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Farrah Fawcett Loses Battle To Cancer

Dom Deluise - Cannon Ball Run Montage (r.i.p)

Bea Arthur and Rock Hudson sing about every drug you've ever heard of

RIP Lux - The Cramps - Bikini Girls with Machine Guns

Bill Hicks- Magic Mushrooms

Betty Page Died Today: 2008/12/11

Miriam Makeba: Oxgam (South African Township music)

Paul Newman dies at 83

Metal Gear Solid 4 Theatrical Trailer - With Don LaFontaine

choggie says...

Adios Don, we all knew ya, but we only recently, had a face to go with the tapes constantly twirling around in our subconscious and conscious mentations......Rest in Peace-

"One man.....holds the power to change the course of events in man, determined to speak the words of Gods as his own....That one man will stand in judgment of nobody, BUT HIMSELF!"-(in my best inner Don La Fontaine voice)

Peace out our loquacious brother.... Your Legacy Will Be Here, Long After You Incarnate Elsewhere..

Roast IX: Who the f**k is this guy? (Parody Talk Post)

dotdude says...

In light of the premature evacuation of our MC and Roastee, I will close this Roast at this 72-hour mark. It has been over seventeen hours since the last comment by a roaster, so I will assume no other roasters planned to speak.

Thank you to all the sifters that participated.

Rest in Peace, Roast IX.

We are now in Post Roast.

Isaac Hayes - Shaft theme song (the original)

Pantera - Walk

I said quiet! (Golden Girls)

Death on the Sift... (Philosophy Talk Post)

Doc_M says...

I intend to record the following and require in my will that it be my cell-phone voice-mail message for 5 years following my oh-so-unfortunate demise hopefully by way of ninja assassins or at least ebola.

"Thank you for calling but, I've passed on! I am no more! I have ceased to be! I've expired and gone to meet my maker! I'm a stiff! Bereft of life, I
rest in peace! I'm pushing up the daisies! My metabolic processes are now history! I'm off the twig! I've kicked the bucket, I've shuffled off this mortal coil, run down the curtain and joined the bleeding choir invisible!! I AM AN EX-PARROT... I mean, I AM AN EX-HUMAN!!"

George Carlin on Death - RIP

Abel_Prisc says...

Also, I don't mean to be politically correct, but it's a bit contradicting to what George Carlin believed and stood for to say RIP. "The term 'Rest in Peace' is a prayer that the deceased may rest peacefully, not in torment, while awaiting Judgment Day." - Wikipedia. George being a staunch atheist, it just doesn't seem appropriate.

Not to sound pretentious or anything, I just cringe a little when I hear people say that, because George stood so firmly against that sort of belief.

Oh, and if he IS in heaven or hell, he's not looking down/up upon us. He's too busy creating as much of a ruckus there as he did here. It's his style!

Goodbye, Mr.Conductor, and may Joe Pesci bless your soul.

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