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Zero Punctuation: Red Dead Redemption

xxovercastxx says...

You actually made me second guess myself. There were several wild west themed shooters around that time so I went and confirmed that I was remembering the right game.

The quickdraw minigame kinda reminds me of VATS from FO3 in that it was pretty sweet at first, but faded quickly. After doing it a few times the challenge was gone and it just became another repetitive motion to go through.

>> ^Shepppard:

Perhaps you and I played completely different games, but I loved the original red dead. The storyline mechanics of actual "Draw" fights made that game fun as hell, and the dead eye meter was fun, too.
One of the reasons I was stupidly excited for RDR was because they brought those back, and I was not disappointed.

Zero Punctuation: Red Dead Redemption

Shepppard (Member Profile)

sme4r says...

I agree. This guy is quickly moving lower and lower on my giant list of people to respect. It's like he didn't know about Red Dead Revolver at all. Good to see fans that are willing to speak up against someone who has let his popularity get to him. Also nice bash on the other guy who tried to suck the big dick of agreement.

In reply to this comment by Shepppard:
I might just stop watching these.

He needs to do a bit of research before he critiques things, the auto-aim feature can be turned off, the title of the game is such because they bought the red dead revolver license and used its style of gameplay, and I never.. NEVER had problems with controls.

The storyline was never truly stellar, it was more in depth then GTA IV, and it was interesting, but it was seriously slow to take off. I only really started enjoying it about halfway through Mexico.

The side-missions (Hunting, herbalism, etc) does reward you with unlocks for costumes, like legend of the west, and more often then naught, I spent a lot of money on ammo, because I didn't have auto-aim on and went through a lot of it.

A lot of his stuff has been hit or miss lately.. and this is a definite miss.

Zero Punctuation: Red Dead Redemption

SaNdMaN says...

>> ^dystopianfuturetoday:

I really like this game, but the story and cut scenes are terrible. It's the same kind of story telling Rockstar was doing in the 90's, which wasn't really even that good back then, but it feels really dated to me in the present. A couple hours into the game I just started skipping the lengthy cut scenes altogether with no regrets (except for not getting to seeing Icarus meet his doom off the edge of a cliff). I like digs at Bush and Blackwater as much as the next guy, but not so much in my western. If you are going to make a digital homage to the western, then crib from The Good, The Bad The Ugly, Once Upon a Time in the West, High Plains Drifter, The Magnificent 7, The Unforgiven, etc. Still a great game, but it would have been better with characters and a story that I cared about.

You will love Mafia 2.

Zero Punctuation: Red Dead Redemption

Shepppard says...

>> ^xxovercastxx:

I played Red Dead Revolver for a couple hours when it was new and I'm not sure why. It's definitely up there as one of the worst games I've ever played, and that was obvious within the first 10 minutes, but I think I was hoping for it to suddenly improve.
Of course Green Spleen Submarine could still be a good game despite it's terribad heritage and, as someone said, it's getting great reviews, but Revolver got pretty good reviews too so I don't really put any faith in that.

Perhaps you and I played completely different games, but I loved the original red dead. The storyline mechanics of actual "Draw" fights made that game fun as hell, and the dead eye meter was fun, too.

One of the reasons I was stupidly excited for RDR was because they brought those back, and I was not disappointed.

Zero Punctuation: Red Dead Redemption

xxovercastxx says...

Lucky for those people, Portal was only $20.

>> ^entr0py:
Bad story? Did you get that from when he said the game was beautifully written? And I'd venture that almost no one who buys a $60 game wants it to last only 5 hours, as portal did. It's definitely not a casual or budget game. As for the MMOish quests, as he mentioned they're all optional.

Zero Punctuation: Red Dead Redemption

mentality says...

>> ^entr0py:
>> ^mentality:
This sounds exactly like the kind of game that I hate playing: Shallow repetitive quests, bad story, time consuming. Red Dead is kind of like the anti-Portal.

Bad story? Did you get that from when he said the game was beautifully written? And I'd venture that almost no one who buys a $60 game wants it to last only 5 hours, as portal did. It's definitely not a casual or budget game. As for the MMOish quests, as he mentioned they're all optional.

You're probably right. I'm basing my thoughts more on Yahtzee saying this is just another Niko bellic with a change of setting, and DFT's opinion that the cutscenes are terrible. And by time consuming I mean I don't want to a significant % of my game time traveling and staring at a horse's ass. A game can be 60 hours long or 6 hours long, but if the quality is good then it doesn't matter. I'd rather pay $60 for 6 hours of an amazing game than spend $60 on a boring game with unlimited content. For example, you'd have to pay me money to play through GTA 3, as I consider free roaming shallow content games like that utter garbage.

Zero Punctuation: Red Dead Redemption

dannym3141 says...

>> ^entr0py:

>> ^mentality:
This sounds exactly like the kind of game that I hate playing: Shallow repetitive quests, bad story, time consuming. Red Dead is kind of like the anti-Portal.

Bad story? Did you get that from when he said the game was beautifully written? And I'd venture that almost no one who buys a $60 game wants it to last only 5 hours, as portal did. It's definitely not a casual or budget game. As for the MMOish quests, as he mentioned they're all optional.

