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John Cusack Talks about War, Inc. on Democracy Now

bcglorf says...

Just watched the movie, and it's just very hard to watch. It's like watching a parody that for the most part isn't funny. The portrayal of Cheney, Haliburton and Blackwater is all done well enough, but one scene just goes beyond satire to neither funny nor insightful and ruined the entire film for me.

At one point an 'American' gunship cuts down a crowd of 'Iraqi' refugees, and then 'American' soldiers walk through the dead and dying men, women and children shooting the survivors at point blank range. Just read that again if you haven't watched the film and try to picture it.

The world badly needs a film and strong voice to condemn the actions this administration has taken and the way the war has been conducted. This scene though, defies words. I honestly just sat there, speechless. For those unfamiliar, in the real Iraq, Saddam used helicopter gunships to recreate this scene from the movie, though he did one better by using poison gas as well. The only thing that prevented this from continuing was the unilateral American act of war enforcing a no-fly zone over Northern Iraq. In the real Iraq, today, those same Kurdish people victimized as depicted in the movie, fight alongside the American forces as their staunchest allies. A movie scene instead showing American forces ruthlessly murdering civilians in this context just left my jaw on the floor in shock for the remainder of the movie.

Police arrest Amy Goodman at RNC (what police state)

SDGundamX says...

>> ^joedirt:
You are a fool, "we do not live in a fascist police state and that freedom of speech is alive and well"
Freedom of assembly? blah blah.. something about grievances? Oh nevermind, because your white ass knows better. It's not like you've ever tried to march in the streets or even attend a protest. I mean things look fine to you from YouTube, so clearly all is well and good. Some day you will have one of these paramilitarized stormtroopers with their boot on your throat confiscating your computer in a preemptive raid because of your thoughtcrimes or FISA snooping, and I hope to God at that moment you realize how foolish your statements were.

First off, I live in San Francisco where we protest something just about every day. I've been to the war protests--never saw anybody getting arrested that didn't deserve it (ie started disrupting traffic by sitting in the street, etc.). So before you start talking smack about people you don't even know maybe you should just ask them a point blank question--like, have you ever been to a protest? I would have happily answered you without resorting to name calling.

Second off, you need to rein in your paranoia. You know how many people have been arrested at the RNC protests? Less than 300. You know how many people are protesting? Over 10,000. So I fail to see how your delusion of us living in a fascist country holds up. The vast majority of people who went to protest at the RNC got to get their message out peacefully.

Now, those 300 or so that have been arrested weren't just randomly targeted. The cops didn't just say, "Hey let's grab that guy." Those arrested were parts of crowds that were engaged in violent acts including the smashing of windows and the slashing of tires. That's not peaceful demonstration; that is by definition rioting.

Was everyone arrested guilty? No. Some asshat anarchists started it and obviously some people who just happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time got caught up in the sweep. The courts will view the evidence and decide who did what. I imagine most of the charges will be dropped--something that would not happen in your imaginary fascist state.

Look, you're entitled to your opinion. You think America is becoming a police state? Great. I think you have the right to voice your opinion. But if you're going to go out there and shout that the sky is falling and that we're all fools because we don't agree with you then you shouldn't be surprised that you're met with total apathy or downright hostility in return.

Code Pink protester Hit with Baton: BOOM HEADSHOT!

EDD says...

"Last night at approximately 7:30pm I was arrested as part of a mass arrest at 15th & Court and charged with disrupting a permitted assembly and blocking public streets. A third charge - throwing rocks and missiles - was listed on my pre-printed ticket, but then crossed out.

At the time I was not protesting. I was acting as an observer for the People's Law Project, and was dressed in a button shirt and a neon-green baseball cap stating that I was acting as a representative of the National Lawyers Guild. I followed the protestors out of Civic Center Park, but remained on the sidewalk until pushed by riot police into the street. At no time during the abortive march did any legal observer, or any marcher that I have spoken to, observe any destruction of property, any thrown objects, or ANY ORDER TO DISPERSE BY THE POLICE.

At some point during my visit to Gitmo on the Platte, the compact flash card I had been carrying that contained photographic documentation of the protest disappeared. This included pictures of the badges of some of the officers involved, images of a marcher OBEYING police orders being shot with pepper spray point-blank in the eyes while trying to retreat (when I was hauled away he was sitting with a street medic, and I could hear him sobbing again and again, "I can't see..."), and photographs of a second protestor who was shot three times by what appeared to be three separate officers with bean-bag guns while KNEELING, motionless, 15 FEET AWAY, hands outstretched as if in prayer, and wearing nothing but a pair of POCKETLESS shorts."

-Nathan Acks' experience. Read full story here.

Kreegath (Member Profile)

Shepppard says...

Ah, yeah I get your point. Well, who knows, it's coming out soon and we can always hope to be pleasantly surprised with what they did to him.

