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Cassie - Next Generation Robot

yellowc says...

Can these people stop kicking these robots when they want to test stability? I mean how archival abuse footage do you want to give the propaganda machines when they start the uprising for robot kind?

Just like nudge them with a soft pillow with a smiley face on it or something.

Noam Chomsky - Who rules the world now?

poolcleaner says...

Hey ma, look at the guy that thinks smart people talking is boring. Could you imagine if this mammal tried to pick up a book and actually read it? It would become the equivalent of a pillow -- snore and drool included (yours).

Fausticle said:

The human equivalent of chloroform.

If I have trouble sleeping I can always listen to him talk for 2 minutes and I'm out.

He sounds like a frog overdosing on heroin.

Cat vs. ham

Judge Nap: Leaks Could Trigger 'Saturday Night Massacre'

newtboy says...

So wait...she's in trouble for not turning over an email and instead deleting it, but somehow Faux News and no one else has this email? Uh huh.....

I'll believe it when the DOJ says publicly that's what they're charging her with, not when Napolitano claims it...remember, he's the one that said he was CERTAIN that Alito was assassinated with a pillow.

IF, and it's a HUGE "if", this is true, it's terrible for her, but judging the story based on the source, it's highly likely (>95%) that this is in no way true and is nothing more than more Fox manufactured conspiracy fodder.

This needs a *lies , because it's more than likely that it's all Fox lies, but if not, then it's about her lies, so either way.

Don't go to sleep with chocolate next to Kate Beckinsale

nanrod says...

I know I wouldn't care and I'm pretty sure I'd let my ex know all about it. But you don't need a practical joker for this. On a family cruise to Mexico they left a new chocolate on your pillow every night and if, like my sister you go to bed very late and very drunk and don't notice the chocolate, then somebody might end up with an incriminating photo of your bed sheets to taunt you with for the rest of your life.

Mordhaus said:

Pretty sure I wouldn't care about chocolate if I was sleeping next to Kate Beckinsale. Umm, don't mention that to my wife.

Funny Husky Does Not Want To Get Out Of Bed

Actual Sexts to a young woman. Set to music.

newtboy says...

Well, I would HOPE there were some women instigating or contributing to this, but like I said, not all. Maybe <25%? I don't mean to indicate there's not a problem, just noting that it's not ALWAYS a problem.
Unsolicited disgusting sexual talk is completely different from dirty pillow talk between consenting adults. If you're going to speak this way to a woman (or a man) you should be fairly certain beforehand that they're into it, because most people aren't, and even those that are into it don't like it to just come out of the blue...usually.

It sucks that some random people think this kind of thing is OK to say to strangers, that's just nuts.

bareboards2 said:

I wouldn't be so sure.

I have been appalled by the unsolicited sexual talk I have gotten on the internet. Nothing like this, but still, unsolicited and unwelcome.

The number of times I have typed something like -- you wouldn't say that to me if we were face to face -- well, more than enough, let me tell you.

Believe me, I did nothing to prompt it. I was just a woman.

Actual Sexts to a young woman. Set to music.

newtboy says...

Well, I say there's nothing wrong with watching gonzo porn in itself, unless you are so dumb you think that's how one should act in real life.
There's also nothing wrong with saying disgusting sexual things to your partner...if they're into it and in the heat of the moment, but not in regular everyday conversation, not even when trying to set up a booty call IMO.
The thing here is they omitted what the women were saying to the men to illicit those 'sexts'. I'm sure there were some that were egging the men on with similarly disgusting 'pillow talk', not all, but likely some. Being crude is not gender specific.

enoch said:

and stop watching gonzo porn.
jesus H christ that was horrible.
if i ever caught my boys texting that narcissistic drivel,i would shove their phones so far up their ass that they would have to have it surgically removed.

Everything You Need To Know About Anal

eric3579 says...

When it comes to anal pillow talk this is a must see.

How to quiet a crying newborn

Bruce Springsteen and Tom Morello - The Ghost of Tom Joad

eric3579 says...

Men walkin' 'long the railroad tracks
Goin' someplace there's no goin' back
Highway patrol choppers comin' up over the ridge

Hot soup on a campfire under the bridge
Shelter line stretchin' 'round the corner
Welcome to the new world order
Families sleepin' in their cars in the Southwest
No home no job no peace no rest

The highway is alive tonight
But nobody's kiddin' nobody about where it goes
I'm sittin' down here in the campfire light
Searchin' for the ghost of Tom Joad

He pulls a prayer book out of his sleeping bag
Preacher lights up a butt and takes a drag
Waitin' for when the last shall be first and the first shall be last
In a cardboard box 'neath the underpass
Got a one-way ticket to the promised land
You got a hole in your belly and gun in your hand
Sleeping on a pillow of solid rock
Bathin' in the city aqueduct

The highway is alive tonight
Where it's headed everybody knows
I'm sittin' down here in the campfire light
Waitin' on the ghost of Tom Joad

Now Tom said "Mom, wherever there's a cop beatin' a guy
Wherever a hungry newborn baby cries
Where there's a fight 'gainst the blood and hatred in the air
Look for me Mom I'll be there
Wherever there's somebody fightin' for a place to stand
Or decent job or a helpin' hand
Wherever somebody's strugglin' to be free
Look in their eyes Mom you'll see me."

