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Asmo (Member Profile)

bareboards2 says...

I just now saw this. My yahoo email account sometimes disappears things on me. I lost another email about the same time.

I absolutely agree with everything you say. Biology is biology. There are differences. Sex is in the workplace, of course, and women bring it there.

I can agree with all these things, and still be creeped out by the indulgence, the wallowing, of only hiring very attractive women.

There is a long history of that in America, and it was creepy then, too. Stewardesses and what they were subjected to in the workplace is a great example. They would lose their -- THEIR WORK -- if they gained five pounds, is an example of really inappropriate use of a woman's appearance as a job qualification. These people are responsible for the safety of the passengers if a tragedy strikes. I love reading stories about how women are heroes and professional when an accident happens.

A shooting range is not a strip club. Wanting to be surrounded by women in your business who COULD work in a strip club is creepy.

Creepy really isn't the right word. It is shorthand for a complex interplay of gender roles and abuses and complicity that is endemic in our culture. I just like the way it feels in my mouth -- I found that Japanese word for it that perfectly explains my pleasure in using it. I am still pleased to know that word exists.

Gitaigo: Onomatopoeia that describes states of being, not sounds.

Creepy perfectly feels like my state of being around this video.

We are all biological beings who like to look at pretty people. Tall men make more money. Attractive people of both genders make more money. We will never be free from those responses.

But lets keep it unconscious, shall we? Let us work to be better human beings than people who reduce ourselves to walking genitalia looking for constant stimulation.

The rest of your points... yeah. I'm right with you. I am not someone who criticizes men for "looking." I find myself looking and I'm pretty firmly on the hetero side of things.

It came up the other day on a hike through the woods. A woman passed me wearing some sort of body hugging stretch pants. There was natural jiggling from her movements, which caught my eye. I found myself staring, I became aware of how perfectly proportioned she was, and how the rest of her was lovely in every aspect (I had seen her a few moments before, walking in a different direction.) I almost called out to my friends -- my god, that is the most beautiful woman. All triggered by a chance glance at an objectively beautiful rear-end.

Biology. It happens. I have no problem with it.

And those shooting range owners want to stimulate that reaction in the workplace, 100% of the time. And that, my friend, is creepy.

Asmo said:

I was responding to your comments, as I understood them, and if I got the wrong impression, I apologise. But I think it's somewhat blinkered to say that it's men that bring sex in to the workplace. eg. Most of the young ladies that work in the same building as me wear short skirts or tight pants, lots of decolletage on display etc. That is absolutely their right as long as they meet the dress code of their employer, but it certainly brings sex appeal firmly in to the limelight.

Unfortunately, while men are seen as rather simple creatures biologically when it comes to sex, there is more than meets the eye. The science certainly isn't conclusive, but there is a lot of evidence pointing to desire being a function of the amygdala, which is strongly stimulated by visuals in men. The following article is a pop news summary of a longer (and fairly dry) study which I couldn't find an non-subscription version of, which compares brain activity in response to viewing porn images for both men and women.

Women still get aroused by the images, but the desire that is evoked in the male amygdala is not replicated in the female. Hence men tend to respond far better to objectification than women do. There are other results with further delve the difference between male and female sexuality, and it's not surprising that society as a whole has been molded by our biology.

Probably also explains, at least somewhat, why men (myself included) find it hard to accept criticism for something that comes naturally to most of us. Few men would go to a public place with the express purpose of leering at attractive women, but almost all men (at least the straight ones) will find themselves gazing for longer than perhaps polite at certain women that catch our eye. That is not to take away from the fact that we are generally in charge of our actions, but it certainly adds an imperative that is less about being creepy and more about our biology.

Being Pretty

republican party has fallen off the political spectrum

enoch says...

i agree with you but consider a few things:
1.for the first time bob is actually engaging and revealing where his perspective originates.(which came as no shock,to anyone).now we can disagree on his position but understanding how he got to that position gives an opportunity to disseminate the particulars.

this is a good thing.

2.while bob's breakdown of the political spectrum is extremely,overly simplified and his understanding of socialism vs corporatism is begs the question ..why does bob have it so wrong?

which he answers by where he gets the majority of his information.i dont necessarily blame bob for this but rather the institutions and media outlets he gives authority.

bob is not the exception but rather the rule.people tend to congregate and gravitate towards those who speak in the language they,themselves,can relate to.this is why FOX is so successful and why every other 24 hr news channel has tried to copy their success.