In reply to this comment by Kreegath:
I'm not saying either Joker hasn't done bad things, that's really what they do for a living, being comic book badguys and all. However, that a villain has done bad things doesn't necessarily make their persona characteristics dark, emo goth with a sad undertone.
That's where my problem with this trailer lies, just like with most of these hero movies as of late. They don't bother to enhance or subdue the established characteristics and/or personality traits of the villains/heroes, they simply change them altogether to fit in the darker, brooding mold that seems to be so popular nowadays.
What I am saying is that based on that preview, the Joker they portray seems no different from any other villain depicted in major film releases the last couple of years. Basically, and this is again only based on what's seen in that trailer, the two things noticable that sets aside him as the Joker from Mr. Generic is the trademark face paint (although a butchered paint job in this case, as I speculated they were probably forced to add it to make it clearer that it in fact is the Joker) aswell as his name. That in no way means I'm advocating they make the Joker exactly the same in every movie, but if they're going to use the Joker the least they could do is use the Joker and not some (un)original character extremely loosely based on the Joker.

In reply to this comment by Shepppard:
..the dark emo side of the joker? You DO know the joker is a complete homocidal maniac, he blew up one of the Robins AND his mother, and crippled barbara gordon (Batgirl) by showing up to her house, knocking on the door, waiting til she answered and shot her point blank, with a smile on his face the entire time.

There really isn't a villian that GETS more dark then the joker..

Joker vs Joker (Jack Nicholson vs Heath Ledger)

Shepppard says...

>> ^Kreegath:
Don't like the new Joker at all.
Just like with everything else nowadays they just had to make him more emo goth dark, completely detached from all other incarnations of the Joker. Kind of sad to see him reduced to a generic, misunderstood, dark villain with a sad, troubled past. Probably kept the name solely for name recognition's sake, which led to them being forced to add the face paint. By the look of it, however, it's clear the instructions on how to apply said face paint wasn't specific enough.
Then again, this video might not accurately portray the Joker of the new movie. Or, I'm simply not the target audience.

..the dark emo side of the joker? You DO know the joker is a complete homocidal maniac, he blew up one of the Robins AND his mother, and crippled barbara gordon (Batgirl) by showing up to her house, knocking on the door, waiting til she answered and shot her point blank, with a smile on his face the entire time.

There really isn't a villian that GETS more dark then the joker..

bamdrew (Member Profile)

quantumushroom says...

Why I would never vote for Barack Obama (or Hillary)

1. Gun grabber. Any government official who thinks the people cannot be trusted with a firearms cannot be trusted with government power. I'm appalled a Constitutional lawyer wouldn't recognize the 2nd Amendment.

2. Anti-capitalist. When explained point blank that lowering/keeping capital gains tax low brings more revenue to government, he dismissed it outright.

3. Close alliance with anti-Semitic, anti-White pastor and former Weathermen terrorists. Yes, you will be judged by the company you keep.

4. the lack of experience he brings to the job

Doesn't have a distinguished record (could be argued he's too new) and the guy can't even go one-on-one in a debate with is he supposed to deal with nutjobs like Ahmadinejad? Will not reveal his plans for the military, budgetary or otherwise.

5. Gives good speeches that fall short on substance and specifics. The "impartial" mainstream media has let this guy have a free pass and will continue to do so. Also, he seems to take offense when pressured to answer difficult or unpopular questions. That's the opposite of transparency.

I don't think socialized medicine is a good idea, but for those who do, what specifics has he laid out already to achieve his stated goals?

I wouldn't think you'd be incredibly supportive of McCain as candidate, are you? I thought McCain would be okay until his last year and a half of pandering, dumbing down his message and watering down his ideals to get the anti-liberal side of the conservative party onboard.

No, I'm not supportive of McLame, and the proof is, the only way I'd vote for him is if the other guys ran Barack or Hillary against him.

I know why Barack is popular, he appeals to the imagination and engages emotions (just like religion does). But from my POV, the people looking to him for salvation are reacting to a (not) surprisingly false and negative presentation of reality, courtesy of the monolithic media (no, not Fox).

In reply to this comment by bamdrew:
Basics of why I'm voting for Barack Obama.

1. he's an grounded idealist; identifies goals and outlines realistic paths to achieving them in the ridiculous environment of Washington D.C.
-(maximize transparency in federal government! have all parties (including health care providers) involved while moving in stages to universal healthcare! get out of Iraq by pressuring their government to make hard decisions! increase community service with college scholarships! etc.)

2. the experience he brings to the job
-(Constitutional Law professor from a middle-lower class family, raised by single mom and grandparents, attracted to community service literally through the joy of helping others, history of reaching across the aisle and not only respecting but understanding opposing views, etc.)

3. is not a "good" politician; refuses to bullshit for votes
-(treats American citizens like intelligent people, doesn't change his message to suit the audience, directly challenges parties to understand one another and find compromise, etc.etc.etc.)

I wouldn't think you'd be incredibly supportive of McCain as candidate, are you? I thought McCain would be okay until his last year and a half of pandering, dumbing down his message and watering down his ideals to get the anti-liberal side of the conservative party onboard.

