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Where are the cops when you need one?

jeremy-beadle says...

Bob you still haven't thought this idea through any further, its a terrible idea. I'll explain why but its probably going to be a bit long but bear with me and you'll understand why you are 'dead' wrong.

So "Bob's Law" is now in effect, Mr Bandito is in the back of a Taxi committing an armed robbery demanding the taxi driver hand over his money and valuables. Mr Bandito notices that the taxi driver has been getting looks at him in the rear view mirror. While the driver is nervously fumbling and trying to pull out the wallet he is sitting on in his back pocket, it crosses Mr Bandito's mind that "Bob's Law" is in effect and as soon as the driver hands him the wallet over Mr Bandito shoots and kills the taxi driver.

Mr Bandito did this because the punishment (death) is the same for robbing the driver as it is for murdering the driver. An alive taxi driver would make it easier for the police to catch him and Mr Bandito is of the same propensity as the folks that passed this law and so to him it now makes sense to kill all witnesses of an armed robbery as procedure, as the penalty is the same either way.

bobknight33 said:

I'm not saying that.
Give the guy his trial and provide this overwhelming evidence and convict.
Save the taxpayers money and send a strong message.

Where are the cops when you need one?

Colorado Traffic Stop Turns Ugly

00Scud00 says...

Yeah, I'm always amazed when someone does get arrested and films it, and when they do get their phone back the data is untouched. There are apps out there that will upload your footage to a server, so knowing that maybe the cops know that and trying to delete it would only make them look even more guilty. Or maybe they are just so arrogant that they think it won't matter anyhow.

If the cop they had on the show is correct then it doesn't matter what their unstated reason was. They broke police procedure by not telling them why they were being pulled over.
I suspect they didn't say anything because they really didn't have a good reason to pull them over, and when they saw that that they were being recorded they decided it was just better to keep their mouths shut.
Anything you say can and will be used against you, funny how it works both ways.
The cop they had on the show sounded fairly reasonable right up until he blew up over the race card issue. We need to stop fooling ourselves into thinking that things like race, class, gender, or ethnicity doesn't play a role in how we see each other, only then will the race card be shuffled out of the deck permanently.

Military will refuse to obey unlawful orders from Pres Trump

newtboy says...

As I see it, there were only prosecutions from Abu Ghraib because the abuse became public knowledge.

While rape and murder have never been proven to be executive orders (although it's pretty clear that murder in the field has been ordered by many presidents, including the current one, but is called something different), they were certainly standard procedure. That's why the offenders felt safe publicly posting pictures of the crimes. Had they been a tiny bit smarter about it, there almost certainly would have never been a prosecution, because that would make the crimes public and keeping the abuse secret was far more important than addressing the crimes.
Most of what we saw from Abu Ghraib was clearly, and admittedly sanctioned by the president and his cabinet. as you said, there was.."sleep deprivation, hooding prisoners, playing loud music, removing all detainees' clothing, forcing them to stand in so-called "stress positions", and the use of dogs" and also waterboarding and other acts designed to inflict the feeling of being murdered. From there to actual 'rape and murder' is just a tiny step over that invisible line that the executive branch had taken them right up to and complained about being stymied by.
They may not have been directly directed to rape and murder, but they were presented with people they were told to treat as subhuman and directed to do more to get the information that 'legal' torture had not delivered. I'm not sure what else they might have done in that situation.

bcglorf said:

I hadn't thought I was ever disagreeing on Bush and Cheney and company approving war crimes in the form of torture(in particular stress positions and later on water boarding). They were shockingly open about it and basically just defended it by saying they didn't think it was that bad...

When you posed Abu Ghraib as an example of military following illegal orders though, I disagreed. You know, based upon the fact that the acts of sexual assualt, physical assault, rape and murder were counted as crimes by the military. This standing apart from 'lesser' torture like loud music and stress positions which was 'ok'.

If you want to be taken seriously stick to the truth. Trying to run out hyperbole like you were by alluding to rape and murder being an executive order and standard procedure does you no credit. Trotting out Abu Ghraib is even worse as it disproves your hyperbole, what with the military discharging and putting on trial those involved and all.

Military will refuse to obey unlawful orders from Pres Trump

bcglorf says...

I hadn't thought I was ever disagreeing on Bush and Cheney and company approving war crimes in the form of torture(in particular stress positions and later on water boarding). They were shockingly open about it and basically just defended it by saying they didn't think it was that bad...

When you posed Abu Ghraib as an example of military following illegal orders though, I disagreed. You know, based upon the fact that the acts of sexual assualt, physical assault, rape and murder were counted as crimes by the military. This standing apart from 'lesser' torture like loud music and stress positions which was 'ok'.

If you want to be taken seriously stick to the truth. Trying to run out hyperbole like you were by alluding to rape and murder being an executive order and standard procedure does you no credit. Trotting out Abu Ghraib is even worse as it disproves your hyperbole, what with the military discharging and putting on trial those involved and all.

