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Ron Paul signed off on racist newsletters, associates say (Politics Talk Post)

longde says...

Hey QM, I'll just respond to your quotes in order:

-the old "white victimization by the race card" card. I don't buy it. Fox News, Rush Limbaugh, the Republican Party, and even Ron Paul have become quite successful stoking anti-black resentment. I don't see them suffering because of it, unless you count that only a tiny minority among blacks will listen to them as fallout.

I assure you, black people, and any people know the difference between piss and rain water. They know racism when they see it, context and all.

-The largesse of the elite doesn't change the fact that the racial makeup of the 1% is white. It also doesn't change the fact that the 1% is greedy.

-My point is, if you are going to put up unflattering statistics and facts about blacks, don't whine when unflattering facts about white people are brought up. Goose Gander.

-I thought your original point is that sifters don't care about/endorse black extremist sifts. It looks like the sifters don't feel threatened by that video, and are using it to demonstrate the guy's kookiness. What does it mean if a handful of people don't walk out and even clap? Does it impugn every African American?>> ^quantumushroom:

Hey QM, thanks for taking the effort to respond. Now:
Black and white people clap differently? You're making my point for me. For some guy to speculate on racial differences--not racial inferiority or superiority--doesn't make him a racist.

>>> It's fair to say that when a White non-liberal even mentions race, no matter the context, s/he's a racist. That's just the way it is. FOX be damned, liberals still run the mainstream media and that's their M.O.

On the second quote, "white folks greed", yeah that's a racist quote. Given the setup of America, whose oligarchy is dominated by white people, I think it's accurate.

>>> How much money has "the oligarchy" spent on the war on poverty? 5 trillion. What percentage of that money has gone to directly aid Blacks, who make up only 13%-14% of the American population?
But it's racist all the same. But if this is racist, then posting those crime statistics of African American youth, as you often do, is racist as well.
Facts is facts, however unpleasant. You would think those that are trying to fix the problems would be grateful for accurate data. They might even see the fall of the Black family unit coinciding 'somehow' with the rise of the welfare state.
Where are the sifts demanding white people be destroyed? I guess I missed those.
>>> Yeah, he's likely a lone kook, but why aren't people walking out?


GeeSussFreeK says...

Ron Paul killed democracy, oops. When people want something, it is a mistake. People don't know what is good for them, big government and media should like whom is being placed in charge first, then the people can choose from that. There are plenty of REAL issues to take up with Ron Paul, but discrediting a caucus and pulling out the race card isn't one of them. I know a lot of people think RP would be bad for America in many ways (I don't agree), but a far worse thing for America would be that a man that doesn't have the backing of lobbiests and tons of money has 0 chance of wining an election; that the people have no way to choose their leaders that aren't already chosen for them.

marinara (Member Profile)

GeeSussFreeK says...

Heard his rely about those several dozen times now. Dr Paul refutes that he wrote them. So, I have to weight that against the thrust of everything else I have heard him talk about, and accept that explanation. I don't know that it is true or not, so I have to trust my instinct, and my instinct is that he is a good and decent man, I could be wrong. The race card is frequently the card people pull out when they want to demonise someone, or sex...look at Julian Assange. I don't pretend that he is a perfect man either, it is the message I support, not the man. Thanks for the read though, but I have to rectify that against everything else I see and hear, and it doesn't measure up.

edit, typo.

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CULT of Ron Paul

quantumushroom says...

Really? The Race Card is all you have?

>> ^KnivesOut:

Don't forget that he's a black guy! He clearly can't be American, or understand American values, since he's not an American!
How could he be? He's brown!>> ^quantumushroom:
For awhile I was using "Kenyanesque Hawaiian" which is doubly accurate since Barry was born in Hawaii and his fadda was Kenyan, but that led to many cases of liberal borborygmus.
The Hawaiian Dunce IS a foreigner when it comes to American values.
And I had an atheist friend tell me he thinks Barry is a closet atheist. Who here agrees with that statement?

