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Family Guy - "What you haven't heard?"

Cobra Kai Ep. 1 - Ace Degenerate - Karate Kid Saga Resumes

How Nestle Makes Billions Bottling Free Water

newtboy says...

TL:DW....I think bottled water has always been a scam.

I can count the number of disposable water bottles I've purchased in my lifetime on one hand. I don't understand why people buy them regularly.
Get a good filter and stainless steel bottle and stop tossing out plastic.

Payback said:

The problem isnt Nestle making money off free water. The problem is lazy shits providing them with a market for it.

Driving School - Naked Gun Style

Deconstructing a TED Talk (with a Canadian accent)

Star Trek: The Wrath of Farrakhan

Short Action Scene with hands as guns

A Better Way to Tax the Rich

surfingyt says...

You might have missed my original statement where the entire tax code was abolished. Income taxes go away. There are no loopholes, breaks, tax credits or deductions, etc. Rich people/businesses purchase more goods and services than poorer so they would pay more taxes proportionally (in sum not percent). I am not looking for wealth equality I am looking for taxation equality. Look at Amazon's taxes again this year.

newtboy said:

I think I just explained how that does nothing to address wealth inequality and leaves the poor paying the maximum percentage of income in taxes while letting the rich only pay a tiny portion, only the set sales tax percentage (on what they legally buy in the U.S. and report).
Your plan would probably have to set sales tax at near 50% (it's already over 10% with all the other tax revenues), meaning the poor, who spend all they make, pay >50% in taxes (and over 90% of all taxes with around 10% of all income), and the rich, who would spend <1% of their income taxably (I know that's not a real word) pay about 1/2%. Sounds like a great solution to wealth inequality, doesn't it?

A Better Way to Tax the Rich

surfingyt says...

In my scenario people/businesses are all taxed the same, regardless of their wealth, but only when purchasing something. Gov't adjusts the "sales tax" % as needed.

newtboy said:

What about the money already invested?
"Conservatives", allergic to paying their share for government, will simply keep their money growing where it is, avoiding taxes, and take (tax free) loans out on their stationary wealth, allowing them to spend without selling, again avoiding taxes. They do that now.
Give conservatives a way out of paying their share, they'll take it every time and brag about it. Guaranteed.

The Handmaiden Trailer

Scary flight cancels high wind landing (BA, Gibraltar)

Sexual Assault of Men Played for Laughs

BSR says...

Level up.

(especially in a role-playing game) progress to the next level.
"you can collect runes and use them as you level up to increase the power of your weapons"
(in a role-playing game) advance one's character to the next level of development.
"build your army, level up your hero, purchase equipment, and challenge your friends to massive battles"

bcglorf said:

I'm very simply meaning that making jokes about horrible things like rape and murder isn't automatically endorsing them, and that depending on context the jokes can make the problem better, worse or somewhere in between.

The Coathangers - Fu*k The NRA

newtboy says...

Very few thanks to the NRA (the gun manufacturer's lobby) paying and blackmailing politicians into not enacting regulations on purchasing, carrying, or using them.

Yes, those politicians who let themselves be bought are a problem....but clearly so are the ones paying them off (bribing) like the NRA and Trump himself.

bobknight33 said:

How many of those gun crimes involved improperly obtained weapons?

Malleable elected politicians who line their pockets instead of enacting true gun reforms are the bigger problem, not the NRA.


How Republicans Deflect Blame After a Tragedy

moonsammy says...

A shocking lack of regulation. Shameful, really.

I'd wager people crazy enough to plaster their vehicles with extreme fringe political stickers probably just print their own. Otherwise some goddamn globalist sticker company might track their purchases! They'd be in a deep state sticker database!

Nebosuke said:

What is up with sticker companies...

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