FOX appeals to the emotional rather than the rational.they pound a message for entire news cycles with little or no actual analysis of very complicated issues.there IS actual news hidden in there but it gets drowned out by the screaming apologists who just seek to perpetuate their own agenda and/or popularity.the hyper-partisanship alone is reason enough to never watch FOX.

most americans do not have the time to do a research paper every night,and the majority never made it past 9th grade they tune in to 5 minute soundbites that appeal to their own emotionally triggered prejudices.presented by vapid pretty people who are the exact opposite of a journalist.

they ALL do it.every 24hr news channel does it,FOX just does it better.

3.the fact that bob frequents a predominantly secular-left site should be an indicator that he is not as partisan as he appears in many of his comments.he comes here to see what the "lefties" find important and their take on current events.

the problem always arises when people assume that if given all the information,everybody will all come to same conclusion.

which is untrue.

but to come to a rational and reasonable conclusion we must have the information ...all of it...we may still disagree in the end but at least the discussion is founded on even ground and not polluted by propaganda and politics.

the hyper partisanship has got to only serves those who wish to divide and conquer.

4.the tea party in the beginning was pretty amazing and,ironically,had a very similar message that occupy wall street had.remember what was going on when the tea partiers first exploded on the scene?

the wall street bailout.

now they were eventually co-opted by the very power structure that they originally protested against..ironical..but if you look at the history of mass movements the powered elite were using an old playbook in that regard. got me writing a damn lecture newt!

let me just conclude that i am glad bob is engaging on much more personal level and i hope he continues.
will bob and i still disagree? most likely

Cat Stuck in Suspension Spring of SUV

poolcleaner says...

It's a good thing people-people decided on the outcome of the cat, and not corporation-people. Because I can quantify the damage this waste of time has on our economy, filtering it down into rubles per second.

And I have a solution, but it ain't pretty, people-people.

American Remake of "The IT Crowd" You Never Got to See

VoodooV says...

wow...yeah that definitely didn't work.

Joel McHale simply wasn't the right choice for this version. Just not believable as a computer nerd especially after Community. America just loves to cast pretty people and then pretend they're ugly and antisocial.

I'm sure they would have had him hook up with Jen before the season was over too

How to (Properly) Eat Sushi

shatterdrose says...

What you have a problem with is simply his presentation, correct? Or am I right in thinking you're upset that he's simply telling you how to properly eat sushi?

Sometimes there is actually a correct way and a wrong way. I know, shocking. But then there's also taking liberties. If I have no utensil's I will eat with my fingers even if it's "not the right way." Or more aptly, if there's no wine glass, I'll still use a solo cup. If I had a choice, I'd choose the wine glass. Why? Because it's the proper way. Does it really add to it? Not really. It's demonstrably mostly placebo effect. Then again, does a plate make food taste different? Technically speaking, no. It should in absolutely no way effect the taste of food. But in reality, it makes a substantial difference in the way food tastes. Those who do not take the time to properly plate a meal for another person is simply wasting their time and effort. You might as well buy them a McDonalds hamburger.

But in essence, what you're saying is "because you know more than me, it's wrong for you to use it because it means I'm inferior and you're a dick because of it." Why yes Ayn Rand, I'll keep that in mind. You must hate pretty people too?

I make my coffee from a French Press because it IS better. I use local "fancy" honey because it IS better. If I keep it on my shelf where others can see doesn't make me a douche. It could mean I don't have a cabinet, or I use it often. Which I do. Now who's being a dick?

You're assumption is simply that "I'm dumb, and you're smart, therefore you're gay." Or, I'm sorry, a hipster. Right now, the hip thing is to make fun of this video. Much like the people who hate popular music just because it's popular. That's what your argument sounds like.

Just because someone enjoys something doesn't make them a hipster, a douche or a dick. And because you can't understand their enjoyment of "proper etiquette" only makes you a hipster, dick, douche when you complain. No one here is "forcing" you to eat sushi anyway differently. No one is holding a gun to your head telling you to not put soy sauce all over your rolls. I know, it's strange, but you didn't even have to watch this video. So please explain to me what exactly the problem is again?

Chamot said:
Welcome to 'How to properly make a video' by Videosift community. -- Best comment yet on here.

gwiz665 said:

You are quite welcome to take whatever you want super seriously, but don't impose that seriousness on anyone else.

There's a difference between wanting to do thing right and wanting other people to do things right.

