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Let's Play 'Is it Racist'?!

poolcleaner says...

You're correct. Like the early, pre-romero zombie flicks, which were created with black magic rituals. How unique that she automatically thinks of this era of zombie flick...

rebuilder said:

C'mon folks. Vodou, anyone? You know, West African magic, where the word 'zombi' comes from in the first place? Even in the popular entertainment context, I do believe the first zombies in film were from Haiti.

Crazy Martial Arts "Tricking" Competition

Cats Stealing Dog Beds

...signs of the coming Apocalypse

Witchcraft Naked Rituals

Brendan says...

Historically, Witches worked Naked, and there are many references to naked Witches standing on their clothes. In a few illustrations, the Witches are clothed in the clothing of their time, but examination of the drawings indicates that the artist rarely knew a real Witch.
Gardner introduced the term Skyclad into the Craft in the 1950's with the reference to "Witches worship naked which is called in the East (Indonesia), 'Skyclad'" and the term stuck as a poetic way to refer to ritual nudity. Witches worshipped Skyclad in 1950's and today, but in the 70s, the Welsh and American Celtic Witches began to wear robes, which became the standard way to worship for years. By the late '70s, the Feminist Witches began to experiment with Skyclad worship, so by the late 80’s about half of the American and European Witches worship Skyclad.
There are a number of reasons for nudity, the first being that in the Charge, which was written by Doreen Valiente from older sources, The Goddess said,
"And as a sign that ye be truly free, ye shall be naked in your rites."

This Charge is so beautiful that many Witches who reject the Gardnerian Traditions, retain the Charge as one of the few declamations that, if not directly from the Goddess, was unquestionably inspired by Her. Thus, the argument follows that we MUST worship naked because it is the will of the Goddess whom we love.

This argument is countered by a later version of the Charge that says,
"as a sign that ye be really free, ye shall be equal in your rites."
However, this is a later American version not as originally written.
A more convincing counter to the Charge is simply to reject the Charge outright.
Reject all Traditional and Gardnerian ideas, so it is then easy reject nudity as well.

A second reason for ritual nudity is the practical one. Witches all over the world often report that naked is safer.
In rites where I have been robed there have been accidents, incidents where a person stepping on the hem of another’s robe, and causes them to trip. In a nine-foot Circle, if one person goes down, usually all follow.  

Naked people are more aware of their surroundings, so you step more carefully and bang into the Altar and others less than clothed Witches.
You feel the heat of candles, as opposed to not detecting the heat until after your robe is in flames, so it is simply safer to be naked.
At Sabbat where we had three Covens worshipping together in Circle, some were from our Outer Court, so wore robes. During the rite, one woman stood too close to the West candle and set her robe on fire. She did manage to extinguish the flames with little disruption, but I did hear about the accident after the rite ended.

