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If this is American teacher education, we're all doomed...

SFOGuy says...

That's what so sad. Imagine how hard it would be to still want to help kids learn.
It would take the heart and soul of a true rebel.

Asmo said:

And in the dull lowing sounds of their voices, any spark of enthusiasm that might have existed in these people to, you know, TEACH kids cool shit has been snuffed out.

Teens React to....Nirvana

ctrlaltbleach says...

When Nirvana came out I was just beginning to transition out of a very sheltered church every Sunday country music loving family. I remember seeing the Nevermind album in a bin outside a music store in the mall and laughing at the absurdity of it. At the time I was rebelling at the weird sounds and antics of country music but I was also rebelling against Grunge music from the thought of it being to popular and trendy among the social outcasts of my own peers that I did not yet identify with. I had started to listen to our local oldies station and was really into the Beach Boys Pet Sounds album when I heard that Kurt had died. Immediately after his passing Mtv would play unplugged quite regularly and thats when I found my appreciation for Nirvana. I became one of there biggest fans which led into other bands like Stone Temple Pilots, Shamshing Pumpkins, Cranberries, Weezer and then later into bands like Radiohead, Pink Floyd, The Pixies, and the Flaming LIps. All my musical taste has been shaped and guided by this one band.

TDS 2/24/14 - Denunciation Proclamation

Taint says...

Okay, I'll try to explain again.

Whether or not Lincoln could have bought all the slaves is entirely irrelevant.

That is not why the Civil War was fought.

The south rebelled, for a variety of reasons, mostly because they thought they could get away with it, and Lincoln was left with a choice..

Let them go, or raise an army and preserve the union.

Buying the slaves wasn't an option.

Do you understand now?

Trancecoach said:

Right. Lincoln had "no choice" but to go to war just as Obama had "no choice" but to keep Guantanamo open, to drone civilians, to escalate the war in Afghanistan, etc. I guess you're right, if you go by the theory that Presidents are little more than high-paid puppets.

Given your historical expertise, perhaps you can enlighten me as to "what the opening choices of [Lincoln's] presidency were all about."

TDS 2/24/14 - Denunciation Proclamation

Taint says...

I don't get your point.

The talking meat bag on Fox news is an idiot because he made the argument that Lincoln somehow started the Civil War to end slavery, thereby starting his further bullshit point that there were better ways to do this.

You acknowledge this in your first post when pointing out that Lincoln didn't start the Civil War to end slavery, but to preserve the union.

I'll go further than that and point out that he didn't even start the war at all.

Southern states entered a state of open rebellion, stole federal property and munitions and then fired on a federal garrison. Lincoln never embarked on some idealistic crusade, he put down a rebellion and restored the country.

The south rebelled out of a perceived threat his presidency posed to the institution of slavery since Lincoln's opinions on the matter were well known, but he never proposed ANY policy against the south, he never had a chance to. They were in open rebellion before he even reached the capitol.

So what are you exactly saying?

That slavery would have just ended on it's own? Yea, I guess maybe. Who knows. But any point saying this was some kind of option to Lincoln clearly misses what the opening choices of his presidency were all about.

Trancecoach said:

The point is, for what the Civil War cost, they could have, for example, bought all the slaves and freed them, like the British crown did. The South may have seceded to preserve slavery, but the North did not go to war to end slavery, but to prevent secession (from Lincoln's own words). The North didn't go to war with slave-owning northern states, did it?

Slavery was economically inefficient, and with the northern states abolishing slavery, the South would have let go of it in possibly a short time. Low wage workers are much more economically efficient. And only 6% of southerners owned slaves. They would have had a hard time competing.

If you don't like the argument, take it up with Thomas DiLorenzo, the controversial professor at Loyola University. Or reference the two books cited in the post above. Or Tom Woods Politically Incorrect Guide to American History.

Deputy Drug Czar Reluctantly Says Pot Is Better Than Booze

TheFreak says...

It shouldn't be surprising that it is the people running the war on drugs who will resist logic the most, concerning this issue.

These are people who have spent their entire careers with a single minded focus on demonizing all drugs. When you confront Michael Botticelli with logic and facts, you are telling him that his purpose and his accomplishments have been misguided and are against the public interest. Put yourself in that man's shoes and tell me you wouldn't resist that message with all your strength, even if your own common sense is rebelling against you.

G. Greenwald's testimony and Q&A before European Parliament

CreamK says...

Install HTTPS everywhere (was hesitant at first but it works really fine now). It makes NSA SIGINT hate you cause they got most likely harmless, useless info in encrypted form stored in their vault.. We can never fill up their space individually. Encryption is the only tool to at least cause resistance at individual level. So far, in the next 5 years the issue needs to be addressed globally (creating even better encryption methods is one answer, endless cat&mouse game played in mathematics) or nations will start to separate and control their own net...which is a huge step backwards, wiping 20 years of internet freedom in it's wake and doesn't address the issue in personal level.. Most likely such intranets are very very heavily controlled and monitored.. goodbye freedom.

Encryption is the first step and one that offers some personal privacy, next is to contact to every page you visit daily to request https if it isn't available (or works poorly).

Basically, using end-to-end encryption everywhere you can is the only thing the majority of us can do who don't live in US. Even then the major hubs (google, facebook etc) are not safe but at least lets make them go physically to each and every server farm to install signal splitters and backdoors. And Google and Facebook store your data anyway by default, that's how they work. But FB won't come knocking on your door in the middle of the night.