White Guy vs. Thai Guy in Muay Thai Fight. Guess Who Loses?

kceaton1 says...

Yeah, I would suggest changing the video's entry title to something MUCH less "race card invoked". It's very off-putting. How about something like: "great kick-boxing move" or " great kick-boxing knockout". Just saying...

shinkendelfenix (Member Profile)

Black CEO is a direct victim of racism in his own community

shinkendelfenix says...

I always hesitate to play the race card but this is absurd. Why are still dealing with this in the 21st century, are we really still so divided over something as insignificant as the color of another human's skin? Are people still this pathetic?

Black CEO is a direct victim of racism in his own community

shinkendelfenix says...

I always hesitate to play the race card but this is absurd. Why are still dealing with this in the 21st century, are we really still so divided over something as insignificant as the color of another human's skin? Are people still this pathetic?

How the Middle Class Got Screwed

Winstonfield_Pennypacker says...

A rather simplistic, populist bit of tripe.

To start with, if this guy thinks that things were so great back in the 1960s then maybe he should think again. The 'middle class' he talks about in the 60s was a far smaller entity than it is in 2011. In the 60s the country had a higher proportion of people in the 'lower' class. Since that time, the average american family has gotten proportionally wealthier - not poorer - and enjoys a higher standard of living, more property, and greater economic freedom than ever before. The entire premise of this video is nothing but an anachronistic fantasy.

The pap about families easily affording homes, cars, education, and retirement in the 60s on a single income is also a load of bull feathers. Middle class stiffs had to make tough choices back then too, and didn't have the dosh to just toss around money like that. His cutsey chalkboard claptrap cartoons of a smiling 'middle class' family easily affording any expense they wanted is stupidly wrong.

And this moron acts like people on a single income TODAY can't afford a home, car, college, and retirement. I am the lone wage-earner in my family. Not ONCE have I gotten government assistance or a handout on the dole. And I own a home, 2 cars, have $13,000 in savings for the kids, and I'm on track to be a millionaire when I retire. How did I do it? Because I'm not stupid. The middle class doesn't have to go into debt for these things - and this JERK'S premise that MC families have to rack up huge debt to live life is absolute specious.

And unions - yeesh. I noticed carefully that this obviously neolib goombah didn't bother mentioning that the over 26 TRILLION dollars in debt this nation has only exists because of private and public sector union unfunded liabilities. Corporations send world overseas because unions ARE making the cost of business in the U.S. (not to mention the fact that we're #1 in the world in corporate taxation) unfeasible for many industries. And he also doesn't mention the decrease in union size is only in the private sector, but that PUBLIC sector unions have swollen in size to gargantuan, slovenly, grotesque levels - and are (of course) literally breaking America's bank with thier costs. Of course companies outsource labor when paying a US employee costs them 100X as much money for only a fraction of the output. Only in the neolib Planet Fantasy does everyone get 100,000 a year for pushing brooms, assembling widgets, and other unskilled jobs that any reasonably trained lemming can perform.

He also doesn't mention that the top 50% of American taxpayers are paying 95% of the taxes, and that the "middle class" that he disingenously claims to speak for is actually paying almost NO INCOME TAXES at all. The bottom 50% of wage-earners (that's the middle class for you neolib idiots out there) only pay 5% of the taxes. How much more can the you burden the top 50% with before they pull up stakes and leave? That's the problem New York City, Chicago, LA, and many other neolib Meccas are facing. They have raised taxes so high on "the rich" (which Obama defines as anyone earning over 200K) that they are leaving these leftist enclaves, which in turn are literally dying on the vine under the weight of their own stupid policies and union debt.

But I do agree with some of the comments about lobbyists and the tax code. I do believe that is a problem, but it is a GOVERNMENT problem not a lobbyist problem. The government is the new "Robber Baron", when 100 years ago the government was protecting people from Robber barons. But of course this guy doesn't focus on the fact that it is GOVERNMENT making these stupid laws, and not companies. In fact, many companies hated the repeal of Glass-Steagall but government wanted it so Barney Frank could have is precious UFFODUBBLE HOWZING! Banks never wanted to be forced to give loans to people who they never would have touched in the 1960s - but Government played the Race Card with accusations of redlining and forced it through.

