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Muslim Student vs. Horowitz: Major Student FAIL

NordlichReiter says...

>> ^dystopianfuturetoday:

^I see a great reality show in this:
Fundamentalist Island: The Ultimate Grudge Match.
Radical Jews, Christians and Muslims battle for religious supremacy on a desert island, armed only with hatred and their bare hands. Last man standing gets to live on a religiously purified island... until he eventually dies alone of dehydration or scurvy, or gets run through by a wild boar or mauled by a polar bear.

Carlin would be proud....

Muslim Student vs. Horowitz: Major Student FAIL

dystopianfuturetoday says...

^I see a great reality show in this:

Fundamentalist Island: The Ultimate Grudge Match.

Radical Jews, Christians and Muslims battle for religious supremacy on a desert island, armed only with hatred and their bare hands. Last man standing gets to live on a religiously purified island... until he eventually dies alone of dehydration or scurvy, or gets run through by a wild boar or mauled by a polar bear.

Report From the Seal Slaughter - Spring 2010

saber2x says...

where the footage of a polar bear eating a seal alive and the dramatic music to make you hate the polar bear! All hunting is messy, just be glade your at the top of the food chain! I dont see people freaking out at fish markets, there is lots of heads being chopped off there.

Dog Rescued on Ice Floe 25 km from Land, Baltic Sea

Anteater Stands Its Ground

urstoopid (Member Profile)

gwiz665 says...

That dog won't hunt, monsignor.

In reply to this comment by urstoopid:
Typical liberal idiocy. They keep screaming "Look at the facts! Look at the ice! Look at the polar bears!" Yet they totally ignore the REAL FACTS. The "facts" are right there in the emails you f*$#ing idiots! THEY ARE ADMITTING TO LYING AND OMITTING DATA!!!! How stupid do you have to be??? Only complete dumba$$es such as yourselves can be told, the earth is going through a 10 year cooling period due to global warming!!! Only idiots and hypocrites can see all these "climatologists" going to Copenhagen in all their private jets and limos and still believe the earth is in danger! If you honestly believe carbon dioxide is the problem, go hold your breath as long as you can, or stop breathing!

In summation, you're a complete idiot and a jack@$$!

Insane Canadian

reiwan says...
Not polar bear (rawr) but polar bear (insane).

>> ^syncron:
>> ^Payback:
Warmer than the Polar Bear swims thousands of people do every New Years in the ocean. That fresh water is obviously just near 0C (32F), whereas the ocean can get much colder due to being salted.
Ironically, they're probably going to be much colder now that they're out of the water...

Difference is polar bears have waterproof fur, and we don't.

Insane Canadian

Insane Canadian

syncron says...

>> ^Payback:
Warmer than the Polar Bear swims thousands of people do every New Years in the ocean. That fresh water is obviously just near 0C (32F), whereas the ocean can get much colder due to being salted.
Ironically, they're probably going to be much colder now that they're out of the water...

Difference is polar bears have waterproof fur, and we don't.

Insane Canadian

Payback says...

Warmer than the Polar Bear swims thousands of people do every New Years in the ocean. That fresh water is obviously just near 0C (32F), whereas the ocean can get much colder due to being salted.

Ironically, they're probably going to be much colder now that they're out of the water...

Climategate: Dr. Tim Ball on the hacked CRU emails

MilkmanDan says...

>> ^dgandhi:
>> ^MilkmanDan: I just mean that the burden of proof needs to be on the AGW supporting people
That's birther logic.
Science is not about perfection, it's about the best available hypothesis. AGW opponents have not yet put forth models which work better than the models being used by supporters of AGW, therefor AGW is considered the consensus scientific opinion. None of these models are perfect, but we should still use the best ones, even if some folks don't like the implications.
How can you expect me to take these folks seriously, much less award them correctness by default, when Ball supports ,the trivially falsifiable, urban-concrete-island hypothesis for GW?

I disagree that it is "birther logic". Saying that Obama is not a US citizen is an extraordinary (extraordinarily stupid) claim. Those that would make the claim should expect to be required to prove it for us to take them seriously. Clearly they cannot.

The idea of Global Warming is not a particularly extraordinary claim in and of itself. Suggesting that most of the warming comes from human-caused CO2 emissions is more notable, and suggesting that unless we curtail those emissions we will cause catastrophic and irreparable harm to the global climate (sunburn, melted ice caps, dead polar bears, tornadoes, hurricanes, and broken ocean currents) is extraordinary. That doesn't necessarily mean it might not be true, but I don't think it is at all unreasonable to require clear objective evidence and some amount of proof that they understand the system well enough to account for present conditions based on past data, or even showing that they are capable of providing predictions of future conditions that actually pan out.


Throbbin says...

From now on I would like to be referred to as "The 5th Polar Bear of El Nino".

I like his logic - if you don't want an STD - don't use condoms.

Only 0.01% of Christians go to Heaven? He may have a point.

Polar Bear - Plane Stupid

Polar Bear - Plane Stupid

Raining Polar Bears

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