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Robert Reich Defines Free Speech (hint: it's not money)

Police Infiltrators and Provocateurs Caught On Tape

Xaielao says...

A few years ago I would have been appalled that the police would infiltrate a movement to incite violence or re-direct them. It's un-American.

Today, I expect it. Because as I keep saying. The police are the front line of the Plutocracy.

I Am Not Moving - Occupy Wall Street

enoch says...

>> ^Winstonfield_Pennypacker:

M'eh - I'll say it again. The OWS guys are angry at the wrong target. They are like a guy who blames his apartment's supervisor for the policies of his landlord.
As I am the most brilliant person I know, I'll just quote myself...
"The FED jacked around the rates. The FED changed Glass-Steagall. The FED told banks they would back ARMs. So in the year 2000, some doofus who earned only 30K a year could walk into a bank to find a literal smorgasboard of million dollar loans he legally qualified which would have laughed him out of the bank in 1995.
Some banks acted conservatively in the bubble and many others chose to do the risky (but still legal) loans. Just like how there were borrowers who behaved conservatively during the bubble, and others who took the risky (but legal) option. The problem was that the number of conservative players was a lot smaller than the risk-takers.
The banks were stupid to take so many risks. People were stupid to take out so many loans. But it was GOVERNMENT that engineered the whole mess. They are the primary offender in this picture. The Federal Government. If government had not interfered in the market, then the whole mess would never have happened."
Cain hit the nail on the head when he said the protesters should be at the White House. The problem is that the OWS crowd is primarily composed of a bunch of fringe, left-wing dupes and they only go where their prog-lib pipers order them to go.

LOL..awesome. are being serious?
check your facts brother.
who "owns" the FED?
ill give ya a aint the federal government.
and look into WHO lobbied for class steagal to be recinded/revised.

i find it interesting how tea party folks say that OWS is angry at the wrong people.that they should be angry at the government.
i can agree with that part.
but to ignore the massive influence,corruption and outright theft of our political system by the corporate elite is JUST as naive.
for 30 years both have built a relationship that has become so entwined and entrenched that BOTH need a serious enema.
a plutocracy that has become a machine that enables each other to perpetuate the status quo.

the tea partiers,the original tea party,not the corporate sponsored koch brother bullshit machine,and OWS are both correct in their anger.
wall street for their BLATANT disregard for the law and outright LIES and FRAUD which has been swept under the rug by a government THEY (meaning wall street) PAID for.

the tea party should head down to every occupy protest,join hands with those folks and REALLY start making the whores we call "politicians" start peeing their pants.
because NOTHING gets a government,crown,leader or grand poo-ba crapping himself than a few thousand really pissed of citizens.

but that aint gonna happen because my country still has a majority of retards who buy in to the whole "rightwing nutbag","neo-lib socialist"..blah blah blah.

bullshit fed to the masses in an easy to swallow diatribe broadcast on a media that was bought by the very people fucking you in the ass for 3 decades.

americas propaganda machine is by far one of the most effective.
/rant off

Shocking Police Behaviour OccupyMELBOURNE!

I Am Not Moving - Occupy Wall Street

NetRunner says...

@ghark there's a lot of what you're saying that I agree with, but still you've got this false equivalency thing going. Democrats are not winning the fight against corporate plutocracy. That is not the same thing as fighting for corporate plutocracy.

Equating the two doesn't help you get anywhere in changing the political landscape, it just has the effect of demoralizing people sympathetic to your cause, and getting them to drop out of the political process entirely.

Now one can hypothesize that the Democrats aren't winning because they're taking a dive. But that flies in the face of the facts. They passed HCR, bank regulation, repeal of DADT, etc. You seem to be buying into the line that HCR is some victory for the corporations, or that Dodd-Frank made the banks stronger, and that nobody at all in Washington is doing anything worth praising. That's just not true. Those are right-wing talking points. That's what Republicans want people to believe.

I agree that you shouldn't think that voting for Democrats means you can sit back, and they'll just fix everything for you. No, if you want to really make some sweeping changes, you need to form a broad-based political movement that changes the minds and mood of the public. You need a movement that keeps Democrats on the straight and narrow, and puts pressure on Republicans to mend their ways.

I hope Occupy Wall Street will be that kind of movement. I certainly think they've had a positive effect so far.

I Am Not Moving - Occupy Wall Street

I Am Not Moving - Occupy Wall Street

I Am Not Moving - Occupy Wall Street

Who is Paul Krugman in Ayn Rand fiction?

enoch says...

while i admire and even agree with many libertarian points i cannot fathom their admiration of ayn rand.
her mentally stunted and intellectually vapid philosophy is more akin to sociopathy than anything that even remotely resembles true human nature.
and dont get me started on her writings.
excrement has a better appeal.

and is luskin un-aware of the term "plutocracy"?
maybe he should lay off the rand books.they seem to be dumbing him down.