Those can vote in US, we are looking at you, why do we need to even think about this? Use your vote wisely. Rebel if needed. If this does not change, rest of the world WILL take measures to stop traffic going in thru US unnecessarily.

How the Media Failed Women in 2013

chingalera says...

So all you X-Men fans can relate to the character of Loki being the bad-guy nemesis of all things righteous and earthly/human, right? He comes down from Asgard with no checks or balances from his own universe and attempts to lure mankind through force into a slave-like existence of servitude stating the obvious as to the true nature of humankind and their desire to be led, fed, bred and in essence, dead...He offers nothing but his will over theirs and demands only from the lower creatures obedience and the servile future that is in fact, their destiny in robotic loyalty to their nature.

Imagine if you will, the planet as a chessboard with the majority of humans aboard as pawns with the ruling elite acting as the Asgardian rebel, and you have the state of affairs on planet now. These minor diversions and illusions of personal freedoms and human rights portioned-out in small doses by those who control the illusion that these concepts actually exist for humanity when in reality, countries and nations are mere herd pens for the game-makers to contain their stock.

Wrap your heads around this and you are closer to the true nature of the current paradigm than most care to deal with.

That there is some tangible or meaningful dichotomy between the males and females of the herd is part of the illusion created through the propaganda of mass's but another well-honed tool to keep humans distracted by bullshit and keeps humanity easily controlled.

Duck Dynasty Is Fake!

bcglorf says...

Two things in all this stand out as really worrisome to me. First off, the hateful quote was almost a paraphrasing of the bible. And not the old testament parts that Christianity will dismiss as being supplanted/fulfilled by the coming of Christ, but the new testament. First Timothy 9 and 10 are:

We also know that the law is made not for the righteous but for lawbreakers and rebels, the ungodly and sinful, the unholy and irreligious, for those who kill their fathers or mothers, for murderers, for the sexually immoral, for those practicing homosexuality, for slave traders and liars and perjurers—and for whatever else is contrary to the sound doctrine...

It's not hating on gays or comparing them to murderers, it is just listing off a laundry list of behaviors deemed sinful and thus contrary to God's will. Even getting drunk and swearing count, so it's no more hateful against gays than it's hateful against any other non believers choices and lifestyles.

I am worried by our society as a majority looking upon that and either classing it as hatred, or worse still, using it to justify their hatred.

My next beef is the entire liberal side of the country that state like the guy in the video, freedom of speech doesn't mean A&E isn't also free to fire the guy for what he says. I don't disagree with that though. My problem is that if that same hillbilly came out and spoke about his abiding support for same-sex marriage and then A&E exercised their 'freedom' to fire him for his speech, those same Liberals would be up in arms at the injustice. That rankles me something fierce.

This propaganda is playing all over youtube

Chairman_woo says...

You talk like Iran is a person. Last time I checked it was a country which, like most countries contains a diverse mix of beliefs and personalities.

Your not entirely wrong to suggest that Iran is ruled by people who appear to espouse the hard-line apocalyptic interpretation of Islam in much the same way as significant aspects of the US and Israeli ruling classes are into the Zionist/revelations side of Christianity and Judaism.

And for what it's worth a really serious Christian, Muslim or Jew would take that position. Why would you take a half arsed attitude if you truly believe our eternal souls are at stake!!!

But crucially, not everyone is an extremist. In fact most people aren't extremists they are just conformists. Iran is no different and the uprising a few years ago was mostly fuelled by the younger generation rebelling against the oppressive theocracy you are referring to.

There is a purist aspect to all Abrahamist religions that will never be appeased but Iran & by extension Islam is only one of the three pillars (of satan) and much like has happened in the west the rise of free communication via the internet etc. is causing to to start to be outgrown by its people.

In short: there are nutters (such as yourself) on both sides and not every (or even perhaps most) Iranians hate the west just like not all westerners hate Iran. Don't buy into the us vs them propaganda, there is a 3rd side here and its not restricted by nationality or culture, nor does it celebrate death over life. Only knowledge, evolution and temperance

You all seem dangerously delusional far as I can tell. Unless the basic concept of "I might be totally wrong about all this" isn't built into your religion/belief system you can go and get stuffed....(and you will be as a relic/warning to the kids of the future)

shinyblurry said:

To understand Iran you have to understand that it is a theocracy, and everything its leaders do is driven by their radical interpretation of the Qurans end time scenario. The supreme leader believes he is appointed by allah to usher in their version of the Messiah, a figure they call the "Mahdi". They believe that when the Mahdi comes he will conquer the world and institute worldwide shariah law. Iran will never negotiate; it is preparing for armeggedon.

Kevin Mitnick: How to Troll the FBI

Captain America 2 trailer

Payback jokingly says...

To be fair, that was a failure of friend-or-foe security on par with the codes used to get the rebels down to the surface of the Forest Moon of Endor.

spawnflagger said:

Didn't S.H.I.E.L.D. learn how bad an idea a flying aircraft carrier was during the Avengers movie? Why would they build more of these?

Top 10 Memorable Scenes in Bad Movies

Stuffed Animal Slaughterhouse Truck - Banksy

Stuffed Animal Slaughterhouse Truck - Banksy

Rebel Rocket Attack - Banksy

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