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The Death of an Icon - George Carlin 1937 - 2008 (Standup Talk Post)

gwiz665 says...

A great, great comedian.

He has ceased to be, bereft of life, he rests in peace, he has kicked the bucket, hopped the twig, bit the dust, snuffed it, breathed his last, and gone to meet the Great Head of Light Entertainment in the sky, and I guess that we're all thinking how sad it is that a man of such talent, such capability and kindness, of such intelligence should now be so suddenly spirited away at the age of seventy-one, before he'd achieved many of the things of which he was capable, and before he'd had enough fun.
(Completely stolen from, but applicable here as well)

He will be missed, like Mitch Hedberg and Bill Hicks.

George Carlin - Life is Worth Losing

Blazing Saddles - KKK Disquise at Bad Guy Registration Line

Tribute to Director Anthony Minghella

STOP NOW.... and take a Basset Hound Break with me?

You fools, you really did it. Charlton Heston Dead at 84. (Scifi Talk Post)

Fjnbk (Member Profile)

Choggie Gets the Big 500!!! (Eia Talk Post)

Mitch Hedberg: The buoyancy of Citrus

Heath Ledger is Dead at the Age of 28 (Blog Entry by lucky760)

Brain Science Is About To Fundamentally Change Computing

Willard Grant Conspiracy - Distant Shore

Bob Ross now painting with 100% more Crazy!

Canadian Police Taser Man To Death

Krupo says...

Ok, my point is, you don't need to beat the guy into submission - I think most people could collapse pretty damn fast.

And even a beating is unnecessary - I said to point out that they had options - and they immediately jumped into death-town.

The point about jail is well taken, it was implied but thank you for spelling it out.

Oh, and *humanitarian applies here. And after giving myself 3 days to think about it, *waronterror because of the violence in the video. It is VERY debatable whether or not the American anti-Jihad Crusade is responsible for the RCMP officers' killing Mr. Dziekanski.

The channel was created to be a place to document violent vids that may involve death, and as such, this video's inclusion is no doubt warranted.

If there's any good news coming out of this tragedy, it's that BC has launched a public inquiry - smart move on the part of the provincial government, and I certainly thank them for that.

I have respect for BC's Premier for his comments:

"It's not anything that anyone would have ever expected to happen in the province and I'm sure the RCMP would be glad to apologize," B.C. Premier Gordon Campbell said in Vancouver. "So I'm glad to apologize on behalf of people in British Columbia for what took place."
She said her brother, who was tasered multiple times on his torso and three times on his head, was also described as violent and combative before more than a dozen witnesses testified differently at an inquest into Kevin Geldart's death. "It was quite eerie for me to hear the same words used to describe Mr. Dziekanski," Geldart said.

The second quote is from a woman whose brother was killed by tasers too.

May their souls rest in peace.

Terence McKenna - Culture is NOT your friend

kronosposeidon says...

Good shit. I've got to find more of this dude's stuff on the intertubes. Or you can, Irish, and post them here. I'll vote for them.

I hope this gets sifted, though philosophical videos don't usually garner big votes here. However all it takes is 10 votes, so there's hope.

BTW, I love your Bill Hicks videos. I love that dark, cynical fucker, may he rest in peace.

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