Well the highway is alive tonight
But nobody's kiddin' nobody about where it goes
I'm sittin' down here in the campfire light
With the ghost of old Tom Joad

Can I Get a Fish Sandwich?

eric3579 says...

Beared is dyed orange for something about 'Wear something Orange today to support the 10,000 Marylanders with MS!'.

Product placment is pretty suspicious. Is that a pillow or a bag? He also mentions McD's in another report

Although the attention gained may be a tiny bit offset by McDs trying to get away from obesity and poor health food image. Jimmy does not look like the peek of health and fitness. Its easy to infer his McDs diet is a contributing factor. Although im sure the publicity he gives them far out ways this.

Sagemind said:

Is this real, or just a viral video produced by McDonalds?
The big McDonald's sign in the back seat makes me suspect...

Edit: And why is his beard dyed orange?

All Aboard The Beer Train!

dannym3141 says...

First Leslie Nielsen award of 2015 goes to you.

Seems like a great idea and great fun until you get shards of glass into the anus.. i'd be taking a 1/4 inch thick board fitting to the crate to sit on rather than a pillow. But then it really would be fun.

Bruti79 said:

You may want to wait a few minutes before cracking one of those open. =)

Last Week Tonight with John Oliver: Student Debt

Lawdeedaw says...

You ask where to start? It is obvious that was not rhetorical in any way shape or form because your argument was poorly put together from the beginning.

"The total bill due in AMERICA tops 1 trillion." Then, "That's right, student debt in AMERICA..." There is even a reference to an AMERICAN President, and everything else about this video was about America. We see a reoccurring theme here newt?

So follows the logic that since this discourse is focused solely on American schools, then we are all talking about American schools. No other assumption is logical. My comment, with that prefacing in mind, is obviously intended for American schools. Yeah, take it out of context and I look like an idiot, but with the context I am not the one that looks stupid.

Let me give you another example. Say we are talking about gay rights in America and I just generalize the concept of gay rights after an intense discussion about just that. You could argue that since gay rights in tribal, African countries are different then I am stupid, but don’t be such a stickler for pathetic red herrings.

Second, the problems facing the poor are tragic. It is WELL DOCUMENTED; however, that poor children have lower grades. Why? Because it's hard to think on an empty stomach. In other words, it's hard to care about what the fuck is on the chalkboard when you have to worry about where you are going to get food at or hell, if you will have a roof over your head. This fact is not insulting, as you clearly say it is, this is reality. A sad, tragic reality that few in America have the balls to have a real discourse on. We trivialize it behind a false veneer. We make it seem like the poor try so hard and care so much but that if only we helped them a little more they could succeed. No, we have to help them a LOT more.

I think all colleges should be paid for by the government. I think books and research materials should be free. I think we can do a lot more than what we currently do.

Lastly, one student in my current class is obviously lacking in education and more so obvious does not care. She is a mother of three children, one of which is disabled. I can see why she just wants the degree and I don't judge her. You, on the other hand, do unintentionally judge this woman, newt. You insult her by suggesting her lack of educational pursuance is rare to the poor and that she must be failing that pursuit because of a lack of drive. She cannot care about bettering her leisurely time newt, period.

Do you think I gave a fuck about learning, just for education’s sake when my brothers beat me, threw me down the stairs, choked me, humiliated me, and shoved a pillow over my face at night? Or when they punched my skull into concrete and beat my dog? You insult the hell out of me—as though I SHOULD have cared when I just tried to survive. As though I failed to care and that made me a failure. The poor should not care—they should survive. We should all help them care.

newtboy said:

Where to start, Lawdeedaw?
First, your comment was not limited to American colleges, so your admonition to @bareboards2 is a misstep.
Second, I must guess from the grammar and your estimations that you were visiting these colleges, not enrolled, because my experience was far different. I was a struggling full time, minimum wager earner while I went to college on my own dime for YEARS, because I wanted to learn things, not for a 'degree' to get a good paying career. I knew many others there that may have hoped to better their earning potential, but also wanted to better themselves, and so took many elective classes that didn't further an academic career, as did I. I also knew some of those at Stanford, but fewer.
EDIT:The poor not caring about education is not only wrong, it's extremely insulting. Because attaining good education is more difficult does not make it less important to them, in fact it's likely MORE important, and many sacrifice to a degree inconceivable to the 'rich' to educate themselves and their children.
And not all Americans are overt consumerists ruled by their base emotions and without any self control. Many are, but not all by a long shot.

Things You Can Do with a Pillowcase

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