I think you've completely misjudged something there - i'm willing to bet the majority of people who played portal would in retrospect pay $60 to have played portal. The fact that valve gave it away as a freebie as part of the orange box is one of the most amazing gifts to gaming.

The length of a game is irrelevant to me, if they had spread portal out over 30 hours and charged me for it i would have thought it was crap. Some of the best games i've ever played have been indie games costing a fraction of normal games, lasting a fraction of the duration too, but Braid was probably one of my favourite recent games since portal.

More often than not i'm disappointed by big titles. The only ones to never have let me down so far IS valve. Bioshock was a really great and fun game, i loved it, but if you said i could only play one and offered me bioshock or portal, i'd choose portal and give you $60 and a thank you.

The gaming market obviously goes in the direction that people like best. Whatever sells, sells. But i cannot get my head around people like you who think that the most important thing is that they give you 60 hours of gaming, WHATEVER the quality of that gaming is.

If a game lasted 30 minutes but it blew me away like no other game before, that'd be a good game. Hypothetically of course, because it's unlikely to be able to do that in 30 mins, but you get my point.

Zero Punctuation: Red Dead Redemption

entr0py says...

>> ^mentality:

This sounds exactly like the kind of game that I hate playing: Shallow repetitive quests, bad story, time consuming. Red Dead is kind of like the anti-Portal.

Bad story? Did you get that from when he said the game was beautifully written? And I'd venture that almost no one who buys a $60 game wants it to last only 5 hours, as portal did. It's definitely not a casual or budget game. As for the MMOish quests, as he mentioned they're all optional.

Zero Punctuation: Red Dead Redemption

ihatelettuce says...

>> ^dystopianfuturetoday:

I really like this game, but the story and cut scenes are terrible. It's the same kind of story telling Rockstar was doing in the 90's, which wasn't really even that good back then, but it feels really dated to me in the present. A couple hours into the game I just started skipping the lengthy cut scenes altogether with no regrets (except for not getting to seeing Icarus meet his doom off the edge of a cliff). I like digs at Bush and Blackwater as much as the next guy, but not so much in my western. If you are going to make a digital homage to the western, then crib from The Good, The Bad The Ugly, Once Upon a Time in the West, High Plains Drifter, The Magnificent 7, The Unforgiven, etc. Still a great game, but it would have been better with characters and a story that I cared about.

Wow. Did you even play the game?? The story is phenomenal (practically the entire internet agrees, even Yahtzee), the cutscenes are solid, and the list of films you cited is pretty much the exact list that they DID crib from.

campionidelmondo (Member Profile)

Bill O'Reilly To Guest: You Kinda Look Like A Cocaine Dealer

dannym3141 says...

>> ^ShakyJake:

Danny, the trouble I had with the clip is that if I imagine something like this coming from someone like Jon Stewart, I imagine the joke to have a certain structure. There would be a setup, a twist, and then a punchline, and it would certainly have no similarity to the "joke" told here. Coming from Bill, it just sounds like the kind of mean-spirited quip you'd hear on an elementary playground, where the goal is less focused on being funny and more so on getting a cheap shot in on someone just for the sake of it.
I don't even know if he does this stuff consciously, anymore. Take any interview he's ever had with someone with a potentially opposing stance from his and he comes across as extremely demeaning almost as part of a natural reflex. Pinheads!

2 things:

1) I don't know where you've imagined this formal joke structure from. Humour comes in so many different shapes and sizes, i've heard (on tv, in public) and said almost identical comments that were intended in jest and recieved in jest. If i said this to a black person and they told me i was racist, not only would they be absolutely wrong, but i'd be racist if i DIDN'T say it just because they were black.

2) Ok, he may have a reputation, but if you judge everything he ever says based on that reputation, when is there ever a chance for redemption? I'd rather chastise him for every wrong thing he's ever said than accidentally chastise him for something he says that isn't wrong. Because then we're punishing good behaviour and the puppy is less likely to behave well in the future.

And geo321 - so there ...weren't any races before the british empire, or..? And is "race" a bad thing? It's surely an identifying characteristic, but i don't know why you feel opposed to the idea of people having a race. Should we stop referring to hair colour, eye colour, native language too?

Red Dead - The Donkey Lady

The Bechdel Test for Women in Movies

Deano says...

I understand her point but this *is* Hollywood we're talking about. Comfortable, conservative, racist, sexist Hollywood.

And choose better examples to make your point - Shawshank Redemption? Really?

Anyway just off the top of my head I thought of a few films that passed (or I assume they do as I haven't seen them all - correction, I've not seen Charlie's Angels but have seen the rest)

Charlie's Angels
Kill Bill 1 & 2
Monster (the one about Aileen Wuornos)
Thelma and Louise

So in the context I've described maybe things aren't as bad as you might be led to believe. I'd also imagine that some of her other examples (think I saw Jolie there as Lara Croft) would be seen as models of empowerment despite lacking dialogue with another woman.

Holy Shit! A flying horse!

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