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xxovercastxx (Member Profile)

enoch says...

In reply to this comment by xxovercastxx:
I sometimes disagree with Reza Aslan (usually on other topics I've seen him debate; I can't disagree with anything he says here) but he's no dummy. You better know your shit if you plan to argue with him.

>> ^gwiz665:
I like that Matthews didn't YELL OVER ASLAN'S STATMENTS as would certain other members of the press.

Funny, Chris Matthews is near the top of the list when I think about press members who do that. I think the only reason he didn't do it here is because he's outclassed by Reza, at least on this topic.

i misspeled matthews again didnt i?
good lord i suck..thanks man=)

siftbot (Member Profile)

HARDBALL-reza aslan takes mathews to school over IRAN

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'chris mathews, hardball, reza aslan, Iranian elections, Obama policy' to 'chris matthews, hardball, reza aslan, Iranian elections, Obama policy' - edited by xxovercastxx

HARDBALL-reza aslan takes mathews to school over IRAN

xxovercastxx says...

I sometimes disagree with Reza Aslan (usually on other topics I've seen him debate; I can't disagree with anything he says here) but he's no dummy. You better know your shit if you plan to argue with him.

>> ^gwiz665:
I like that Matthews didn't YELL OVER ASLAN'S STATMENTS as would certain other members of the press.

Funny, Chris Matthews is near the top of the list when I think about press members who do that. I think the only reason he didn't do it here is because he's outclassed by Reza, at least on this topic.

HARDBALL-reza aslan takes mathews to school over IRAN

kulpims says...

>> ^gwiz665:
I like that Matthews didn't YELL OVER ASLAN'S STATMENTS as would certain other members of the press.

just proves how standards on what is good, objective journalism have fallen or rather, sank right to the bottom of the ocean of mediocracy. we should like matthews because most of his colleagues are even worse and because he let his guest finish his thought? give this man the Edward R. Murrow award! *sad

enoch (Member Profile)

RedSky (Member Profile)

Reza Aslan: US War on Terror 'Validated' Jihadists

snoozn says...

I'm sitting here with "How to Win a Cosmic War" right next to me, which I was planning to read after checking out a few videosifts. This short talk is a good intro to his most recent book, which I highly recommend. He not only explains his cosmic war theory, but gives excellent religious history lessons. My brain is not working well enough right now to figure out how to do one of those sift amazon linkie things, but hopefully someone else will come through with that.

And on an unrelated note, Reza Aslan is so cute I just want to grab him and kiss him all over!

Reza Aslan: US War on Terror 'Validated' Jihadists

enoch says...

great find farhad!
upvote and a tweet for you my friend.
i have read reza aslan's "no god but god" a fantastic book dealing with islam and its current struggle between reformation and fundamentalism stagnation.
i have not read his newer book,i think i need to stop procrastinating.

Irshad Manji and Reza Aslan debating Muslim reform (~45 min)

enoch says...

reza aslan's book "no god-but god" is an incredible narrative on the history of islam,
and islam's current need for reformation.
i cant recommend that book many in america have NO idea the true nature of islam.history,theology...the book is a very comprehensive and easy to read book.
great vid..thankies!

Bill Maher - There Is An Evangelical Cancer In The Military

Duckman33 says...

>> ^xxovercastxx:
I think you meant "Reza Aslan - There is an evangelical cancer in the military"

No. I meant what I titled it. It's the Bill Maher show, and someone on the show is saying there is an evangelical cancer in the military. I was not quoting Bill Maher or I would have put quotation marks around the comment.

Bill Maher - There Is An Evangelical Cancer In The Military

Sam Harris debates Reza Aslan

"Arab = Muslim = Terror = War"?

10317 says...

islam created one of the most egalitarian societies the world had ever known up to that point (500 a.d).while europe was descending into the dark ages,the islamic arab world was blossoming.women had more rights under islam than any other of the world religions at the time.islam encouraged science,learning and the arts.
the islam you see today is fractured and myopic.many of the texts in the quran have been perverted to facilitate agendas that have little to do with islam,but everything to do with regional politics,power and corruption.what americans see of islam is a small fraction,usually slanted,and small in scope.
the majority of muslims in the world are not represented in american media,so americans form a distorted view of islam based on twisted information.
it is not uncommon for religious text,doctrine and dogma to be skewered for selfish reasons.the same has been done with christianity,and also judaism.
if you would like to read about islam to gain a far greater understanding,but do not wish to study the quran,i suggest "no god,but god" by iranian born reza aslan.a very easy to read and highly informative book on islam,and its current struggle with its own reformation.
till next time..peace.

Laleh Bakhtiar: First American Women to Translate the Qur'an

moodonia says...

I have always been told that Islam specifically forbids reinterpretation of the Quaran (koran?) i.e. its God word and cant be altered in any way. Reza Aslan said (on the Daily show I believe) that this prevents a "Muslim reformation" or modernising of muslim ways (no offense meant to muslims).

I would think that feminist muslims should stop wasting their time and just quit either Islam or feminism.

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