Drachen_Jager said:

Oh, okay.

Thanks for agreeing so easily.

They were ordered to commit war crimes, they followed those orders. I thought you were arguing against that, but I'm glad you came around.

Military will refuse to obey unlawful orders from Pres Trump

bcglorf says...

Abu Ghraib wasn't exactly standard procedure as ordered by the President. In point of fact, those involved at Abu Ghraib were put on trial and tossed out of the military for the express reason that their actions there went AGAINST how the military was ordered to conduct itself.

It's dishonest in the extreme to point to Abu Ghraib as an example of guys just following orders when the reality is they were put on trial for FAILING to follow orders.

Drachen_Jager said:

In theory, yes.

In practice, they've been obeying unlawful orders for quite some time now. I'm not sure why they'd stop just because the Prez is named Trump. Have you all forgotten Abu Ghraib so quickly? And that's just one of hundreds of examples.

Last Week Tonight with John Oliver: Abortion Laws

bobknight33 says...

Who fights for the unborn? Not the left.

I do agree that these new hindrances are fairly messed up but that is what is available to lawmakers.

There should be a few instances that abortion is allowed and these should be done at the hospital at same day surgery clinics where minor procedures are preformed.

AS fat as the 13 yr old she is not being punished. Where are the cops arresting the rapist? PPH are obligated to report that.
The baby’s heart will start beating during the fifth week. The heart is too small to generate enough sound waves to be audible, even when amplified by the use of medical equipment in your doctor's office. However by the 6th week the beats can be measured.

Its odd if I kill a pregnant woman I get charged with 2 counts of murder. If the woman kills the fetus no problem with that.

Sagemind said:

When will US citizens stand up and fight for their rights? Because there are people actively standing up to take your rights away from you. Open your eyes people - Get angry already!

How to Land a 737 (Nervous Passenger)

Chairman_woo says...

As a lifelong flight sim addict (with a decent bit of real world experience), there is a twisted part of my brain that wills exactly this scenario to happen whenever I'm on an airliner.

I have no doubt that I would swiftly regret this if it ever did happen and I was mad enough to volunteer.

@mxxcon Unless a qualified pilot happened to be on the plane it would likely be the senior attendant that takes responsibility yes.

I imagine there is some procedure in place, but the scenario is so massively unlikely and modern avionics so good that there would be little point in doing much if any formal training (I can't see most airlines warranting the expense).

I dare say they might be shown how to work the radio though.

Christopher Hitchens on Hillary Clinton

artician says...

I will vote for Trump before I vote for Hillary. I am still waiting to see some change. The former choice guarantees it, the latter guarantees the standard operating procedure.

Is Bernie Sanders not running independently if the Democrats don't nominate him?

What Is Something

Payback jokingly says...

You know, for all my confidence in the skeptical, procedural, scientifically methodical view of the universe, when you get down into the quantum and/or subatomic areas, I really suspect sometimes people are just making shit up.

Matter is just disturbances in the force...

Cha... riii...

Star Citizen: From Pupil to Planet

VoodooV says...

And again, spoken like someone who doesn't seem to know anything about the game.

Large portions of the game are available to play right now, albeit in an early alpha state. Granted, yes the procedural planets portion is not in our hands yet, but as OverLord just showed, it appears to be working.

LiquidDrift said:

Having worked with Chris Roberts in the past, I would take everything sold with a grain of salt until you actually see it in the final product. If you ever do.

He is a fantastic salesman though, I'll give him that. Nice guy too.

The surgical process for male to female sex reassignment

artician says...

This is probably an example demonstration for those looking to to have the procedure done.

I've had to make some wacky, gory, uncomfortable things before for work, but I can't imagine the dude/dudette who had to animate this thing. HA!

Regardless: amazing.

Spring Valley High "Cop" violently assaults black teen girl

Trancecoach says...

Prediction of the "official" response to this incident: "We have reviewed the incident and found that the officer in question followed all departmental policies and procedures."

No Man's Sky on Late Show with Stephen Colbert

artician says...

They may have ditched some arrogance, but they're still talking about this as though it is procedurally generated. This game is not procedurally generated in the sense that most people consider the use of the term. You could better describe it as 'over-reliance on randomization in place of design'. It doesn't help that they've deferred the rest of their game design to player participation, instead of actually constructing a game.

Janus said:

At least they seem to have stepped back a bit from some of their earliest hype where they were talking up their use of procedural generation...

No Man's Sky on Late Show with Stephen Colbert

Janus says...


At least they seem to have stepped back a bit from some of their earliest hype where they were talking up their use of procedural generation in a way that implied it was a completely groundbreaking new concept that no other game has used before.

artician said:

So much overhype. Kinda matches spore in that respect as well.

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