preparing to leave but not helping the Afghanis....and he apparently told them they could do whatever they want except attack the retreating Americans, and they did....but sure, that's Biden's fault. 🤦‍♂️

Biden failed to be prepared for the speed of the fall of their government, a failure to be sure, but Trump all but ensured it would be fast and that we would be unprepared. Biden should have been evacuating our allies and helpers since Jan 21....Trump should have started the evacuation of Afghanis in March 2020 but instead his administration wouldn't even consider letting them come to America, so there was no process or staffed department when Biden took over and stopped Trump's attempted civil war and dealt with the out of control Trumpidemic, just a round file and a blind eye for all refugee applications. Recently Biden's administration changed this, creating programs and staffing to accommodate the refugees and convincing our allies to accept many in Europe, something Trump didn't even try.

Trump didn't do anything to get this equipment out of the country for a year either, did he? His plan was to be out 100 days after he left office, but nothing was in the works to make it happen...Too busy campaigning, pushing fraud frauds, and starting coups.

Try again.

bobknight33 said:

Newtboy you such a TOOL

The only blame is that Biden did not secure / remove/ destroy these.

Total Failure on Biden's watch.

U.S. military is leaving behind 75,000 vehicles, 600,000 weapons and 208 airplanes/helicopters in Afghanistan as the Taliban takes control of the country, according to the watchdog group Open the Books.

As US Withdraws from Afghanistan, Refugees Must Be Evacuated

newtboy says...

Just weeks ago Trump was bragging that it was ALL him, and Biden couldn't stop it even though he wanted to...Trump had sabotaged the military's readiness in the region to ensure his retreat was irreversible. Biden negotiated an extra 4 months, which SHOULD have been long enough to pull equipment and personnel if not for the fact they were both needed to facilitate Trump's retreat, and some was left behind in the unexpected rush to leave.

BTW, today Biden announced the military will remain until every American is evacuated, even if that's after Aug 30.

The RNC removed his rants taking credit from their websites, because they know his plan failed miserably and want to now blame Biden for Trump's one sided negotiations with terrorists (remember he tried to legitimize them with an invite to camp David, but realized kissing Muslim terrorists ass on live tv wasn't such a great idea after all when everyone in America loudly told him "NO!".)

Trump also left them with no process and no progress in the full year since he announced the withdrawal and released 5000 Taliban fighters with no prerequisites or punishments in the deal, and three months until his pullout date with still no plan to even get Americans out, much less allies, at least Biden is making some effort to make good on our promise to take them, although granted too little and too late. Still, his performance is head and shoulders above what he inherited, which was putting all asylum applications into the round file and pretending they weren't received, and washing their hands of any responsibility.

Epic fail...yes. ....30% on Bush, 20% Obama, 35% Trump's, 15% Biden's. Biden didn't put the opposing army back in the field without stipulations while totally sidelining the legitimate government then instantly surrender unconditionally, letting them destroy the government while we packed, closing bases that supplied support to the Afghanis....that was Trump, but Biden didn't anticipate the speed and totality of the takeover, a huge fail after seeing how fast Daesh took over.

It's astonishing anyone will work with us at all....America never keeps it's obligations unless it's convenient to do so, just ask Ukraine.

bobknight33 said:

The 1/2 ass withdraw lays at the feet of Biden.

Biden had the power to delay to the point when all weapons vehicles etc is disarmed or destroyed.

Also Biden left all the helpers who should be pulled out, left being only to be raped and killed.

Now the purging will begin.

Epic Fail.

Denver cops refuse mandatory Covid vaccinations

Day of Rage: How Trump Supporters Took the U.S. Capitol

newtboy says...

I knew I'm not the only one disappointed they didn't fire up the roof mounted Phalanx CIWSs. I'm pretty certain 20mm is big enough for unarmored infantry, and it puts nearly double the rounds down range per second, is far more accurate (not that accuracy matters with a Vulcan cannon) and has 1550 rounds per clip, reloaded in under 4 minutes by two people, compared to 1350 30mm total in a warthog.

StukaFox said:

I love it when the Titsy Terrorist wins her stupid prizes.

It's just too bad they didn't take an A-10 cannon to the rest of those traitors.

Hot Ones - Matt Damon

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