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If only I had a gun

zor says...

>> ^ridesallyridenc:
I don't think anyone who carries a gun would argue that more training would be a bad idea.

Tout au contraire, I would prefer concealed carry licensed individuals such as myself keep the training basic, concentrating on safety and the law. Training them to be trigger happy, shoot first ask questions later types, like cops, won't help our cause. In fact it will probably only result in further restrictions on who could be licensed. Both the legislation and the practice of CCW require people to act as ordinary citizens would in that situation because they have the right to protect themselves, too. If they can get the guy to leave without killing him the more power to us. The pharmacist missed, but it is impossible to conclude that the situation ended badly. (besides him getting fired, and I'll put cash down on that prediction)

Robber surprised when pharmacist opens fire in CVS

Re: My siftquisition of peggedbea and subsequent hobbitting (Parody Talk Post)

EDD says...

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Lame Duck Watch 12/2/08

kagenin says...

Recently, here in California, a married lesbian couple was recently turned away from an insemination clinic because the doctors there were against homosexual couples having kids of their own. The doctors referred them to another clinic, and they successfully became pregnant after that.

The couple went on to sue, successfully, that their rights were infringed upon when the doctors refused to help them become pregnant. This is about access to a resource by a minority group.

This is another side to this issue, not just access to abortion, but for the greater civil right of homosexual couples to pursue adoption and artificial insemination.

Or the teenage girl from the Midwest who's pharmacist refused to fill her birth control Rx. The nutjob would rather impose his belief that girls her age should remain celibate than do his job. That was a few years back, and I'm pretty sure he got raked over the coals for it.

What ever happened to the Hippocratic oath? "First, Do No Harm." Seems easy enough? When did it become "First, impose your beliefs, then help when they subscribe to your belief system."

JAPR (Member Profile)

dmaze (Member Profile)

Ex-Pharmaceutical Rep. Speaks Out

snoozedoctor says...

Thanks for this post. Mental Illness is still not well understood in this country.
Sorry if I sound like Sanjay Gupta, but I feel compelled to comment on these medically related posts.

Contrary to the implication of the video, Major Depressive Illness is quite common. The life-time risk of having an episode is about 10% for men and 15-20% for women. My internal medicine buddies tell me they think about 1/3 of the patients they see every day in their office are having symptoms related to depression. Pain is very common, and it's not imagined, it's real. (We don't fully understand why depression intensifies pain) About 80% of patients with depression experience significant anxiety as well.

Antidepressant medications are marginally effective. SSRIs provoked mania in this lady, just like they did in me. My family tree is full of depression, and when mine hit at age 40 I went on SSRIs. MAJOR anxiety, racing thoughts, and insomnia ensued.
We were more likely to have this reaction because we weren't suffering from typical unipolar depression, we had bipolar illness. Many people with bipolar illness don't have much in the way of manic spells. Many times the illness is primarily depressive. So many times the diagnosis is not made because the illness is atypical. I consider this a real risk of SSRIs.

Interestingly, the only pharmacist I personally know who developed major depression declined antidepressants based on what she knew about their side-effects and efficacy.

So what does work? If it's a mild case, I would be hesitant about antidepressants, just eat right, get sleep, exercise out in the sun, and quit obsessing about conflict.
If it's a bad major depression, you need help and you need to see a professional. The normal course of a major depression is 6 to 9 months. That's a long time to be in the crapper, believe you me. Don't let people scare you away from getting treatment. There are options other than meds.

Ron Paul meets a Medical Marijuana patient

smibbo says...

standards and morals are both subjective things. You have no right to impose them on society at large without a compelling reason for societal improvement vs detriment. Believe it or not, laws that stand the test of time are based on societal improvement, not personal standards or morals. My morals are not much different than everyone elses but the differences (in detail and degree) can be crucial enough that to impose my morals upon someone else - to the extent of punishing them would be immoral and not conducive to the furtherance of society. Laws exist to protect society, not individuals. Murder is detrimental to society. Injured/abused/neglected/uneducated children are detrimental to society. starving people are a detriment to society. etc. Any socially responsible reason you can come up with to punish drug users can be covered by other laws or methods. Afraid drug users will screw up their jobs? Thats why employers are allowed the freedom to have drug testing and screening. Think drug use is causally connected to criminal activity? We have laws against criminal activity already. All the "war on drugs" has done has been to criminalize a sector of people who are NOT criminals otherwise, do not hurt anyone else and some of whom have had their lives improved by drugs. Frankly I hate how this "war" has made doctors and pharmacists feel paranoid - get a prescription for painkillers after surgery, watch that scrip run dry in a couple of days while you are left in agonizing pain, try to talk your doctor into giving you a refill and see what I'm talking about. I had surgery 6 times over the course of a year and let me tell you, this "war" has had a direct effect upon MY comfort because of the pressure on doctors to avoid prosecution. Not to mention how much MONEY its costing us all as taxpayers. I'm constantly astounded that conservatives bleat about "personal responsibility" and getting government out of the "nanny state" until, you know, it comes to Teh Evil Drugs!! Then it's "nanny us please!"
Conservatives don't want the government taking our money in order to feed poor people, but its okay to take our money to keep a pot-smoker in prison. Where is the conservative logic in that?

how cocaine is made

bamdrew says...

(cocaine is still uncommonly used for nasal surgeries in some states in the USA, and commonly in many other countries; I only know this because I have a friend who's dad is a pharmacist.)

As to Wumpus' comment questioning the sanity of abusers, cocaine is a powerful stimulant that can also induce a phychotropic euphoria.

Now, why would anybody enjoy feeling euphoric AND full of energy?

(yes, this is simplifying the point a bit much, but as a serious aside I have friends who use caffeine and nicotine daily, and an over-achieving friend who drinks ethanol heavily and has admited to trying cocaine whilst intoxicated. these people are all professionals or graduate pre-professionals.)

... so, the only thing I can fault this video for as a PSA is that it is preaching to the choir. coke-heads don't care whats in coke as long as it gets them high. I mean, people lick excretions off the back of toads to get high...

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