Los Angeles is turning a new leaf (Blog Entry by blankfist)

dystopianfuturetoday says...

The problem with market libertarianism is that it is "liberty" only from a wealthy person's perspective. Unregulated markets do nothing to guard against chattel or wage slavery, labor abuse, environmental destruction, violence or other kinds of exploitation. The libertarian defense to this is usually 'if you work hard enough, you too can be rich', but this argument quickly falls apart when you ask yourself "well, if everyone works hard enough, can everyone be rich?" Of course not. It's a pie in the sky. The other defense is that 'the magic hand will make everything right', which, to me, is indistinguishable from religious faith.

Market libertarianism is the best attempt yet at a moral justification for plutocracy. This is why you see plutocrats like the Koch brothers and the Scaife Foundation spending so much money promoting libertarianism. Though these are generally dishonest people, I don't think they are dishonest in their support of market libertarianism, I think they are true believers every bit as much as you or blankfist.

However, if you look at places like Chad and Somalia that have free market principals in place (small governments, little regulation and low taxes), the quality of life is very low.

In places with stronger social democracies like Belgium, Canada, Sweden, Denmark, the UK (among others) you see happier, healthier people and far less suffering, poverty and unemployment.

If you looked a little deeper past the ego stroking rhetoric about 'individualism' and 'meritocracy' you will see there is no substance to market libertarianism. It's a racket used to sucker citizens into freely giving away democratic power.

I agree that right-libertarians are the most intellectual (and arguably the most pure) type of conservative. Still, these people are generally anti science and anti academia, so (IMO) I don't think they've earned the right to justify that title just yet.

@chilaxe I challenge you to be more critical with your politics; to question what you've been taught, who taught it to you, and what these people stand to gain from your support?

Russia Today (RT) "reports" on 6/4/11 Flash Mob

Whitest Kids U Know: American Pledge of Allegiance

dystopianfuturetoday says...

The Pledge of Allegiance (Literal Version)

I Pledge Allegiance to the flag of the United States of America,
and to the military plutocracy for which it stands,
one Nation, divisible, with liberty and justice for few.

President Obama's Statement on Osama bin Laden's Death

quantumushroom says...

It's easy to scoff at other human's rights when you're in the majority that decides the value affixed to those rights. But what if you weren't?

Whites are already minorities, both by corruption and deliberately erasing American principles and history. Or didn't you notice that Whites are exempt from equal protection under the law ("hate crimes") when the assailant(s) are Black? Either everyone has the same rights or no one has any rights. And right now, you know as well as I do if you utter anything a minority finds offensive in 'polite' company--including demonstrable facts--our vicious, retarded 'multi-cultural' society-keepers will escort you to the street. And really, what is a "minority" anyway? Women outnumber men and yet the former remains a minority. Whites are already minorities in California. There is no "reverse affirmative action" there.

Let me put it in a way that might pique your sensibilities. It's only a matter of time before white people are no longer the majority in the US. I'm just assuming you're white, by the way. So, let's say Latinos and Hispanics make up the majority vote in ten years or so: let's say it's the year 2022.

And let's say they think you should pay trillions in foreign aid for South America and Mexico, and so they vote that as national policy. And let's say they think the US should protect interests in that region, so they send a lot of the poor, disenfranchised whites (who in this version of the future now make up the majority of the military) to be international defense for places like Mexico and Guatemala and Brasil and so on.

And they start to talk how they're the indigenous people of the Americas, and white people are just trespassers who staked their claim via conquest and war.

This is a retarded argument; I know you didn't create it, but yeah, it's out there, and "they" will believe anything as "they" have never been taught differently. These "clever" lefties who claim Whites were trespassers in primitive centuries the world over is ridiculous. Back then there were no unified nations with solid borders, language and culture in the New World to invade, just warring Indian "nations". They forget that England and France, countries filled with White guys--were at war with each other for centuries. And let's not forget all the Asian nations, each one a cultural gem...that wants all other Asian peoples destroyed. The Chinese and Japanese are mortal enemies, and neither likes Koreans.

Within years, you and your family are deported to Denmark - that is if any of you survived the civil war. And what if you lose the right to protest, or vote, or the right of Habeas Corpus? Who will stand up for you? Those already oppressed who were once in the majority? Or would you want some Libertarian-Latino to recognize your rights because you are a living, breathing human being?

If Mexican and African minorities are the future for America, I don't expect any respect of Whites' rights, or right to exist, just like now. There's a whole poor-me victimization industry out there. They create enemies (and excuses) out of whole cloth.

If you want a glimpse of America's fucked-up future, look at Mexico. Mexicans are fine people and Mexican immigrants who assimilate have enriched America, yet somehow their original cultural model in Mexico is simply fucked, an entire nation with enormous natural resources yet run by kleptocrats and drug lords. Anyone concerned with American 'plutocracy' should view the shit going on down yonder.

