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BSR (Member Profile)

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Um....are you really that ignorant and delusional? Oops, forgot who I was addressing....sorry. (I hadn't noticed you flatly denied he has a speech impediment)

Lol. At least he can give a speech with complete sentences and thoughts and without pooping his diaper. Trump can't, just watch his my pillow speech from Saturday when he slurred and mumbled his way through more whining and sour grapes about losing the decrepit he was unable to open his eyes the entire rambling seated speech (maybe involuntarily closed due to rancid full diaper stench), or the pictures from his recent New York trip where he looks on deaths door, pale, frazzled, and exhausted, without his taxpayer funded makeup team he looks like Palpatine after a fight...and you still think obese, dementia riddled diaper Don has it in him to be president. He never did, that's why he spent 1/3 of every day watching tv, and 1/3 of every day frantically rage tweeting nonsense, and astonishingly a full 22%, 308 days of his single term playing golf at tax payers expense and his profit, leaving 11%+- of his time in office for governing, family time, travel, and sleeping combined. He doesn't have it in him to do any physical activity more strenuous than cheating badly at golf while using a cart to go 30 ft., even on the green. Biden runs and bikes long distances constantly, and isn't obese or dementia riddled.

Don is a worn out old con man who should be gripping his soap with all his might in the prison shower....and who may be doing that soon for the rest of his life. Lmfahs!
Also, when Trump eats cookies with his grandchild, he's also having cookies with his child. They're the same person.

bobknight33 said:

I never said or went after Biden for having a speech impediment. He doesn't

He is just too old and worn out and doesn't have it in him to be to POTUS.

Trump has given more speech than Biden since Biden been POTUS.

Joe is a worn out old man what should be home eating cookies with grand kids.

Rudy Giuliani’s Doing MyPillow Ads Now

The Watermelon Joke That Saved Me After I Got Pulled Over

noims says...

@StukaFox, funnily enough today I was thinking of a joke I used to tell back in the day. I couldn't find just now in a 2 minute search making it less likely you've heard it before, so I'll write out a quick version. It's not the funniest or the dirtiest, but it's fun to tell.

So a guy's looking to kill himself and fortuitously comes across a sign saying 'for an interesting death enquire within.' This being a joke he decides he has to give it a go.

Inside is an absolutely huuuuge naked woman. She first instructs him to put his belt on her. He struggles, but eventually manages. "Now," she says "pull it tighter until I'm thin." With every ounce of strength and leverage he can muster he gets the belt to the last notch. Struggling for breath she says "Now eat my pussy". He's starting to suspect a scam, but he goes for it anyway. "Harder!" she gasps, grinding against him. He pushes back against her as hard as he can. "harder! HARDER!" He's pushing so hard he's struggling to breathe. He suspects she's just trying to smother him with her pussy when he feels her starting to orgasm. He pushes harder still. Her muscles tense and pulse until suddenly the belt can't take it any more - POP! Ssccchhhhlllup! And he was never seen again.


Bonus clean joke I saw when I searched for the one above: Don't challenge Death to a pillow fight unless you're prepared to face the reaper cushions.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

I don't think that word means what you think it does. It does not mean "trumpster", they are NOT conservative.

No, today's "conservatives" are not people of law, respect, or respect for the law. That's a lie you tell when the law is on your side and discard the instant it isn't. Conservatives only respect the law when it's on their side, and disrespectfully ignore it whenever it isn't. Let's talk mask mandates just to start. "Conservatives" are all for the right to refuse service over sexuality, political affiliation, and privately race, but when it's the right to refuse service to dangerous morons that refuse to follow public health guidelines suddenly refusing service is violating their rights and warrants violent outbursts, up to and including kidnapping a governor....Those aren't liberal Karen's throwing violent tantrums, they're Trump's "good people" and he loves them....your conservative heroes.

"Conservatives" just attacked the government of the United States with bombs, fire bombs, guns, tasers, hand ties, and a hanging noose set up. To do this, they murdered one officer and injured 60 more. Hardly respecting the law. Pretty much the opposite of patriotic.

In the last 4 years, every single instance of domestic terrorism was perpetrated by "conservatives". Every attempted assassination. Every cowardly mail bomb. Almost every death threat against representatives, including right wing representatives that simply weren't in close enough lock step with Trumpler.

Lol...try feeding your patients, they won't get so thin.

The rest of us, +- 4/5 of the country, have had our patience worn thin by the hypocritical infantilism from the right, led by the biggest spoiled rotten baby to ever hold office (but never win an election). He is the absolute best at getting impeached....congratulations.