The magickal reason for nudity is that anything worn upon the body will interfere with and change the energy given off by the body. This includes clothes, make-up, perfumes, jewelry, glasses, contact lenses and so on.
This argument is quite logically countered by stating, “energy that can pass through a wall, cover miles of distance, and influence another person would not be stopped by a layer of cloth. “ Consider the greater awareness of your surroundings, being closer emotionally and physicality to the others in the circle. Being able to raise energy without the distraction of avoiding stepping on robes or pulling your sleeve up to keep in out of the candle flame.
Think of the Coven body, mind, and spirit that must generate a tremendous amount of power to send that spell over that distance. Once the Cone of Power is sent the spell won’t be deflected, but it can be deflected at the source by a relatively little. In other words, wearing clothing or non-craft jewelry or non-consecrated materials can easily deflect or alter the power that leaves the Circle. The spell, when it reaches its target, may be different or it may even reach a different target.
Nudity is rarely sexual, after ten minutes the naked Witch becomes bored with seeing bare breasts and genitals and is then free to work. A woman wearing a robe that cuts low in the front and is slit up the side to her hips will introduce into the Coven an attitude of sexual desire to the men as they try to see a nipple or thigh that, by being hidden, is desirable but when revealed by nudity is simply another body part. The men, in this situation, may have difficulty concentrating on the work in an effort to see what is barely hidden. Similar things occur in the female mind when the situation is reversed, though women are often trained to deny these thoughts to others and even to themselves.
There are Psychological factors to Nudity are that the people must accept themselves as they are or change themselves. It is difficult to put on a facade when you are denied a girdle, bra, wig, make-up, deodorant, aftershave, codpiece or other enhancements to your image. Once naked, the individual with their sags, and bulges shines and, becomes themselves and not a mask. 
When working magik, it is vital to know yourself and accept your own good and ill, for to attempt the path with false illusions will cause trouble when your subconscious rebels and forces your work to conform to a hidden truth.
To be naked indicates freedom from conventional mundane thought. When clothed in a suit or dress, you conform to societies expectations and become what they wish you to become. Your style of dress and hairstyle are a reflection, not of your own desires, but of what your peers wish you to be.
Equality between class and gender is assured when naked, as the rich no longer have jewels to show their class worth, and Women must face men as equals, both showing their inadequacies and realizing that the other sex is just as physically imperfect as you are. With this barrier down, men and women can accept each other as equals.
Once naked, you are free to place your mind into a sphere of magickal thought. A place between the worlds where the God and Goddess are not symbols hanging on a wall but REAL DIVINITIES, where all is possible.
It is necessary to be clothed at times; in public or when outdoors in winter it may be necessary to be clothed to allow the mind to concentrate on the goal and not to be thinking that the body is slowly freezing to death.
When this is necessary to wear a robe, it should be one that interferes with magik and mind as little as possible. It is best to wear a plain robe that is exactly the same as all others. To make a personal robe will introduce ego and class or sexual differences into the rite.
There are some uses to wearing robes. The simple act of putting on a robe that is reserved only for Ritual use causes the inner mind to awaken and to develop the attitude that "Now the mundane world is behind me, it is time for the magickal world to appear." This can be very effective to your working and will counter some of the physical drawbacks of wearing robes. If all are wearing identical robes, the attitude of equality within, 'the group' is enhanced, for there is nothing different between the people or sexes.
The robe must also be of a natural material such as cotton or wool since synthetics cause a great deal of interference with the power. A simple list of materials which will interfere with magickal power when worn from the least to the greatest effect is as follows: cotton, wool, conductive metals from silver, gold, copper, iron, synthetic materials such as nylon, or rayon, and Silk though a natural material is a strong magickal insulator.
In today’s world, you will find Witches who work Skyclad, robed, in costumes and even in their street clothes. Street clothes however; bring into the Circle all the influences that have become attached to those clothes over the day. These influences will affect your workings as well as your mind because the subconscious will see no difference between the mundane and the magickal, and as we spend most of our time in the mundane world, it is easy to see which will win.

"Nudity establishes a closeness and honesty among conveners and 'is a sign that a witches loyalty is to the truth before any ideology or any comforting illusions.” Starhawk.

Worst Twerk Fail EVER - Girl Catches Fire!

chingalera says...

@sanderbos, yer joking, right? Last time I checked a table fulla candles were flammable enough to ignite grain alcohol at 2600 °F (candle, burning match) and stunt-doubles were still cost-prohibitive for school chums or wage-slaves to afford.
That was a glass coffee table and that inordinately large ass may have had some cuts after that and those not from any editing suite.

Haven't you ever been in a stripper's apartment? They look just like furniture, ghetto apartment, candles and bourbon on the table in the afternoon while practicing douchebag mating-rituals, etc.
Judging this fail ISU.....up-card, 9.6

The Absolutely Stunning Dance of the Peacock Spider

ChaosEngine says...

"The video you are about to see should open your eyes to the immense knowledge that other species possess and that only they will ever know."

Bullshit. It's a fucking spider.

It's a cool looking spider, with an interesting evolved mating ritual, but it doesn't possess "immense knowledge". It has a brain that's around the size of a grain of sand.

Congresswoman Pelosi Gets Booed Calling Snowden Criminal

Jinx says...

I disagree completely. Labling him a criminal before a trial is perhaps a little premature - whether or not he broke the law is the question that should be asked at the trial...only it seems that the answer would likely be yes because his whistle blower status, or lack thereof, sure as hell isnt going to protect him.

I'm not sure why supporters of what he did would demand he martyr himself further. Do you really put so much trust in the justice system? You saw what they did to Manning. You think that is justice? How selfish of him to want to avoid that same fate rite? If it was me I would sacrifice myself to their little ritual in a flash and then sit in a cell for god knows how long hoping that the American people can pull themselves away from MTV and fastfood long enough to give a fuck about me. Lol nop. US citizens don't seem to need a trial to decide his guilt or not. Is anybody actually thinking to themselves "gee, I wonder if that snowdon guy had a point. Too bad I won't know until he hands himself in!". No, everybody made up their minds long ago and I don't think I need him to publically crucified to get mad as hell.