What this video suggests and what the responses to me also suggest, is "this is the correct way and no one should eat it differently or they're idiots!" instead of "this way makes it a whole lot better and is what the chefs and locals recommend". There's a slight difference between the two - one is a helpful suggestion guiding you to a better experience, the other is being a dick.

There's also a subtle difference in people wanting to do thing right for themselves, and people who want to have other people know that they know the correct way of doing it. This is what I so subtly referred to as hipster earlier - they don't do it because it's necessarily better, but because sushi is so vogue right now, and all those other slobs just eat it in the most hilarious manner; just look at those wage collectors - now let me get back to my chai mocca, lined with the finest honey, the container of which I happen to have standing on my desk at the coffee place where I'm writing my novel on a 2007 Macbook..

STAR TREK INTO DARKNESS - Official Teaser Trailer

So this is a real thing.

Charlize Theron's Sex Tape

quantumushroom says...

Weak. They had to bring in "Goodbye Horses" because otherwise how would we know this is supposed to be disturbing?

Overly pretty people should never try to be funny, not because they aren't but because there's no need. The entranced are going to laugh at whatever they say/do to curry favor.

Hot chick riding big poles

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'Allison, Stokke, pole, vaulting' to 'Allison Stokke, pole vault, interview, berkeley, track and field, pretty people' - edited by lucky760

rottenseed (Member Profile)

inflatablevagina says...

Yup thats where i was. I couldn't remember, but yes.
I probably saw your stupid house. I should have peed on it.
Had i known about the sift this time last year and what a dick you were, we would have had to get beers and insult each other. We stayed in Mission Bay, and I liked it there pretty well. Also In-N-Out burger sucks.

Don't pretend like you don't want to hang out with me.

In reply to this comment by rottenseed:
I know exactly where you were...that's belmont park (with a rollercoaster, no?). That gyro place is bomb. And that wave machine is RIGHT next to thewavehouse where on Sundays they do a house party in the afternoon til about 10. If it wasn't for the eminent hangover on mondays I'd be there every sunday. I live about 3 miles away from there, wow that's really close for sifters to be to one another without tearing a hole in the sift-space continuum.

I'd say next time you're over here to hit me up, but you're probably not coming back and we probably don't want you...:P

In reply to this comment by inflatablevagina:
some place where they had surf boards and a wave for people to surf on. It was obnoxious and also some sort of terrible radio station was there blasting shit hole music. It wasn't house music though. It was like new rock shit that I hate. It was right on the beach and right across from the best gyros ever.

In reply to this comment by rottenseed:
The Wave or the wavehouse? I like the wave house...

(house music + sunsets)*drugs = awesome

In reply to this comment by inflatablevagina:
i came for the gyros.
oh and the pizza

but not for that place called "The Wave". That place can suck my ass.

Fort Worth is the same way so I can't give you the golden shower that you probably deserve

In reply to this comment by rottenseed:
Yea SD does suck post anal sex discharge, but...but...well I can't defend this fucking place.

I can't apologize for the people here because they piss me off too...and I probably piss them off. Next thing you know we're all pissing each other off and here comes a tourist like yourself that walks right into the middle of this angry piss-fest and starts crying about getting pissed on...well fuck you, who fucking invited you anyway?!

In reply to this comment by inflatablevagina:
well Rottenseed, i was in San Diego this time last year.... water was pretty.. people were dicks.

stopped at a place by the ocean to drink a beer.... full of pricks.

So.. basically San Diego can suck my cooter. (spell check is flagging cooter and suggesting cuter.. .oh spell check you don't know how right you are...)

I did enjoy the tiny Photography Museum though.

inflatablevagina (Member Profile)

rottenseed says...

I know exactly where you were...that's belmont park (with a rollercoaster, no?). That gyro place is bomb. And that wave machine is RIGHT next to thewavehouse where on Sundays they do a house party in the afternoon til about 10. If it wasn't for the eminent hangover on mondays I'd be there every sunday. I live about 3 miles away from there, wow that's really close for sifters to be to one another without tearing a hole in the sift-space continuum.

I'd say next time you're over here to hit me up, but you're probably not coming back and we probably don't want you...:P

In reply to this comment by inflatablevagina:
some place where they had surf boards and a wave for people to surf on. It was obnoxious and also some sort of terrible radio station was there blasting shit hole music. It wasn't house music though. It was like new rock shit that I hate. It was right on the beach and right across from the best gyros ever.

In reply to this comment by rottenseed:
The Wave or the wavehouse? I like the wave house...