"Conservatives" demean, debase, lie, cheat, bully, and even commit treasonous terrorism to get their way, and turn on anything and everyone who doesn't go how they just turned on the USA because it elected the other guy.

Now, after 4 years of legislating unilaterally with absolutely zero interest in bipartisanship, not even including Democrats in discussions over legislation much less letting them have a say in them, they suddenly want nothing less now that they aren't in power. Fuck you bitches, bitch, whine, moan, and cry me a river. Better not fight, though, you don't know how to do it legally, and can't control the majority that want war with America....and you fuctards kill more of yourselves than your enemies when you fight.

I'M CALLING FOR A TOTAL TRAVEL BAN ON "CONSERVATIVES" and a moratorium against hiring them for any government job until we can figure out what the hell is going on.

Bob, don't use words you don't know, like ilk. You invariably use them wrong and just look foolish and uneducated. Just because it's a small word doesn't mean it's for you or your ilk.

Never heard a more spoiled two year old sounding statement in my life. It boils down to 'If we can't get what we want all the time, we're burning down the country....because we love it and are the only real patriots. ' Disgusting self centered stupid bratty babies you are. You're like abusive spouses that, now that the divorce is nearly final, are planning the kidnapping, rape, and murder of your loved one and children because you and no one else loves them, so no one else will have them....and you think you're the sane ones.

If WE keep pushing!? After 4 years of your non stop shoving party you're suddenly against it?! Eat a bag of baby dicks and send me a review.

Bring the fight, pussy, and enjoy gitmo if you survive. You babies aren't the only ones who can shoot, and the rest of us have the law, the international community, patriotism, police, and army on our side. You have the Q Shaman, Putin, some fired bad cops, and actual crackheads (like advisor to trump, Mr my pillow).

bobknight33 said:

Conservatives are people of lawful respect. Which after last 30 years our patients are wearing thin.

Liberals are bitch moan and fight to get their way.
Liberals are the party of ilk.

The fight is coming if your ilk keeps pushing.


newtboy says...

It's not official Goodyear policy, not created by Goodyear, and is actually dead wrong in what it claimed.
That makes it a fake in multiple ways. It's maybe a real picture (maybe not) of a fake policy/slide. A picture of a fake purported to be real is a fake, even though it's a real picture. Duh. If I edit Melania's porn photos to have Don Jr draped over her in the nude and fondling her nude breasts, take a picture of that fake and release it as proof they're having an incestuous affair, is that not fake? It's a real picture. Jesusissodisappointedinyou

First, it gained national attention because Trump claimed they singled out his campaign attire, a total lie, and called for a boycott because he's a petulant infant that can't handle any perceived slight without throwing a tantrum. The claims are absolute pure bullshit. It wasn't until that was absolutely undeniable that you glommed onto the "no blue lives matter" part that's also a lie but less obvious.
Second, it's not corporate policy as it claims, it's one person making up their own policy, a person I'm sure is fired or demoted after the damage their unapproved actions caused.

Bullshit. Managers do not make policy. Stop lying. This is at worst a rogue employee, not a policy, liar. Try making new corporate policy down there at TGIFridays as the manager, see how that works out for you.

Goodyear did address it, instantly releasing a statement denouncing it as never their policy and never approved as soon as they heard. Duh. You right wingers are just incapable of learning anything, aren't you.
If the employee who leaked it had sent it to corporate, they would likely have done the same thing but more internally, which is told their employees this isn't the policy and never was, but without the boycotts and death threats from the insane right that will hurt the business if not destroy it over a lie. Now they have to worry about having a job next year and losing their pensions, and America has to worry about losing another international manufacturer, losing more jobs, and losing more GDP.

When one of Trump's underlings commits a felony for him, do you say he is guilty because his manager did it and should go to prison with them? Like decimating the post office, that's Trump, right? Separating families and caging children, all on Trump's shoulders, no response to Covid for months killing tens of thousands, all Trump, talking to the Russians for help in the election, also Trump. Talking to Ukraine for help with the election, Trump. Asking China for help with the election....that's actually directly Trump.
No, you excuse him as the leader with rogue subordinates that committed crimes....subordinates that deserve pardons for their treasonous felonies.


