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Former GOP Prez Nominee: Deport American Citizens

Sarah Palin Bashes Fox News Accidentally

Robot Sex Partners That Much Closer To Your Nightmares

Truckchase (Member Profile)

rougy says...

Sounds good, hombre.

I need to watch myself, too. I'm so mad...I'm like an open sore sometimes, and I fly off the handle when little things rub me wrong...sort of like when somebody pats you on the back when ya have a sunburn.

Cheers, Truckchase!

I'll drink a shot of Cuervo in your honor.

In reply to this comment by Truckchase:
I agree with you; I'm sorry I was so abrupt with my comment. I do agree that the content was very important. The comment came from a place of fear honestly. We're fighting cultural battles on so many fronts that I feel overwhelmed. I'll try to put my comments (jokes included) in a little better context in the future with the understanding that relative strangers don't know that I'm not a Beck/Limbaugh follower.

In reply to this comment by rougy:
I didn't specifically call you an asshole, but the humor reminded me of something that real assholes would say like O'Reilly or Beck or Hannity or five dozen other internet pundits who think things are going great in Afghanistan.

Yes, his voice was high and a little embarrassing to me, but his words were spot on. It reminds me of when Howard Dean got squashed because of the pitch of his yell at a rally. There are other examples, too, of how something superficial totally derailed what would otherwise have been a valid progressive opinion or candidate.

Our country puts show over substance, and it's killing us. Millions of people actually think that Sarah Palin is a viable presidential candidate. I find the notion horrifying.

I admit, I go berserk sometimes. I'm in my late forties and I've never seen this country more askew than it is today. Nothing seems to help. It just slowly keeps getting worse and I honest to god fear for our future.

In reply to this comment by Truckchase:
I'm fine with that... humor is all relative after all, but would you mind not calling me an asshole? I assure you the joke wasn't based off the content.

In reply to this comment by rougy:
>> ^Truckchase:
In reply to this comment by rougy:
Not as rough as having to live with the assholes who think that what he said was funny.

Really? A downvote AND that comment? Do you think you're taking yourself any my comment a bit too seriously? Is that the sort of attitude that can help this country and our current state of affairs? You won't win any converts by being mean to people trying to lighten the mood, and I suspect I'm already on "your side". Chill out doctor.
edit: reworded "being a prick"; language too strong. Srry; I was just very disappointed to see that comment...

I didn't downvote you, but no, I didn't think your comment was funny.

Sorry, maybe next time.

Was flipping through the channels last night and saw that asshole Bill O'Reilly lying to the nation again in regards to this video.

It's just not a joking matter with me.

Truckchase (Member Profile)

rougy says...

I didn't specifically call you an asshole, but the humor reminded me of something that real assholes would say like O'Reilly or Beck or Hannity or five dozen other internet pundits who think things are going great in Afghanistan.

Yes, his voice was high and a little embarrassing to me, but his words were spot on. It reminds me of when Howard Dean got squashed because of the pitch of his yell at a rally. There are other examples, too, of how something superficial totally derailed what would otherwise have been a valid progressive opinion or candidate.

Our country puts show over substance, and it's killing us. Millions of people actually think that Sarah Palin is a viable presidential candidate. I find the notion horrifying.

I admit, I go berserk sometimes. I'm in my late forties and I've never seen this country more askew than it is today. Nothing seems to help. It just slowly keeps getting worse and I honest to god fear for our future.

In reply to this comment by Truckchase:
I'm fine with that... humor is all relative after all, but would you mind not calling me an asshole? I assure you the joke wasn't based off the content.

In reply to this comment by rougy:
>> ^Truckchase:
In reply to this comment by rougy:
Not as rough as having to live with the assholes who think that what he said was funny.

Really? A downvote AND that comment? Do you think you're taking yourself any my comment a bit too seriously? Is that the sort of attitude that can help this country and our current state of affairs? You won't win any converts by being mean to people trying to lighten the mood, and I suspect I'm already on "your side". Chill out doctor.
edit: reworded "being a prick"; language too strong. Srry; I was just very disappointed to see that comment...