The problems with income disparity people whine about are largely a phantom. More people in the US are wealthier than they've ever been in the nation's history. Carping about how much MORE the uber-rich have than the middle class is pure sophistry.

Crime Fighting Mom Chases After Beer Thieves

Crime Fighting Mom Chases After Beer Thieves

Colbert on Obama's birth certificate

kceaton1 says...

HAHAHA!!! "Mobius toupee" completely made me snort milk.

/I'm now prefer to calling Donal Tru...Mobius Toupee!!!
//"Race Card" (1 Black Mana) cast: FATALITY! YOU WIN, FLAWLESS!
///I had to say it!

OH Gov to Black Politician: "I Don't Need YOUR People"

bobknight33 says...

Does the Black caucus (formally known as the Black Elected Democrats of Ohio) have any conservative qualified persons? Their member list is all black. Link

Maybe they are the raciest. No white members.

Unless the Black Caucus have a qualified conservative black then John Kasich I would gather is correct is saying what he said.

Nice try Ed Schultz
Netrunner are you propagating the race card?

Foreclosures on People Who Never Missed a Payment

Winstonfield_Pennypacker says...

These borrowers knowingly made bad loans to people who didn't understand the contract

In the early 90s the banks were arguing AGAINST repealing Glass-Stegall. Politicians partnered with some big finaincal houses like AIG and started accusing mid-size & small banks of racism ala "red-lining" to grease the political skids for a repeal. In most instances there was no racism of any kind. Banks simply did not give loans to people that couldn't afford them. But poor, urban areas had higher percentages of minority populations - and so out whips the race card...

I lived in the 70s and 80s. I know how hard it was to get even a 30-year loan in those days. But literally overnight banks had to start giving out loans to people who traditionally would not qualify. Instead of making money on the interest of the LOAN, banks were expected to make profit by bundling & selling the mortgage. The government promise was that if things went sour on the borrower end, Freddie Mac & Fannie Mae would paper it over. It worked fine for about a decade. But you can't sustain a market when your only customers are poor people in homes they can't afford and property flippers taking out 2+ extra mortgages more than they can realistically pay for.

The bank's job isn't to be your daddy, or to lecture you about whether you should or shouldn't get a loan. If a person walks into a bank, then as long as they qualify under the rules which are established by government then the bank doesn't have much choice. When people qualify, the bank issues the loan or they open themselves to discrimination lawsuits. It's a Catch-22.

Your outrage should more properly be targeted at the government. Have them re-institute Glass-Stegall. Force them to tighten up the requirements on who can/can't get a loan. Make it so people who shouldn't get loans CAN'T get them and that banks aren't allowed to do it. Join the rest of us racist, evil, red-lining conservatives who think loans should only be given to those who can actually afford to pay them off. But prepare yourself for a tongue-lashing from every neo-liberal leftist group under the sun, because clearly your bean-counting logic is pure neo-con white hatred, right? Oh - and especially prepare yourself to get excoriated by guys like Barney Frank who was one of the principle engineers of this whole "UFFOWDABLE HOWSEING!" mess.

Bill Maher Stands By Mohammed Remarks

Bloocut says...

>> ^hpqp:

Islam is not a race. How many times does that have to be repeated before it sinks in?

Obviously several hundred times for those who are quick to label, judge, and otherwise turn their brains off when faced with any form of confrontation. Call me a racist and be prepared for some confrontation in the form of discourse. Sadly, most who use play the accusatory race card are usually pretentious, confused psuedo-intellects who fancy themselves superior or otherwise more socially evolved than the herd when in fact, they are simply more jaded and full of themselves.

Hopefully with these recent comments however, we will see less of Maher in the future, as his shtick has become increasingly more mundane with his abuse of more and more cocaine and his ratings plunge like a passenger jet in a barrel-roll.

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