If Corporate hadn't found out, yes, perhaps it would have been policy for that shift at that section of that factory and until they did find out those few employees might believe that Blue Lives Matter attire wouldn't be allowed.
Blue Lives Matter isn't a racial justice or equality movement, they're an anti racial justice and equity movement, so shouldn't be allowed but are because Goodyear does so much business with police they made an exception to allow it, not an exception to exclude them as you claimed in your parroting of the ignoramus in chief.

Oh, so now you like cancel culture, more so when based on complete and willful misunderstanding the facts? So you're not just a liar, you're a proud hypocrite.
Open season on right wing businesses now I guess, make up any lie about them then boycott or burn them out of business. Sounds like a great way t o make America great, doesn't it?

You think the president calling for a national boycott of an American institution is the best way to handle an internal company policy issue where one employee tried to implement their own policy?!? Of course the same goes for right wing rogues, right?

My Pillow is run by a pedophile crackhead who runs a secret restaurant in the factory that serves baby to Satanists, a crackhead that allows only Maga attire and no social or political statements that don't support Trump in his factories. Go.

Of course, no lies needed for Trump companies. They clearly have the policy being complained about but Biden attire, no BLM, but Maga and blue lives matter is ok. Certainly you're calling for them to be cancelled too, right?


Jesusismypilot said:

More lies, nice try, the image is not a fake, even Snopes confirms it. A manager at GY Topeka created it, managers are representative of leadership and the company (as every leader in a company knows) that the leader was not in compliance with corporate policy doesn't change the responsibility of of GY to address. If this didn't get national attention the unfortunate employees at Topeka GY (and anywhere else this employee presented) would believe their employer has taken a political stand on a hot button and divisive issue. GY is welcome to do this but they are also welcome to lose/gain business as a result.

As far as I'm concerned the process worked as it should and is a wake-up call that cancel-culture cuts both ways.


newtboy says...

Good point....but there's also the fact that it wasn't unevenly applied, he's comparing apples and durian fruit. ^

Also, I guess their position is that this means any company that won't allow Bye Don 2020 hats at work needs to burn, right? My Pillow, I'm looking at you.

messenger said:

Does a private company's enforcing an internal policy unevenly warrant the President trying to shut it down?

Sheets Weren’t Changed at Some Hotels During COVD-19

BSR says...

Hotels should provide a visible washable marker to guests to mark sheets, blankets, pillows, surface areas as they leave.

EDIT: Something like Urine Yellow

Run The Jewels | Close Your Eyes (And Count To F**k)

eric3579 says...

Lyrics in case you want to sing along

Run them jewels fast, run them, run them jewels fast
Run them, run them, r-run them, run them, fuck the slow mo

Fashion slave, you protestin' to get in a fuckin' look book
Everything I scribble's like The Anarchist Cookbook
(Look good, posing in a centerfold of Crook Book)
Black on black on black with a ski mask, that is my crook look
How you like my stylin', bruh? Ain't nobody stylin', bruh
'Bout to turn this mothafucka up like Riker's Island, bruh
Where my thuggers and my cripples and my blooders and my brothers?
When you niggas gon' unite and kill the police, mothafuckas?
Or take over a jail, give those COs hell
The burnin' of the sulfur, God damn I love the smell
Blankets and pillow torchin', where the fuck the warden?
And when you find him, we don't kill him, we just waterboard him
We killin' 'em for freedom cause they tortured us for boredom
And even if some good ones die, fuck it, the Lord'll sort 'em

We out of order, your honor, you're out of order
This whole court is unimportant, you fuckers are walkin' corpses
I'm a flip wig synonym, livin' within distortion
I'll bite into a cyanide molar before you whores win
I'm a New Yorkian, I fuck for the jump
I wear my Yankee so tilted I actually walk with a hunch
Look at Mikey, I think he likey, we are sinister sons
(Aye, we the type to beat the preacher with a grin and a gun)

Run them jewels fast, run them, run them jewels fast
Run them, run them, r-run them, r-run them, run them, r-run them
Run them jewels fast, run them, run them jewels fast
Run them, run them, r-run them, r-run them, run them, r-run them

A wise man once said, ("We all dead, fuck it")
Just spit it disgusting youngin', and hold your nuts while you're gunnin'
I listened, tatted a sentence on my dick last summer
Now I'll never get that phrase off my brain, it's no wonder
I'm here to buy hearts, I got hundreds, honey
The cheaper the parts, the better buy for the money
I'm trained in vagina whisperin', glistenin'
Waitin' for their christenin', I know the neighbors can't help but listen in
A dirty boy who come down on a side of dissonance
I can't even relax without sirens off in the distances
Not shittin' you, little buddy, this fuckin' island's a prison
The only solace I have is the act of conjugal visitin'