You sort-of asked but I'm telling you--all of you--anyway. When the White American population falls below 50%, it's Game Over for American principles. America in 2050 will be an even bigger parody of what it is now. Detroit is the future of America. Brokeass idiot California is the future of America. Americans all over are voting with their feet right now. They're leaving liberal meccas and moving to business-friendly states with low taxes (don't expect to hear anything about it on CNN or MS-DNC). But it can't last. Soon there'll be nowhere to run.

I've already made peace with the idea that there will be a civil war, hopefully States against the federal leviathan. And I fully expect DC to turn a war of principles into a racial thang to save its ugly ass.

This isn't about racial "superiority" in the slightest, but if you'll direct your attention to the screen, which races have invented the most advanced tech, including the best kinds of government (so far)? Don't answer that, you'll just be nailed to the cross of tolerance.

I'm Jewish (by blood, not faith) so I figure I'm screwed anyway. I guess I can scooch to Israel. Observe that many of the new kickass technologies were invented by Israelis, while Silicon Valley is stuck holding its dick with eco-green bullshit. "Next year in Jerusalem!" Nice and peaceful over there.

Really, I don't overly give a shit any more. The wrong people now control schools that shouldn't even exist, so the generations coming up are ignorami. The wrong peeps run most of the media and entertainment that arguably appeal to the worst sides of humanity. Freedom is hard work. Who wants that?

Getting angry at me for telling the truth will just waste your time. I already know how you FEEL. Those loudly announcing that neurosurgeons and witch doctors are cultural equals in the name of multicultural tolerance now run the show. And when the show ends they quietly go see the neurosurgeon.

Libertarian ethos ain't gonna save us. Neither will socialism. Mayhap it would be better if the world ended next year.

>> ^blankfist:

>> ^quantumushroom:
You can't hold a trial for a vermin who declares war on an entire society, hell, an entire civilization. It's as moronic as trying to "understand"--in the moment--the socio-cultural-economic motives of someone trying to kill you in an alley.
All we had to do was threaten to level mecca and the 'good' muslims would've turned his raggedy ass in by September 13th, 2001.
War works.

Of course we can hold trial for someone who declares war on entire societies. Yes, very much so. We can hold trial, or at least attempt to hold trial, for anyone. And we should.
It's easy to scoff at other human's rights when you're in the majority that decides the value affixed to those rights. But what if you weren't?
Let me put it in a way that might pique your sensibilities. It's only a matter of time before white people are no longer the majority in the US. I'm just assuming you're white, by the way. So, let's say Latinos and Hispanics make up the majority vote in ten years or so: let's say it's the year 2022.
And let's say they think you should pay trillions in foreign aid for South America and Mexico, and so they vote that as national policy. And let's say they think the US should protect interests in that region, so they send a lot of the poor, disenfranchised whites (who in this version of the future now make up the majority of the military) to be international defense for places like Mexico and Guatemala and Brasil and so on.
And they start to talk how they're the indigenous people of the Americas, and white people are just trespassers who staked their claim via conquest and war. Within years, you and your family are deported to Denmark - that is if any of you survived the civil war. And what if you lose the right to protest, or vote, or the right of Habeas Corpus? Who will stand up for you? Those already oppressed who were once in the majority? Or would you want some Libertarian-Latino to recognize your rights because you are a living, breathing human being?

President Obama's Statement on Osama bin Laden's Death

quantumushroom says...

Personally I'm against killing, but if anyone needed to be killed...

He'll be a martyr! This will just make more bin ladens!

The USA trained him so it's our fault.

LISTEN sheeple, I've been living on earth for some time now, and I tell you this: The GAME is RIGGED!

Oh great, more fascism!

Of course he's dead, the plutocracy had no more need of him.

With bin laden gone, we can finally get rid of the DMV.

We are monsters. We killed a man without a fair trial, not even a Judge Judy trial.

How many licks does it take to get to the center of the conspiracy? The world may never know.

I'm just GLAD he's DAID!

Black Comedian/Cultural Critic Responds to Trump's Racism

therealblankman says...

>> ^ghark:

Hate to break it to this guy, but the president doesn't deserve his respect, and he's also half white, with German roots. As far as this getting so much attention, it's simple, just stop watching the mainstream media (or at least taking it seriously), the mainstream media != the opinion of the thinking public, I think Trump is as much of a douchebag as most other people do, however he has a right to free speech. The problem here is not to do with race, it's do do with a class struggle, and the irony is that Obama is on Trumps side of the struggle, this is all just a circus act to make it appear there is differentiation between the two parties in your 'great' plutocracy.
If Obama genuinely wanted to avoid all this, he would have released his birth certificate when the fracas first started, however he did not, so his motives should be questioned.
I do agree with what Buzz said however, stupidity does have repercusions, and the speech was eloquent, so gets my upvote, I just wish the speaker was less black (kidding).

I don't know who you are, nor where you stand on many other important issues, but I find your assertions to be completely unsupportable. That said,our resident racist quantummushroom is on your side, so congratulations on that achievement.

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