Actually I still think Obama as Pres/McCain as Vice would be cool, as long as nothing happened to Obama.

In reply to this comment by quantumushroom:
America can take all the criticism dopes like Dan can churn out and a whole lot more. It's just when these empty shirts (or in this case, hoodies) are called on their bullsh*t by presentations of facts, they backpedal while throwing out the same old, same old: "America bad. Life unfair. Racism."

How about some new material? This poor-me victim crap is plenty stale. Last time I checked, Whites were paying the same $4-a-gallon for gas as everyone else.

Nowhere on earth have Whites done so much for a Black minority than America, spending over a trillion dollars in 50 years on what amounts to 13% of the population. How about a little gratitude? Just a little? They're still practicing slavery in North Africa and tribes (Hutus/Tutsis) are still pointlessly killing each other over there; any White colonial remnants left decades ago, can't blame them.

Voting for Obama and his odious doof of a pastor? As long as you're not doing so out of White guilt or Black entitlement...and if not those what do you got? O-Bam's "principles" are socialist, ultra-left-wing to the left of Ted Stumblebum Kennedy. There's nothing else there in the way of plans or leadership, except to raise taxes. I don't think I'm being unfair here, if you know something I don't about Obama's experience and quals, do tell.

The White House is the absolute last reward anyone should receive for having a victim mentality.

TF2: How to play the Scout (Part 1)

Crosswords says...

Some of the people he demonstrated against seemed to be less than competent players, but good stuff nonetheless. I've got great movement with a scout, unfortunately I can't aim with poop with them. I think I'm fooled by my own erratic movement.

My favorite class is pyro, and scouts are indeed annoying. Generally they're pretty hard pressed to get in close to me without getting a taste of flame, and as soon they're out of range you gotta pull out the shottie. Even if its not enough to kill them, you'll certainly send them running for a medic or medkit and out of your hair. Still one or two point blank scatter shots can end your day pretty quick.

Benny Urquidez vs Katsuyuki Suzuki (Aug 1977)

Ninja Assassinations - Shogun Total War

Krupo says...

LOL, it's a British developer's dark take on *Asian *actionpacks. Awesome. Oh dude, the poison on a string thing totally happened in Grosse Point Blank. Sort of.

BoneyD, what are you talking about? They were totally in Medieval Total War 2! Oh man, if you haven't played it, get it NOW!

Same style & *dark humour too.

Autism and the game Second Life

CaptWillard says...

My cousin has been diagnosed with Asperger Syndrome, which as stated in the video is a high-functioning form of autism. In other words, they don't seem that much different than you or me, but yet they are.

My cousin is an extremely smart little kid, and can be really funny too once you get to know him. He loves computers, building toys, and his pet rats. But he has trouble with his peers, because he generally doesn't know how to properly interact with them. Basically he has trouble making friends. Because of this he often feels sad and lonely, and it hurts me to see him this way. Recently he's been getting in trouble at school because he's learned a way to get his classmates to laugh at his jokes: By using dirty words. I mean REALLY dirty words and phrases. He's gotten into a lot of trouble because of this, and so he finally seems to have gotten the message to stop doing it. But at the same time he's really sad because now his peers aren't paying attention to him anymore. He even told me point blank after a bad day at school (because of his peers): "I want to fit in, but I don't know how to!"

I mention all this for a reason, because I can see both sides of the story presented in the video. We need to allow autistic people to be themselves, but at the same time we do need to recognize that there should be programs to help autistic people function in our society. I understand what that autistic girl in the video is saying, but at the same time she should realize that if we didn't give a hand to people like her then she wouldn't be able to live the way she is, because unless her parents are wealthy I'm sure she is receiving some form of government assistance. I say that because I doubt she is employable anywhere.

My cousin needs help because of Asperger Syndrome. Not as much as that girl in the video or other autistic people, but he still needs help. Therefore if calling it a "disability" instead of "differently abled" will get him the help he needs to grow to become a happy, functional member of society, then so be it.

Let's not get hung up on words. Let's do the best we can for each other, that's all.


Once Again, Dragon Skin out Performs

How to do the shortest interview with John Cusack ever

How to do the shortest interview with John Cusack ever

Grosse Point Blank Ultimart Shootout

Raytrace says...

Grosse Point Blank trivia from wikipedia:
The movie features a Doom II arcade machine, a prop made for the movie. Doom was never made into an arcade video game. Also, the game is shown to jump between cuts through multiple levels.

Man dies in custody. Tasered 5 times in 43 seconds

lucky760 says...

I believe that this does not fall within the scope of snuff according to the site's definition because it is similar to a video I can't locate in which an officer in a subway station shoots an unarmed man in the head at point blank range.

That was allowed to stay because it was a lengthy controversial film of news-worthy events surrounding the death and was clearly attempting to educate as many people as possible about them.

This video is very similar in purpose and is not merely a short, "fun" clip of a man losing his life. It is for this reason that I will *return.

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