My solitary condition's preventin' conjugal visits
Go mane and missin' my misses, they keepin' me from my children
Conditions create a villain, the villain is givin' vision
The vision becomes a vow to seek vengeance on all the vicious
Liars and politicians, profiteers of the prisons
The forehead engravers, enslavers of men and women
Includin' members of clergy that rule on you through religion
(So strippin' kids to the nude and then tell 'em God'll forgive 'em)

Run them jewels fast, run them, run them jewels fast
Run them, run them, r-run them, r-run them, run them, r-run them
Run them jewels fast, run them, run them jewels fast
Run them, run them, r-run them, r-run them, run them, r-run them

It's De La on the cut, liftin' 6 on your stitchy crew
I'm miles ahead of you, you can sip my bitches brew
My battle status is burnin' mansions from Dallas to Malibu
Check my résumé, your residence is residue
Call her a skin job and my honey dip'll backflip for you
You playin', God your eye sockets, she gon' rip in two
We sick of bleedin' out a trace, spray a victim, you
Done dyin', Phillip AK Dickin' you
With clips in the bottom, we dippin' from Gotham
Yes eclipsed by the shadows, a dark dance to the coffin
I'm a fellow with melanin, suspect of a felony
Ripped like Rakim Allah, feds is checkin' my melody
Yes aggressively tested we'll bump stretchers and penalties
Dump cases with face and the cop pleas when we seizing a pump
With reason to dump on you global grand dragons
Still pilin' fast, plus Afghani toe taggin'
Now they trackin' me and we bustin' back, see
The only thing that close quicker than our caskets be the factories

Run them jewels fast, run them, run them jewels fast
Run them, run them, r-run them, r-run them, run them, r-run them
Run them jewels fast, run them, run them jewels fast
Run them, run them, r-run them, r-run them, run them, r-run them

The Monster Under My Bed

newtboy says...

When I got older, I realized all the monsters and demons I feared were lurking under my bed were actually in it, their heads resting on the same pillow as mine.

Verstappen's Kitzbühel F1 Race On Snow Covered Ski Slope

BSR says...

This is the same difference as a broadsword trying to slice through a pillow and a sabre trying to cut through wood.

I'd like to see how Aksel would do on the racetrack.

Bill Maher - Punching Nazis

bcglorf says...

We don't stand for that kind of crap up here in Canada...

Jokes aside, we make exceptions to free speech and hate speech is something you CAN be prosecuted for. A teacher that was trying to teach holocaust denial was convicted for it:

My 2 cents, punching a nazi is more wrong because of the vigilante aspect of it than in an absolute moral sense. IMO the state should have laws about support for or membership with known criminal, terrorist or hate groups. Nazi's and KKK for starters, Westboro baptists and Saudi Wahabiism too depending on where society wants to draw the line. Morally though, I have no problems with declaring that debating merits of fascism and even mistreatment of Nazi germany historically is free speech and protected, but at the same time wearing a swastika on your arm or a pillow case on your head while marching in the streets to support your 'cause' should see you convicted and sentenced.

Just Add Water | A Really Great Big Story


makach says...

Jenny, darling, you're my best friend
But there's a few things that you don't know of
Why I borrow your lipstick so often
I'm using your shirt as a pillow case

I wanna ruin our friendship
We should be lovers instead
I don't know how to say this
'Cause you're really my dearest friend

Jenny, darling, you're my best friend
I've been doing bad things that you don't know about
Stealing your stuff now and then
Nothing you'd miss but it means the world to me

I wanna ruin our friendship
We should be lovers instead
I don't know how to say this
'Cause you're really my dearest friend
I wanna ruin our friendship
I don't know how to say this
'Cause you're really my dearest friend

Jenny take my hand
'Cause we are more than friends
I will follow you until the end
Jenny take my hand
I cannot pretend
Why I never like your new boyfriends

Oh, your love for them won't last long
Forget those amigos
Oh, your love for them won't last long
Forget those amigos
Forget those amigos

I wanna ruin our friendship
We should be lovers instead
I don't know how to say this
'Cause you're really my dearest friend

Oh, your love for them won't last long
We should be lovers instead
Oh, your love for them won't last long
'Cause you're really my dearest friend

We should be lovers instead
'Cause you're really my dearest friend

We Told You So: Russian Hacking | Full Frontal -Samantha Bee

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