(house music + sunsets)*drugs = awesome

In reply to this comment by inflatablevagina:
i came for the gyros.
oh and the pizza

but not for that place called "The Wave". That place can suck my ass.

Fort Worth is the same way so I can't give you the golden shower that you probably deserve

In reply to this comment by rottenseed:
Yea SD does suck post anal sex discharge, but...but...well I can't defend this fucking place.

I can't apologize for the people here because they piss me off too...and I probably piss them off. Next thing you know we're all pissing each other off and here comes a tourist like yourself that walks right into the middle of this angry piss-fest and starts crying about getting pissed on...well fuck you, who fucking invited you anyway?!

In reply to this comment by inflatablevagina:
well Rottenseed, i was in San Diego this time last year.... water was pretty.. people were dicks.

stopped at a place by the ocean to drink a beer.... full of pricks.

So.. basically San Diego can suck my cooter. (spell check is flagging cooter and suggesting cuter.. .oh spell check you don't know how right you are...)

I did enjoy the tiny Photography Museum though.

rottenseed (Member Profile)

inflatablevagina says...

some place where they had surf boards and a wave for people to surf on. It was obnoxious and also some sort of terrible radio station was there blasting shit hole music. It wasn't house music though. It was like new rock shit that I hate. It was right on the beach and right across from the best gyros ever.

In reply to this comment by rottenseed:
The Wave or the wavehouse? I like the wave house...

(house music + sunsets)*drugs = awesome

In reply to this comment by inflatablevagina:
i came for the gyros.
oh and the pizza

but not for that place called "The Wave". That place can suck my ass.

Fort Worth is the same way so I can't give you the golden shower that you probably deserve

In reply to this comment by rottenseed:
Yea SD does suck post anal sex discharge, but...but...well I can't defend this fucking place.

I can't apologize for the people here because they piss me off too...and I probably piss them off. Next thing you know we're all pissing each other off and here comes a tourist like yourself that walks right into the middle of this angry piss-fest and starts crying about getting pissed on...well fuck you, who fucking invited you anyway?!

In reply to this comment by inflatablevagina:
well Rottenseed, i was in San Diego this time last year.... water was pretty.. people were dicks.

stopped at a place by the ocean to drink a beer.... full of pricks.

So.. basically San Diego can suck my cooter. (spell check is flagging cooter and suggesting cuter.. .oh spell check you don't know how right you are...)

I did enjoy the tiny Photography Museum though.

inflatablevagina (Member Profile)

rottenseed says...

The Wave or the wavehouse? I like the wave house...

(house music + sunsets)*drugs = awesome

In reply to this comment by inflatablevagina:
i came for the gyros.
oh and the pizza

but not for that place called "The Wave". That place can suck my ass.

Fort Worth is the same way so I can't give you the golden shower that you probably deserve

In reply to this comment by rottenseed:
Yea SD does suck post anal sex discharge, but...but...well I can't defend this fucking place.

I can't apologize for the people here because they piss me off too...and I probably piss them off. Next thing you know we're all pissing each other off and here comes a tourist like yourself that walks right into the middle of this angry piss-fest and starts crying about getting pissed on...well fuck you, who fucking invited you anyway?!

In reply to this comment by inflatablevagina:
well Rottenseed, i was in San Diego this time last year.... water was pretty.. people were dicks.

stopped at a place by the ocean to drink a beer.... full of pricks.

So.. basically San Diego can suck my cooter. (spell check is flagging cooter and suggesting cuter.. .oh spell check you don't know how right you are...)

I did enjoy the tiny Photography Museum though.

rottenseed (Member Profile)

inflatablevagina says...

i came for the gyros.
oh and the pizza

but not for that place called "The Wave". That place can suck my ass.

Fort Worth is the same way so I can't give you the golden shower that you probably deserve

In reply to this comment by rottenseed:
Yea SD does suck post anal sex discharge, but...but...well I can't defend this fucking place.

I can't apologize for the people here because they piss me off too...and I probably piss them off. Next thing you know we're all pissing each other off and here comes a tourist like yourself that walks right into the middle of this angry piss-fest and starts crying about getting pissed on...well fuck you, who fucking invited you anyway?!

In reply to this comment by inflatablevagina:
well Rottenseed, i was in San Diego this time last year.... water was pretty.. people were dicks.

stopped at a place by the ocean to drink a beer.... full of pricks.

So.. basically San Diego can suck my cooter. (spell check is flagging cooter and suggesting cuter.. .oh spell check you don't know how right you are...)

I did enjoy the tiny Photography Museum though.

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