I didn't downvote you, but no, I didn't think your comment was funny.

Sorry, maybe next time.

Was flipping through the channels last night and saw that asshole Bill O'Reilly lying to the nation again in regards to this video.

It's just not a joking matter with me.

Sarah Palin Reads Cheat Notes Off Her Hand

MilkmanDan says...

That is baffling to the point of being surreal.

I wouldn't begrudge her using notes; as she likes to snarkily point out, Obama likes to use a teleprompter. However, she could have used small note cards and looked far more professional. And that ignores the decision of exactly what banal, obvious crap she deemed was so important as to require writing it on her hand.

The Democrat party shot itself in the foot for a while by running presidential candidates that were less "electable" than their Republican opposition. Palin seems to be the frontrunner in turning that around. If she can get through the next 3 years without putting on a parade of FAIL so amazing that even the far, far religious right starts to question her, the next election will be either A) hilarious or B) tragically farcical. Or possibly both.

Rachel Maddow - C-SPAN Video Of McCain's Objection Found!

rottenseed (Member Profile)

Issykitty (Member Profile)

Franken Shuts Lieberman Up; McCain Gets the Vapors

"Let's Talk About Sext"

TDS: Half-Baked Alaska

"If You're Watching This, I've Been Assassinated"

Krupo says...


From the Time article linked above (the other side of the story is that the president's enemies did it to make him look bad... a bit of a stretch, but you wonder - a conspiracy to stop a leftist? Hmm....).

"Colom has said the Rosenberg video is part of a right-wing conspiracy designed to destabilize the government and ultimately bring him down. In a broadcast interview, he suggested that Rosenberg was coerced into making the video. Colom pointed to a radio journalist, Mario David Garcia, as the key link to the conspiracy. Garcia, a presidential candidate for an ultra-right-wing party in the 1980s, told TIME he helped Rosenberg record the video in his office the week before the murder. "It's outrageous. There was never any coercion," Garcia says. "I even left the office while he was recording the video." Garcia says Rosenberg came to him for help and to appear on Garcia's radio show but changed his mind and decided to record the video. (Read a story about the turmoil in Guatemala in the 1980s.)

Nevertheless, Colom supporters have seized the conspiracy theory to defend the President. "We're here in support of our President and against these lies trying to bring him down," said Anita Lopez, 32, as she rallied in front of the presidential palace on Wednesday. Students of the left-leaning public university and indigenous Mayans joined her. Many said the government bused them to the city from the suburbs.

Steps away, thousands of protesters, including students from right-leaning private universities, marched in front of the presidential palace, carrying signs calling Colom an "assassin" and demanding his resignation. The competing protests are the most visible sign of a politically charged environment that has the potential to cause Colom to resign, Isaacs says. "This country has for so long been paralyzed by the pervasive violence and the potent mix of gangs and narcotraffickers," she says. "Now that paralysis has turned into rage. And if these demonstrations pick up momentum, they could have a snowball effect.""

McCain Calls Out "Extreme Talk Show Hosts"

legacy0100 says...

Much respect to this guy. Really.

Think about it, here is a guy surrounded by rampaging idiots that goes AGAINST his own beliefs, and yet he manages to coax the crowd of headless chickens to do his bidding. Hell,at one point he managed to become the presidential candidate representing the entire Republican Party, didn't he?

The man is a survivor. Just too damn good. I would force myself to have his baby if I were biologically enabled.

McCain Calls Out "Extreme Talk Show Hosts"

quantumushroom says...

Hey look, it's McCain! The Democrats' nominated presidential candidate for Republicans!

Obama won't need another terrorist "man-caused" attack to roll out his neo-marxist plans for "national service" and a "federal police force".

His increasing the national debt from 1 trillion to 3 trillion in 100 days? Now that's EXTREME!

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