VoodooV said:

yeah, regardless of the end result, he still broke the law..and thus is a criminal. As usual, we have another video that tries to turn everything into a black or white issue, I'm no fan of Pelosi either, but she's not wrong.

The law doesn't care if you agree with what he did or not. He knew it was illegal to do what he did, that's why he fled. He's already made this issue public, so if enough people vote on this sort of issue, change WILL happen. but it doesn't excuse what he did.

He needs his day in court. IMO it was stupid of him to flee or at the very least, to continue fleeing. Everyone knows his name now. If ANYTHING happens to him, the USA will be blamed. He needs to turn himself in.

Satanists Enact "Gay Ritual" On Fred Phelps' Mother's Grave

alien_concept (Member Profile)

Why Tea Is Better Than Coffee

Little girl gives herself a haircut

gorillaman says...

Kids: Too stupid to understand why you're supposed to regularly piss away a lot of time and money employing professionals to style the worthless dead skin erupting out of your head.

Doesn't this girl realise we live in a society of arbitrary ritual to which she is expected to conform at all times?

Almost Died: Whoa...that was close...WHOA!

gorillaman says...

I don't have an innate need for ritual, so you're just making excuses for your irrationality.

Funerals are an expensive way to dispose of spoiled meat. They fund and empower worthless people like funeral directors, priests, florists, etc. who would otherwise be forced to do something useful for humanity; and they consume vital resources to no purpose. You're making the world worse. You're a criminal.

You can do all your remembering, feeling, whatever in a way that doesn't actively make us all poorer.

Fletch said:

Religion is bullshit, yes. But we humans seem to have an innate need for ritual for some things. Funerals are a way to cope with death, say goodbye, remember/honor someone, etc. I've been to funerals. Funerals aren't for the dead, and they aren't a bad thing.

Almost Died: Whoa...that was close...WHOA!

Fletch says...

Religion is bullshit, yes. But we humans seem to have an innate need for ritual for some things. Funerals are a way to cope with death, say goodbye, remember/honor someone, etc. I've been to funerals. Funerals aren't for the dead, and they aren't a bad thing.

gorillaman said:

Funeral processions are stupid and immoral and bad for the environment, and it turns out dangerous. Funerals themselves are superstitious bullshit. Act rationally and stop making the world worse.

You're not a scientist!

bmacs27 says...


You keep saying I'm being fanatic, or aggressive. Nothing in that quote could be construed as such. It was a direct response to the following quote from your previous post:

"Explain to someone who has no insurance or has a problem with medical bills or has no job or has family members fighting abroad or is getting foreclosed on....that we need to spend money to better understand hermaphroditic snails and the intricacies of their mating rituals in order to better understand evolution and reproduction to maybe one day apply that technology to genetic research or fertility programs."

Presumably you would also argue that they would not be convinced by the need to study the intricacies of sea-slug gill withdrawal reflexes. Your posts seem to suggest that someone other than scientists (some vaguely defined "greater good") should be dictating which specific research aims should be funded. You suggest we should be "asking" these people if that money should be spent.

My contention is that scientists have spent their (already meager) funds with remarkable efficiency. My example was meant to illustrate that asking lay people what science should be funded is likely to have prevented some of the most critical research of the last century from ever having taken place. They don't understand the broader impacts of the research, and thus lack the expertise necessary to evaluate its merit. Sure, someone in pain will probably balk at those sorts of studies. However, if you ask them "are you glad someone did the necessary research to develop ____insert_medical_procedure here____," then I think you'll find they're happy their forefathers spent a few pennies studying snails. The fact is the reverse argument does not hold up. We all, scientists not withstanding, are experts in basic human needs and suffering. For many, scientists that's what drove us to the work. You act as though we can not evaluate the merit of research with respect to the larger picture. I think you're wrong. We do it all the time.

Also, I'm a bit insulted by your reference to people with medical bills, or family members fighting abroad as I fall into both categories. We all have our cross to bear. I don't think I'm alone in responding "I'll be fine, spend the money on the future."

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